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Thread: Bank suggestion

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Bank suggestion

    I don't know if this has been brought up before, but heres my suggestion.

    Banks should be account banks, instead of individual charactor banks. So say you are using a fixer and find a really nice nano for your nanotech, most people would have a friend hold on to it while they switch charactors and then give it back (I believe). What I'm saying is that you should just be able to drop it in the bank and then log as another of your charactors and pick it up. This would help those of us who do not have a large pool of friends online to act as temp banks.

    As for nodrops, i guess when you put it in the bank you could flag it as belonging to a certain charactor, and only allow the owner to take it out.

    (Pardon my ignorance if something like this exists in the game, I have not played as much as most people yet, still a noob)

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4
    me too...but that would seriously have bugs/exploits... as of now banks are kinda bugged with a single character..imagine what would happen if it was an account bank

  5. #5
    don't foget something. If we have only 1 bank (account bank) for all chars we play then we have some space problems. I mean atm some ppl have 4-5 alts and all alts have a lot of stuff in bank. Lets say they only have 1 bank for all the alts and the main char the bank will be totaly filled up by stuff!

    I dislike the idea. A better way to exchange items between your alts would be a exchange terminal. You put your item in it, relog with your alt and take the item from the terminal. It could work like a bank or a reclaim booth. The different would be that it is account-wide not char-wide. But we still had our "personal" bank.
    You do it cause you have to do it - but you don't do it cause you want to do it.

  6. #6

    Talking Hmmm

    I like the idea. But I also think AO needs an Org bank - and honestly.. I dont see it being hard to implement. It would function like the fixer grid does.

    Right now to use the fixer grid you cast the nano. A beacon appears in your inventory, you pick the beacon up and right-click a grid term with it. Same with an org bank... when you join an org you would get an org key... to use the org bank you pick up with key and right-click on any normal bank.

    Doesnt seem that difficult to me. Yes, any guild member could take everything in the bank and sell it - so dont put anything in there you dont mind losing. And uuhhh.. if you have guildmembers that would do this, maybe you should rethink who you invite into your guild.


  7. #7
    This would help those of us who do not have a large pool of friends online to act as temp banks.
    I certainly don't have a large pool of online friends. So I thought I had this problem. Then I found out a lot of people will help if you ask them to help with a transfer. The first time I tried, I got a newbie NT who I was able to gift with a complete set of lvl 10 implants I want to get rid of. It all depends on who's behind the keyboard. Some people are naturally obnoxious (looking in mirror) but even I help someone if I can and am not busy.

    me too...but that would seriously have bugs/exploits... as of now banks are kinda bugged with a single character..imagine what would happen if it was an account bank
    Yes, please make the banks easier to use! A bigger window, open packs without removing them, move items without putting them in inventory first.

    All that said, some kind of freight/mail system for sending people money and objects would be appreciated.

    Org vaults - a bank open to all guild members of a certain rank, maybe readonly at lower ranks, with a BIG window. So orgs don't have to have a mule acting as storage.

    Terminals that do consignment sales. You put an item in, when it sells you get the sale price less 10% commision.

    Would sure make all those tradeskill drops good for something. As is, any tradeskill item sold to a store is gone forever. How many lowlevels engage in tradeskills? Even if you had the IP in the skill, the cost of buying the right QL parts from merchants is prohibitive, even if you can find them.

    For all merchants, put in a menu! Select QL range, type of product. Don't wade through QL40 swords in the weapon shop when you want to buy a QL15 pistol.

    It's all in the any good salesman would tell you.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Whitesand
    don't foget something. If we have only 1 bank (account bank) for all chars we play then we have some space problems. I mean atm some ppl have 4-5 alts and all alts have a lot of stuff in bank. Lets say they only have 1 bank for all the alts and the main char the bank will be totaly filled up by stuff!
    That max size of the bank storage coule be increased 8 fold, so you wouldn't lose any space. 8 being the max number of charactors allowed on one account.

    And as others said, the bank window is a tad small. Why not make it resizeable? (or is it? never tried to make it bigger)

    Another idea expanding on the org bank idea. Is to allow an owner to make a key for his bank account and give it to someone they want to have access to their stuff. A close friend or guild buddy etc. This could actually work to allow multiple accounts to access each others banks, so say I have somebody I trust hold on to a key while I log, then he gives the key to my other char, and now my char can access my mains bank account. I prefer the account bank over this idea however, as I could see ppl losing keys, or accidently giving one to an evil person heh.

  9. #9
    Like AC houses. No more asking around to transfer credit and stuff from chars.
    Aguitha, Engineer
    Cratisha, Bureaucrat

  10. #10
    I'll bump this idea.
    "This town needs an enema!" The Joker, Jack Nicholson.

    " I think I'll perplex him with my slowball" Bugs Bunny

  11. #11
    Sometimes the easiest solution is the most brilliant.

    bump ;p

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