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Thread: The problem with engineers.

  1. #1

    Thumbs down The problem with engineers.

    Well this is the same post Imade in the engineer section but since no one reads that.....

    What Do the Engineers need to be balanced with everyone else:

    1. Damage type buffs for bots (chem/fire/cold like MA fist of... but just changing bot damage type temporarily)
    2. Tradeskill buffs in between other psy/sense mod nanos
    3. Rapid weapon etc adding to melee/MA init also.
    4. Recall nano for bad bot pathing.
    5. Engineer only or Int/agi armor (two most used eng stats, nice with the bronto but engies don't use much nano)
    6. Tradeskills that work.
    7. "The scrapyard" A player tradeskill selling option available from apartment/public terminals.
    -Person sets price and item is left in pool of for sale parts for x amount of time
    -Searchable by QL and listed by price.
    -Part purchased automatically transfered to bank/inv
    -Will make all those mission tradeskill parts worth something and save engineers and traders the hassle of running across rubi-ka for a single part in x quality level.
    -Will make ALL classes happy.
    -Will never be implemented because it makes too much sense.
    8. Team Beacon warp, an actual handy nano, available as loot more often than finding an honest man.

    Sadly the 3 greatest creations for engineers in my game history (a very long time) were:
    1. Full sized bots.
    2. Agg trimmers.
    3. Beacon warp

    Everything else is pretty much retarded. The syp nanos disrupt player casting thus making them useless.
    Bill "Rudeboyz" Clinton Nobel Prize Winning Engineer, Crusader for Duct Tape and Reclaim Inspector General of Rubi-Ka Gear

    Freshman Bob "Spookyrudy" Dole Buff Dispenser, Sexy Atrox, Master of The Atrox Monkey Love Arts

  2. #2

    Beacon Warp (bot)

    <<4. Recall nano for bad bot pathing. >>

    As the beacon warp code is already in the game, how difficult can it be to create a low-level, moderately fast-cast (NOT one minute) beacon warp for your pet? Blamo! pathing moderately fixed, at least to the point where I don't have to recast the blasted pet 3-4 times inside a mission ... 'course, that doesn't do anything to fix the other professions' pet pathing problems unless it is usable by them, so maybe not engineer-only.

    Cast time and nano expenditure provide incentive to not lose your pet, pet wielding professions get outta those situations where the pet insists on staying behind the couch while a couple mobs beat its master to a pulp, and funcom doesn't have to twiddle too many bits to fix it.

    -gridloq, 55 clan fixer
    -DuctTapeDan, 27 clan engineer

  3. #3
    I was thinking moe of an instacast gen nano. It's a scripting proble not a char problem so any restrictions would be silly
    Bill "Rudeboyz" Clinton Nobel Prize Winning Engineer, Crusader for Duct Tape and Reclaim Inspector General of Rubi-Ka Gear

    Freshman Bob "Spookyrudy" Dole Buff Dispenser, Sexy Atrox, Master of The Atrox Monkey Love Arts

  4. #4
    Biggest problem is Engies have no role in teams:

    1) Damage output from Engies too low to be a "damage dealer".

    2) No useful buffs, no heals, no mez = not a support class either.

    If you add no value to a team, this is a frustrating game. Your fun is tied to a busted bot

    Some free advice
    Don't beg. It makes you look like a beggar.

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