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Thread: Melee and Ranged Energy support.

  1. #1

    Melee and Ranged Energy support.

    Reading through the perk documentation released Oct 30, I'm impressed with what I'm seeing. A long-running beef I've had is that while we have Melee and Ranged Energy as weapon options, and some decent weapons along with, the support for these has been very much lacking.

    With Power Up giving more support to other professions, this gives hope that a Melee Energy line could be opened up and give options and boosts to some professions as well, mostly the 'support' professions that generally aren't known for having lots of use for it. There would be a few profs who would be interested in a non-cookie-cutter setup involving ME or RE, especially with such interesting weapons availabe *cough* RE Xan, please *cough*

    Ideally, symbiant support would be added too. I'd made mention a long while ago about adding ME/RE support for Support symbiants (har,har) since the professions most interested in trying out and using these weapons would fall primarly under the 'Support' category in regards to using symbiants, while Engineers and Bureaucrats interested in RE usage would need that added to Control symbiants.

    This would also solve one of my annoying beefs with MPs and ME: At one point it was 'supported' in that we had weapons that required it, with zero support from perks, buffs and having to implant it in the head instead of MC/TS/Symbiant was a death sentence for that as a weapon option. Also opening up a few levels of buffs from Enforcers to be cast on others (say equal to either Brutal Thug or Ranged Energy Mastery from Soldiers) would even things up nicely.

    After doing some searching, there really isn't even an SL PERKLINE that supports ME, is there?

    Looks like time to fix!

  2. #2


    Well hot-damn, I AGREE!

    As far as i know, I'm the only one on RK1 with a lightsabre, that 'actually' uses it properly (not in social), I have it dualed with the lord of abandonment. So, I'm typing this since I'm experienced in the weapon, so please no flames, unless you have tried this yourself (unlikely but can hope), I want reasons why you think I'm wrong.

    The 1hb perks are very nice, especially the stuns. I don't think that sort of setup requires any more direct damage perks. I think the ME perk-line should focus on increasing damage, think along the lines of 'Reinforce Slugs'. I am currently hitting at ~2100 (melee dmg) with the 1hb and ~1600 (energy dmg) with the Dusk of xan. Hopefully, it would scale very slow at low levels and quickly at higher, +10 at PerkLevel 1, and topping up at a whopping +300 at PerkLevel 10. Here is what I envision:

    Duration: 60 sec. Recharge: 120 sec.
    Perk 1 // lvl req.: 10 // +10 dmg // +10 Melee Energy (Perk unlocked)
    Perk 2 // lvl req.: 70 // +30 dmg // +10 ME
    Perk 3 // lvl req.: 130 // +50 dmg // +15 ME
    Perk 4 // lvl req.: 160 // +70 dmg // +20 ME
    Perk 5 // lvl req.: 180 // +150 dmg // +30 ME
    Perk 6 // lvl req.: 200 // +180 dmg // +35 ME
    Perk 7 // lvl req.: 205 // +210 dmg // +40 ME
    Perk 8 // lvl req.: 209 // +240 dmg // +45 ME
    Perk 9 // lvl req.: 212 // +270 dmg // +50 ME
    Perk 10 // lvl req.: 219 // +300 dmg // +55 ME

    You may have noticed that the level requirements shoot up pretty quick, I think this is necessary because, to be honest, this can be way too overpowered at lower levels. I can already see people perking into this just for the damage buff.

    Now, something else you may be thinking...: "Dude wtf, thats +310 to the ME skill... I want what you are smoking". No, you cannot have what I'm smoking... and yes, I can calculate, I'm a goddamn accountant, ffs! Let me explain why that also is necessary. I'm very close to end-game setup as I want to be, without melting my brain. Full alphas, 4 pieces of CM armor, etc. etc. This uber setup puts my ME skill at 1785, thats just utter crap... having 2095 in a skill is not going to put it over the top into the 'WTF-category'. There are not many other items that support the ME skill.

    By the way, i r enfo trox. And this perk should definitely be locked for enfos only. Why? Because as far as i can see only enfos have any form of support for melee energy, i.e. melee energy self-buff. Please correct me on this nicely, if i am wrong, I would love to debate this point.
    Last edited by Cntrl; Nov 4th, 2009 at 08:59:44.
    "Sir, you have insulted my honour, I challenge you to a duel!"

