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Thread: Pre-Written Player Org Run Events (Spoiler Alert!)

  1. #1

    Pre-Written Player Org Run Events (Spoiler Alert!)

    Ok, this is a warning, if you don't intent to run these events, you may not want to read this thread as you may end up in one of them thus... may kill the magic. Keep in mind these events were originally written for a military themed RP organization in Atlantean. Most can be modified to fit the theme of your organization.



    Event Name: Art Deal
    Event Type: Solo Assignment
    Target Area: Newland
    Level Range: Any

    Background Story

    We have purchased two items from an art dealer, one is in an art container sealed which is for the Commander. The other is an anniversary painting for our social club inside our headquarters.

    The Mission

    The mission is simple. You are to meet the dealer outside the "Neuters' R Us" establishment and make sure both items are given to you in perfect condition. He's a reputable man and is very unlikely to cheat us. He's been paid in advance so all you have to do is bring the items back to our headquarters. This is a low priority level mission, it should be a walk in the park. Good luck Private.

    The Situation

    The art dealer will be on time, but he will ask for a message to be delivered to the Commander. It's a container with "Urgent Sensitive Information". This will be an unexpected turn of events that will lead to a follow-up event ("Support & Backup").

    Once he hands over the items, he will nod and walk away.

    Event Name: The Cleaner
    Event Type: Solo Assignment
    Target Area: Borealis
    Level Range: Any

    Background Story

    Last night there was a break-in in West Athens, usually the local guards would be looking into it. However this is a special case. The place was a weapons storage room for the Vanguards, and the owner Mr. XXXXXX doesn't want to lose an important client.

    The place was heavily damaged by an explosive after it was emptied and the surveillance cameras which are hidden from view were hacked, they were displaying a loop of a recording of the streets from earlier in the day.

    There is no physical evidence left behind for any kind of trace, it was the work of experienced criminals. However there is a clue. The explosion was heard by locals, and two witnesses saw a known criminal using the grid access terminal a few seconds later.

    His name is XXXXXX, he is professional "cleaner", just like at any party someone needs to stay behind to clean up the mess. This lowlife often hangs out in Borealis.

    The Mission

    Your task is to find the "cleaner" and persuade him to reveal who took the weapons. He is unlikely to know where the stuff is, he was probably hired just to cover their tracks.

    We recommend that you speak to him away from public view, for your own safety.

    Once you have the intel, be sure to "assure" him that we won't interfere with his personal business nor reveal that he gave us the info as long as he does not alert his former employer(s). Tell him if he warns them, we'll be all over him like cheese on a bronto burger and we'll spread the word that he is a snitch and that probably would shorten his lifespan considerably.

    The Situation

    The "cleaner" can be found having a drink at a table inside the basic shop in Borealis. First he will say that he's being confused with someone else. When that fails he will deny doing that particular job and will claim not to be looking for trouble and to be allowed to leave.

    If pressed enough he will admit what he did, and that the organization behind the break-in is a known clan gang that operates from the clan capital of Tir. After he reveals that the "Str8 Ballerz Gang" hired him, he will then state "ok you got what you wanted, now I'm leaving" hoping to get away and warn the gang.

    Here is where things could become flexible. If the dragon just let's him go, the gang will know MD is tracking them and they may retaliate. If instead the dragon makes the deal of "I won't tell you said anything and we leave you alone" with the "cleaner" then the gang won't be aware of anything.


    A) The "cleaner" warns the gang, so providing the intel to the owner of the storage room will be useless because they will get to the owner first and terrorize him into keeping his mouth shut.

    B) The gang doesn't get a warning. The intel given to the owner is then passed to the Vanguards, who will take care of the gang making sure they get the point that any further activities either in Old Athen or West Athen will not be tolerated.

    Event Name: Scam Refund
    Event Type: Solo Assignment
    Target Area: Tir
    Level Range: Any

    Background Story

    This is a bit of an embarrassment for our clan. One of our members was scammed into donating 50 million credits to a "Foundation for Elder Clan Veterans" which doesn't exist. We looked into it and several other people have also been scammed, but were unaware of being deceived until our investigation.

    Usually we leave this sort of petty crime to the local authorities, however there are two reasons why we prefer to handle this ourselves. The first reason is that one of our people is out of millions of credits he earned honestly, and another is the fact that the scam took place in Tir. If there is one thing the Sentinels have lacked to deal with in the capital, is criminal elements.

    Our intel so far tells us that he is likely to be hanging out at "The Happy Rebel", which is close to the town's grid access.

