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Thread: anarchy online story analogy

  1. #1

    anarchy online story analogy

    don't know if this has been posted before but here I go.

    The galactic economy is defined by notum, and whoever controls the notum has acquired a solid foundation for ultimate power.

    this is from the booster pack webpage

    now take the classic Dune

    He who controls the ****e, controls the unvierse.

    replace arrakis with rubi-ka, ****e with notum, harkonnen with omni and atreides with clan.

    I don't mind it much, but it feels like I'm playing dune online
    220 Adventurer
    214 Bureaucrat

    Synergy Factor

  2. #2
    How about:

    Omni-Tek=The West
    The Clans=Third World Countries

  3. #3
    Bomb the clanners!


  4. #4
    carpet bomb cambodia and import sandworms from arrakis, those dune wars were like 20k years ago right ?

    (yeah i know the worms would die the first day it rains in newland desert, but oh well )

    "the notum must flow! long live the miners !"

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Bionitrous
    How about:

    Omni-Tek=The West
    The Clans=Third World Countries
    True- I think I read once that Herbert drew inspiration from Lawrence of Arabia while he was writing Dune. It's got a similar dynamic.
    k- This message has been reviewed by intrusive goons searching for "evil-doers".

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