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Thread: Land-Controll calls for 0% gas in all of Rubi-Ka'n wild?

  1. #1

    Land-Controll calls for 0% gas in all of Rubi-Ka'n wild?

    Ooook. Land controll. Let's build towers and start mining! .. but,
    duh, fight over the land? Destr000j eachothers towers? .. Does
    that mean most of Rubi-Ka's wild-areas (non-city) will be made
    25% or even 0% ?!

    *imagines fighting a tower in 75% zone while the builders of it
    stand aside and watch*

  2. #2
    thats cool))

    u whinny about not yet existing items..


    darn xploiter hehe

  3. #3
    My understanding is that it will have to be 0 percent. I don't think there's been any indication that one side cannot attack same side towers. However, FC has also said that towers won't be vulnerable for 24 hours a day, and that the radius will be small enough not to interfere with people who want to avoid them, so it won't be 'all of Rubi-Ka's wild', either.

  4. #4
    havent they already said the towers will change the suppression gas around them?
    President of Midnight Reveries

  5. #5
    Yes, they have. They haven't said it's a permanent change (meaning, since they have also said they aren't open to attack 24 hours a day, the gas change can't be 24 hours a day, either), nor have they said the level, but again, it would sort of have to be 0.

  6. #6
    Ah, that makes sense then.

    *imagines camping a tower until the gas around it drops to 0%*


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