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Thread: Cutting down notum emissions: The King's Law

  1. #1

    Cutting down notum emissions: The King's Law

    King Humlebien outlined legislation to cut down on emissions of notum and the population of nanomages, blamed for global warming and lack of resources, by 60 percent before 29550.

    A draft of the climate change bill was published by Humle's Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs today. It includes plans to cut emissions by between 26 percent and 32 percent by 29500 and create an independent panel that will set mandatory five-year targets and report annually to the Kingdom.

    "This is an environmental contract for future generations: it binds this government and future governments to honor that contract,'' Humlebien's spokesman told reporters in Borealis. Climate change "is now a threshold issue in politics, in the same way that inflation and global tower security is.''

    The Rubikan government aims to be at the forefront of efforts to combat global warming and nanomage infestation according to Humlebien. Scientists blame NLF greed and solitus-made emissions of notum for lack of resource, rising temperatures that are causing Penumbra to melt, the organisation "Storm" (and storms in general) to intensify, and sea-levels to rise.

    Humlebien, at an earlier press conference with Prime Minister Karlino and Chancellor of the Exchequer Tiamin, said the government expects the bill to pass in the next few years. Emission-cutting targets through 29491 will be set by the end of 29487 to help businesses plan, he said.

    Tiamin hailed the bill as "a revolutionary step that shows this planet taking real leadership.''

    The bill itself will remain top secret until further notice, but could be the final piece to the puzzle that is conquering the monster that is the NLF. Oh, and global warming.

    The public need not worry, it seems that the future's bright.. the future's Humle.

  2. #2
    One does have to wonder what kind of stims you have been taking.....

    Thanks I needed a good chuckle over my morning coffee.
    Stanimir Borgeski (203/30/48) - General in Clan Stronghold

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