It is always important to remember to keep your account information safe. This is especially important at the moment given several high profile sites, networks and MMO related companies having had their databases compromised over the last few weeks and months. This means it is very important to change any passwords that may have been the same as, or similar to, those you used in any of these compromised databases.

The information that is out there can be used by third parties to try to access accounts on other services. This is where would-be hackers will try your details (that they acquired from one of these compromised sources) on all kinds of similar services, and also try variations on your account name with common password possibilities. While we have many methods of detecting, mitigating, and preventing such attacks, it is also advisable to ensure that your account name and password are unique and as random as possible.

Likewise please avoid simple passwords where possible. You would be surprised how many people don't take simple precautions against things like that. Needless to say, having your password set to something like 'password' or 'password2011' is usually a bad idea as well.

Given these recent events we would like to offer all users that may have been affected the following advice:

  • Please change your passwords
  • You should change your password to something unique. Dictionary words, leet speak, product names are not good passwords, they are commonly used.
  • Your new password should be at least 8 letters long, ideally with 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number. Longer passwords are more secure.
  • Its very important that you maintain a different unique password for your email address. If a hacker gets access to your email or webmail account used with the game, they can potentially reset your password.
  • While not a direct concern to your game account, we also strongly recommend users that they have a different unique password for any financial accounts they operate online (like internet banking and paypal accounts.)
  • Likewise you should not use your game/email/bank passwords for any other sites/services. Using the same password in multiple places significantly reduces its effectiveness.

Finally we want to reassure all our users that we take the best possible care of their data. Our entire user data environment meets the highest standards required by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) and any stored payment information is encrypted and stored in a separate, high security environment.