    The Mission

    Your task is to find the con artist, bring him to our city (through ICC) by any means necessary and force him to refund the 50 million to one of our officers.

    Once that is done, he is to be threatened with deadly force and be told that if he doesn't refund all the money he scammed we will find him again and next time he will experience a slow and painful death, and that we will continue to do it over and over after he reclaims.

    He will experience pain as never before in his entire miserable life. That probably would encourage him to reimburse all his victims.

    The Situation

    The con artist will try to weasel his way out of the establishment to use the grid to escape. If he is stopped or threatened enough, he will comply and go along to our city.

    After repaying the 50 million he will try to walk away, if he is threatened regarding his other victims he will get very scared and promise to give everything back.

    He'll mumble and mention the "Str8 Ballerz" upset that "I shouldn't have listened to them". If asked he will admit that he was recently released from prison and was going to go straight but that his friends in the "Str8 Ballerz Gang" would get him in the organization if he was able to pull a profitable con job.

    He won't say anything else and leave (this leads to a second part of the investigation ("The Str8 Ballerz").

    Event Name: The Str8 Ballerz
    Event Type: Solo Assignment
    Target Area: West of Tir
    Level Range: Any

    Background Story

    This is a follow-up assignment from the "Scam Refund" investigation.

    We have stopped a con artist and managed to force him to refund all the credits he scammed from clanners he deceived. The criminal mentioned that he had been encouraged to do it by friends who are members of a gang called "Str8 Ballerz" to get him accepted as a member.

    While searching for any information about this group, we found a news article written by General Noticiero during his early years as a reporter. It was published 6 years ago, he barely recalls it so you may want to read the article yourself here.

    Last night we got an anonymous call from someone claiming to be a member of the criminal organization, he wants to make a deal with us for information in exchange of protection.

    The Mission

    The man has asked to meet us in a hideout, a cave his gang no longer uses, it's right outside Tir's west gate, at coordinates 2061 x 1123. He said it has been a while since it was used, so there may be some wildlife in there. You must eliminate any if found, and scan for any possible listening devices, traps and signs of recent activity just in case you're being set up.

    You are authorized to make a deal with him if you feel he is worth it. We can provide a new name, relocation to a safe place in Old Athen and 10 million credits for him to start his new life. If he asks for anything unreasonable, end the negotiation.

    The Situation

    The criminal will show up, trying to negotiate not only for protection but a large amount of credits to continue living the lifestyle he's used to. He will ask for 500 million credits in exchange for everything he knows about the gang. He will insist he can provide names of all members, location of all hideouts, which Sentinels are being paid off by the gang to look the other way and a complete list of every business in Tir under the thumb of the Str8 Ballerz. He will go down to 400 million and no lower.

    This of course will lead to the end of the negotiation. Days later, we'll get word that he mysteriously disappeared from town.
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    Founding member of the Council of Truth Clerical Staff.
    Keep in mind: My posts are my own personal views and thoughts.

  2. #2

    Event Name: Borealis Underground
    Event Type: Solo Assignment
    Target Area: Borealis
    Level Range: 50-150

    Background Story

    It's been over three years since Omni-Tek took over Borealis under the false pretense to "increase security". May 30 of 29480 was a dark day for the neutrals, and us the clans. We lost a good and safe place to run operations. The neutrals always looked the other way because the clans brought a lot of business to their town and they never got involved to assist us, thus remaining neutral in the war.

    We tried to help them get the town back; unfortunately the Council of Truth decided not to interfere or it would appear as if we wanted to take the town for our side. That would have cause a public relations nightmare and we probably would have lost support on a galactic level.

    Not all the news media is against us, a lot of independent corporations sympathize with our cause. However every time there is some crazy Sentinel with a bomb walking into a civilian facility it just makes it harder to label us as the "freedom fighters" and we look more like the "terrorists" that Omni-Tek clams us all to be.

    The situation in Borealis over the years has stabilized on the surface. Few even bother to protest because it's obvious the corporation and their watchdog "Administrator Jessica Lonare" are not letting go of the town.

    While she apparently has kept things on the streets peaceful even allowing clanners to enter the town things underneath aren't so neat.

    ICC Peacekeepers used to guard Borealis along with neutral civilians. It's one of these former neutral guards who wants to meet regarding something that is happening in Borealis. We have no idea what he wants to tell us, or why.

    The Mission

    The mission is simple. Go into Borealis, appear to be unarmed but be sure to keep your weapon handy in case things get hot. Your contact will be waiting for you in a storage room next to the Abandoned Subway. He will ask you the following question. "Are you here to pick up your books?" to which you must answer "Yes, and also the desk lamp I lend you".

