Hey everyone,

First off I want to thank FC for the recent temporary activation of accounts in good standing. It was nice to come back and play for a short time. Wow did it bring back memories! Sadly, I found myself this morning trying to log on only to find the "not paid" message.

I had some fun while playing again here recently, however, the people I used to run with are long gone. So, I mostly just ran around on my 150 enfo farming BS & S10. There does seem to be a somewhat active community though, which is quite encouraging! I'd like to resub and come back for a while. Now, since I didn't play much on my 220's while my accounts were open I didn't really get to see if endgame content was active or not. Are you guys finding it difficult to find teams, or are you mostly running with your org? Is endgame content pretty active?