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Thread: Weapon - Melee

  1. #1

    Weapon - Melee

    Okay then..
    I finally got my QL200 Hammer of Dooooom on, and Im very happy with it.

    I changed from Rider Executioners because they did_suck_so_bad_dont_tell_me_they_dont...ok?

    2 levels it took me 2 Equip it, Implants wranglers, wroooo wrooooo.

    I am very happy at my dmg.....ok.
    PVM - 2.1k max
    Average 900-1500
    The once off "13 or 300"

    I have brawl for which is totally Random, be it 900 or 100 it never has a...normall dmg.

    Dimach, at the moment 523 ill get back to that later.

    Now I cannot, do not, have not, Seen..another Melee weapon that can do "more"
    I had a Beam but It is faster but "weaker"
    And Im solitus so eheh.

    To the point.
    I have been talking with as many people as I possibly could about what ql 200 weapons they use.

    Comparing is what I did.

    Premium Slegdehammer of Doom

    QL/NCU Cost 200
    Range 3m
    Attack Delay 2.01s
    Equip Delay 0.5s
    Ammo/Energy -1
    Recharge Delay 7s
    Damage 1-906(100)

    Then I see solider with guns that have a lower attack rating doing more dmg than me with a 2-.25 second interval.

    Unlike my...weaker 7 second.

    My damage will only get better by rasing STR and 2hb
    So will those people.

    I cannot get a better weapon.
    I see aganet doing 1.2k AS and PROJECTILE dmg on me.
    thats 3k...1 more hit and im dead.

    Either we get some special Gold Sledgehammer of Justice lol

    Im not complaining its just, im asking if there any other option I have.
    In PVP its so random dmg...And other classes attacking me do even dmg.

    Best I got was 2 x900 hits on another enf.
    It seems to like certain classes more :P

    Not but really what other option do I have?

    Its like...
    No it really gets me...
    There a "best" weapon for each class right? Or am I wrong.
    Maybe they should implement getting better at using A wepon you use by , how long you use it, like in UO.
    I dunno, help me

  2. #2
    305 posts?! what...I aint posted that much have I? :P

  3. #3
    you think you have it bad, think of the poor people who've tried to base characters off of anything other than the cookie cutter weapons everyone is using.

    Amusing concepts, but until funcom permenantly breaks the overequipping option and sets everything back to sane levels these weapons will be little more than scenery in the mission window or shop window if you are still looking to vendors for item solutions.

  4. #4
    Rypht over-equipping is the only thing that makes non-cookie cutter weapons halfway viable. With an over-equipping nerf you will see less weapon variety. There will be a hard cap, you can only equip a weapon requiring this much skill. Weapon A is effective at a certain skill whereas weapon B ins't, so everyone will use weapon A, whereas before they could over-equip weapon B and still do ok.

    If you want weapon variety AC needs to absorb a percentage instead of a fixed amount.

    Cloudeh even though a hammer is ql 200, it requires less skill than other ql 200 weapons, and doesn't perform as good. Even though its marked 200 its more like a ql 170 weapon. Thats probly why all the really high lvl 2hb enfs I see use beams, which crit for more damage than the hammers max anyway.

  5. #5
    Right. At same Q level Beams require more skills to use and you have a better damage output over time.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  6. #6
    No no, I agree with you there. I'm just saying that due to the knee jerk reaction to over equipping (i.e. adding massive AC and HP to npcs) and using a set absorb rate rather than percentage, funcom has dictated that these narrow weapon paths will be followed to a T. I'm sure at one time most of the weapons were properly balanced with the scope of the critters out there and it really is a shame that such plentiful variety is stifled by the flawed systems inplace.

  7. #7
    AC should somehow be checked against your attack rating and that way determine the % of damage reduction.
    -War is not about who is right, it is about who is left.

    - L92 MP
    - L7 Enf

  8. #8

    Cookie Cutter

    Overequipping changes, should they go in, are not going to even touch the cookie cutter phenomonon with enforcers.

    2hb buffs like crazy, Brutal thug +88 or so? Are you kidding? Most enforcers that don't go totally nuts/wrangler/etc/etc are going to be within the 20% rule and still love their hammers.

    I self equip my hammer at L57, and tanked a L85 mission last night (with a doc along, but still).

    Yeah, if I got wrangler and some decent implants and put on a QL150 or whatever I could probably wear I'd probably do a lot more damage, but what I have right now ("Did you just hit that mob for 1300?") is good enough.
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  9. #9
    The overequipping fix wont help to improve variety at all. Cept that a few now popular wepons at low levels will become totally useless and some other weapons will take their place.

    The sledgehammer is not the best level 200 Melee weapon. It IS the easiest overequippable one. A friend of mine equipped a level 200 Hammer at the mighty level of 60 today. Just got to be clever with what order you chain buffs and implants to get them on

    The big issue with melee weapons is that they generally are much worse at dealing dmg than ranged weapons (except pistols that always suck).