    This will verify your identify to him. We don't know how he is going to deliver the information, it could be verbal, or it could be stored in a datapad. Be ready to remember everything he says if it's word of mouth.

    This is a medium priority level mission, you are not to discuss it with anyone, not friends, not family, not even fellow dragons. Good luck Private.

    The Meeting

    A neutral by the name of XXXXXX will meet him and will be eager to share some info. He's a retired town guard and has been seen a lot of shady deals going on even before the omnis took the town.

    However in the past two years the black market began to boom with highly illegal stuff that usually only the corporation has. Industrial equipment, hazardous material, imported fabrics and more. The black market has at least doubled in size since the omnis took over.

    The old guards would ignore most of the deals because the town would usually get a percentage of the "sales" that were recorded, of course they would remove a few zeros from the receipt and probably pay a lesser "tax" than anywhere else on Rubi-Ka.

    Things like illegal stims and hazardous stuff that could negatively affect the community would get confiscated and those involved arrested, at least for a period of time so they learned not to sell that in Borealis.

    That no longer happens of course, plenty of "that ****" as he calls it now can be easily purchased without consequences to the seller.

    XXXXXX noticed the increase of the illegal trades in the middle of 29481 when within a matter of weeks he saw luxury items which were extremely rare in the past being sold in bulk. He has tried to cautiously ask questions as an interested party to purchase some items and even though the answers are not always direct he feels he has come to a reasonable explanation.

    He feels there is only one person who would have the influence and the power to put all that stuff on the black market and not be caught. Administrator Lonare would be the only one able to get away with it. It would be impossible for her not to know what is going on, also it would be unlikely that someone who claims to uphold omni laws would allow the black market to continue to exist, must less to expand as much as it has without taking some kind of action.

    Most of the things that are being sold appears to be from Omni-Tek, some even has brand new OT seals on it which guarantees something being new, or fresh.

    This may be useful information for the clans. The person in charge of Borealis, who is supposed to look out for it's community is likely to be a very corrupt person. If this could be proven and then made public, Omni-Tek may reconsider the illegal occupation of his town.

    He has no proof, but his years as a guard gained him much experience and he has lived in Borealis all his life. Not that many neutrals dare to confront the omnis these days, he figured the clans would have no problems looking into it.

    Hoping he shared the information with the right person, he will say goodbye with a final statement. He won't speak of it again, he has a family and he's already risked much by going this far.

    Event Name: The Traveler
    Event Type: Solo Assignment
    Target Area: Pleasant Meadows
    Level Range: 50-150

    Background Story

    There is word from one of the Knights of Avalon that an anomaly was detected inside their old castle in Pleasant Meadows. The Versailles Tower has been abandoned by the knights a while ago, but they did leave a number of devices to alert them of activity in case it would be used as an omni outpost by the corporation.

    Most of the devices have been found and disabled by omnis over time, but there are still a few operational and hidden within and around the perimeter of the building.

    Our source is the knight in charge of monitoring the place, and he has asked us to look into the matter privately. He doesn't want to alarm his clan without real evidence.

    The issue is that it was detected and categorized by the equipment as a "temporal anomaly". A very rare and illegal sort of activity. Someone or something is or was messing with the fabric of time and space in there.

    Corporations have long given up on time travel, because of the paradox risk. One wrong word, move or just the existence of someone outside their own time could mean changing the history of humankind, or the destruction of all life, everywhere. The risks outweigh any kind of benefit, which is why ICC never officially banned it.

    Some nanoformulas bend time and space, but it doesn't bring anyone into a different time period nor does it unbalance the timeline in which we live.

    The Mission

    The mission is simple. Go into the Versailles Tower, avoid detection by anyone if possible and search for anything unusual, be sure to check out the entire place.

    As far we've been told, the anomaly was detected on the upper levels of the castle. This is a high priority level mission, you are not to discuss it with anyone, not friends, not family, not even fellow dragons. Good luck Private.

    The Situation

    A man named XXXXXX is at one of the upper levels of the castle. He will try to avoid answering questions, and will refuse to leave the place. If pressed enough he will admit that there is a temporal shield which limits his movement. He may reveal more if charmed, threats will end the conversation and he will vanish.

    If things go well, he will admit to being an ICC archeologist time traveler. While excavating the ruins of the castle in the future a temporal anomaly was detected by his team. After months of research they narrowed down the source of the anomaly in the year 29484 (this year).

