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Thread: The Last Wish

  1. #1

    The Last Wish

    After a long day fighting alliens, Elloyd was returning home, in Old Athen, for a nice and long rest.

    "Okay, let's see if anything new has come up since my last visit, some days ago", she whispers while she's checking her mails.

    After a while of beeping sounds, she stops. Her breath is cut and her eyes are widen open as she reads the strange mail, by an unknown sender.

    "Dear diary,

    The year is still 29481, if i can recall correctly.
    The exact date? Hm, unknown, no surprise there.
    They have kept me in here more than I can remember. But it is all about to end. I feel that after tomorrow, my self, as it existed, will be no more, so these are practically my last words. I don't know if I will survive this and if I do, I doubt i will remember anything. They call it "Nemesis" and I surely hope that name will be part of a tragic irony for them. One thing is for sure; if the plan works, I will definetelly have my revenge.

    You are the only reason I am still keeping my sanity. My memories are gone, except for those I managed to fit in this bunch of ragged pages before they fleet into oblivion. Tonight, I have to give you up knowing that I lose the last piece of my soul. If I survive, my only and last wish, is that one day, you would find your way back to me. Because without you, I'm pretty sure I will be lost in ignorance and, probably, in insanity.

    And trust me, we'll have a lot of catching up to do...."

    Elloyd is frowning for a bit, before she remembers.
    A drop of cold sweat and a tear are reaching her cheeks as she whispers,
    "It can't be....That means.....Oh, no"
    Sometimes i want to scream
    To end all that with a fatality
    But my courage is just a dream
    Lost in my duality...

    Kylein Martial Artist
    Elloyd Martial artist
    Dionisus NT

  2. #2
    Two hours earlier...

    Atheran slowly returns to his quarters in War Academy after a tiring mission in Perpetual Wastelands with the look of someone who made a great discovery holding a small book.

    "Only a fool could call this bunch of pages a book" he thinks "Nevertheless I'm curious to find out what it is."

    Thirty five minutes later near the War Academy

    He opens the last page and while reaching the end he looks around nervously he closes the book hiding it carefully inside his cloak and enters his room...

    One hour later he opens his commlink mail interface

    Welcome Mr Atheran (a robotised voice speaking)
    How may I assist you today?

    Me wants to send mail to young lady Elloyd (Atheran replies wishpering)
    Atheran types a few lines and hits the "Send" button

    Mail delivered successfully Mr Atheran (the robotised voice replies)

    "This will be fun" Atheran thinks and a wide smile starts forming in his old filled with scars of war face
    "This will really be fun"
    Last edited by Noir-Blanc; Oct 5th, 2010 at 17:44:48.

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