    Should the requirement of beeing within 2-5m from your target be punished by dealing less dmg?

  10. #10
    Uh no.
    I at the moment I crit for about 2.8k on mobs.
    Mr beam just does over 1.2k

    Thats two people, one hammer one beam.


    This over equpping issue is so ****ed up.

    At the moment my dmg is not good becuase my 2hb I under what the weapon needs so its weak.

    When i have the amount I need and over I will see a change ovf dmg.

    Having this new "nerf" will simple make it even weaker.
    There is already an over equpping fix in the game...just none of you seem to take the time to realise.

    Say I have 500 2hb, and i do 1k dmg.
    6002hb it will be more.

    Weapon needs 600 to be effective.
    I have 500.
    Whats that mean??
    Im not strong enough...not the best dmg I can produce..


  11. #11
    Originally posted by Rypht
    No no, I agree with you there. I'm just saying that due to the knee jerk reaction to over equipping (i.e. adding massive AC and HP to npcs) and using a set absorb rate rather than percentage, funcom has dictated that these narrow weapon paths will be followed to a T. I'm sure at one time most of the weapons were properly balanced with the scope of the critters out there and it really is a shame that such plentiful variety is stifled by the flawed systems inplace.

    Gaute wrote in his article ( that we would "Reduce the fighting capabilities of monsters somewhat at mid- high levels". This will most likely include a reduction in MOB Armour Class, which should make faster light damage weapons more viable. The old quote " bigger is better" (resulting in narrow weapon paths) shouldn't necessarily be true.

    On top of this, new weapons are always being added which will increase the variety of weapon choices each profession will have - also reducing the cookie cutter image.

    On a side note, I'm currently seeing people try new weapons all the time now which don't follow the cookie cutter theme. Recently I've seen quite a few hammer-weilding Doctors, bow-using Bureaucrats and 2hd edged-toting Adventurers.
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    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  12. #12
    Dude, what are you talking about, our hammers rock in both pvp and pvm.


    Enforcers are fine as they are. Yes, you will not find another 2hb only weapon (not atrox) but the hammer works damn good. You want all the hp and super duper damage and agro abilities? We are the meat sheild, we do a *LOT* of damage. Other classses cant take the hits like we can and do *more* damage.

    I have 5600 hp with mongo up at level 118, that makes up for the damage you are talking about. And honestly look at the numbers on the hammer and then look at the damage you do. Now you tell me how they relate! You cant look at the stats on a weapon and just "know" what is better. Hammers tend to crit more often than any other weapon I have seen/used. That in itself seems to make up for your descrepancy.

    If you look at the average damage over time of melee weapons the hammer does not even come close to being #1, but guess what... it is up there obviously or there would not be SO MANY hammer enforcers out there. (an MA's and Docs and meta's... etc)

    Your just whining too much lately about your class. Enforcer DONT SUCK. Maybe you should reroll the class you think is uber and find out for yourself.

    Enforcers are a good class and I think very well off.

    If FUncom is going to define where meta's are right now as balanced then all the classes need beefing I will give you that. But then again, who else can really solo a 180ish mission besides a 180ish meta/ engineer?



    It is starting to get old with your super 5 spam posts in a row about how you got owned by so and so or someone else can actually do more damage than you. HUSH.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  13. #13
    *grins slightly* Well cosmik, as I'm sure you are aware trying and being successful are two vastly different things. The reason for the cookie cutter mold is because sooner or later, people figure out what works best and they will migrate to that. Its not that the other weapons don't work, its that they don't work well. The really stubborn will stick with their experimental weapon combinations, but typically won't be nearly as effective as someone who picks up one of the well known effective weapons.

    But I'm glad to see that more weapons are on the way, and as you mentioned 2he, I know of at least one martial artist who would be very much so looking forward to a 2he MA weapon should one manage to pop up. *nudge* *nudge* *slips cosmik a leet doll stuffed with credits and after seeing cosmik at the last party, lots of ladies swim wear*

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Rypht
    *grins slightly* Well cosmik, as I'm sure you are aware trying and being successful are two vastly different things. The reason for the cookie cutter mold is because sooner or later, people figure out what works best and they will migrate to that. Its not that the other weapons don't work, its that they don't work well. The really stubborn will stick with their experimental weapon combinations, but typically won't be nearly as effective as someone who picks up one of the well known effective weapons.

    But I'm glad to see that more weapons are on the way, and as you mentioned 2he, I know of at least one martial artist who would be very much so looking forward to a 2he MA weapon should one manage to pop up. *nudge* *nudge* *slips cosmik a leet doll stuffed with credits and after seeing cosmik at the last party, lots of ladies swim wear*
    I know another 2he MA that is quite upset with the "weapons and fists are bugs" comment. he has over 500 2he and needs a weapon to wield.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


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