    Bio trace evidence combined with the temporal anomaly meant that someone from the past (our present) jumped forward into the future. In his time having people go through from the past is not uncommon, however the technology is not going to be developed for centuries. It shouldn't be possible for someone to travel through time from this (our) age.

    Time travelers must follow certain rules otherwise they are pursued and arrested by the ICC (of the future). It is illegal to time travel to or from Rubi-Ka during a period of war, 29484 falls under that rule.

    The ICC has checked on all travelers and none have come to this age, which means someone, somehow has developed the technology to jump.

    Due to the unusual circumstances XXXXXX has been given permission to travel to the past within a temporal shield. He is unable to move outside the castle. His scans does not give any clue as to whom may have jumped from 29484 to the future.

    He has to return back to his time, so he will ask to not share the information with anyone because it would risk tainting the timeline. If anyone knew that the technology to safely travel through time would be developed, corporations would restart research and it could lead to disastrous results for the future.

    The ICC of the present does not have the power to stop any corporation if it develops time traveling technology.

    Event Name: Silent Monk
    Event Type: Solo Assignment
    Target Area: Newland Desert
    Level Range: 50-220

    Background Story:

    A clan child, son of a Sentinel has been murdered near the neutral town of Newland a few days ago. He was underage therefore was not insured, he was perma-killed. The militia there has collaborated and given us the information that there was a witness to the murder. They have not shared this with the Sentinels, since the witness is a neutral and it is possible they would use force to get the witness to talk.

    The militia guards could not convince the witness to talk about the murder. The man is a monk, and told the guards "Karma will balance things out, it always does. You reap what you sow." and went into the Newland Desert.

    Nobody has seen him since. His name is XXXXXX , a solitus male, that is all we know.

    The Mission

    This mission is not easy. You need to first search and find the monk before the Sentinels learn about him, and trust me, they will get word of it sooner or later and then things will get nasty.

    Once you find him, you must first convince him to go with you to a safe place for his own protection. If you can get him to agree, then take him to Uncle Bazzit's Workshop in Meetmedere. The Sentinels don't like Bazzit and are unlikely to check MMD right away if they are searching for the monk.

    Bazzit won't protect you, so be aware of that fact, being there will only buy you some time to convince the monk to come forward with the information about the murderer. It is imperative that you convince him to testify so the Newland Militia make a sketch of the killer which we can then give to the Sentinels without causing friction with the neutral community.

    This is a high priority level mission, you are not to discuss it with anyone, not friends, not family, not even fellow dragons. Good luck Private.

    The Situation

    XXXXXX will keep saying that because he has done nothing wrong, bad karma will not go his way. If he is reminded that the Sentinels won't share that point of view he will go along to MMD.

    The only way to convince him to testify and give an official statement is to remind him that the murderer did something wrong, so by doing the right thing he would get good karma and the killer would get bad karma in the way of justice.

    It will be tough to convince the Monk, but using his own philosophy against him will work.

    Event Name: Support & Backup
    Event Type: Team Assignment
    Target Area: Belial Forest
    Level Range: 150+

    Background Story

    An org Officer has been assigned to escort someone. We can't disclose why or who the person is at this time, the codename for the person is "package".

    The Mission

    You will meet the officer at ICC, where you will team up and then wait to be warped to the rendezvous.

    Once at the location you're both to wait for the "package," the officer will be able to identify him. You are not to address the "package" unless to instruct him to move or take cover if you come under attack.

    You will move to a second location, your assignment is to provide support and backup so no harm comes to the "package" between the rendezvous and the second location.

    Once you reach the second location the officer will leave the "package" in your care for some time while he arranges a warp to the final location. This will be the most sensitive period where the "package" will be vulnerable since the second location will not be fully secure and is known to be also used by criminal elements.

    This is a high priority level mission, you are not to discuss it with anyone, not friends, not family, not even fellow dragons. Good luck Private.

    The Situation

    The "package" is an informant who is being relocated to a secret safe house under protective custody. The officer will reveal that there is a contract out for the "package" of several hundred million credits and that there are plenty of scumbags looking for him.

    The informant is afraid and very nervous, because he is testifying against a powerful crime lord who he used to work for. He will be a bit belligerent, demanding more protection than just "two ****ing guys". His ranting won't last long when the officer hints he is tempted to take the contract on his head rather than listen to "his bull****" while addressing his fellow dragon.
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    Founding member of the Council of Truth Clerical Staff.
    Keep in mind: My posts are my own personal views and thoughts.

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