    Cntrl - 220-30-70 - Enfo - Melee Energy FTW!
    Tallah - 220-30-70 - Trader - 2he FTL!
    Panthorian - 100-10-20 - Keeper <><The Edge of the Tarasque><>

  3. #3
    Will engage you in debate at a later time but to sum up: At the very least, Meta-Physicists have had weapon support through several expansions (though for the reasons stated in first post, I.E. no symbiant support, no perk support, etc, equipping was out of the question), and their version of the 'Pump Trainee' is a melee energy weapon.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Cntrl View Post
    By the way, i r enfo trox. And this perk should definitely be locked for enfos only. Why? Because as far as i can see only enfos have any form of support for melee energy, i.e. melee energy self-buff. Please correct me on this nicely, if i am wrong, I would love to debate this point.
    Because there has always been more support profs that used ME weapons then enforcers, and they have always lacked any form of support for them. Just because you have a form of support in no way means only your prof should get it. I would like to hope that with rebalancing FC allows every prof to have a greater weapon variety to allow more diversity, your "enf only plx!" would just be another thing that takes that chance away.

  5. #5
    At any rate, to resume where I left off: Meta-Physicsts have had weapon support for ME for ages, which flies in the face of the fact that there isn't even an ME PERKLINE in the game at this point, let alone the heavy duty conflict. Gift of Jupiter, The Argument, and the long array of shields dating back since the launch of AO (one of the MP builds is popping on a shield type with a 1hb in main hand).

    Doctors will try anything once or twice to give it a good shake and hope it improves their damage. The doctor forum has somewhere a long list of various weapons doctors have tried, which includes and is not limited to: JAME Blasters, Massive Bolt Chargers, 1hb hammers, Pistols, MA weapons, Ranged Energy weapons, 1he weapons (Gelids), 2hb weapons (Neleb's rod), 2he weapons (various, Styg and Frosty), and lost somewhere in that long list are the old school lightsabers, the Swords of Dawn and Dusk, which have really nice low reqs to equip, and hellish reqs to dual-wield. (What happened to the 1200 MM/MR reqs for support profs? Oh, wait, didn't happen yet!)

    The bigger picture, as well, is that it would be nice for more profs to have options for weaponry instead of being funneled into one or two choices, that there be options opened to more professions who want to experiment instead of just going with something because it's 'uber' or 'what FC meant for your profession' to use.

  6. #6
    Honestly having a melee energy perk line available would definitely open up more weapon options. Personally I'd like to see something along these lines for a melee energy perk line.

    Perk Level	Level Available		Perk Mods
      1		  10			Melee Energy 10
    					Energy Damage Modifier 1
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 1
      2		  30			Melee Energy 12
    					Energy Damage Modifier 4
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 4
    					Perk - Tazer
      3		  60			Melee Energy 13
    					Energy Damage Modifier 9
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 9
      4		 100			Melee Energy 15
    					Energy Damage Modifier 16
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 16
    					Perk - Super Charge
      5		 150			Melee Energy 18
    					Energy Damage Modifier 25
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 25
      6		 180			Melee Energy 22
    					Energy Damage Modifier 36
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 36
      7		 201			Melee Energy 25
    					Energy Damage Modifier 49
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 49
    					Perk - Cattle Prod
      8		 209			Melee Energy 45
    					Energy Damage Modifier 64
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 64
      9		 215			Melee Energy 55
    					Energy Damage Modifier 81
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 81
     10		 219			Melee Energy 85
    					Energy Damage Modifier 100
    					Radiation Damage Modifier 100
    					Perk - Overload
    Level 001:	Damage: -20..-99
    		Taunt: 150
    Level 100:	Damage: -100..-399
    		Taunt: 600
    Level 200:	Damage: -500..-1499
    		Taunt: 2000
    Level 220:	Damage: -2500..-4999
    		Taunt: 4000
    Stunned: 1 second
    Recharge: 240 seconds
    Super Charge
    Energy Damage Modifier 200 @ level 200
    Radiation Damage Modifier 200 @ level 200
    Duration: 45 seconds
    Recharge: 300 seconds
    Cattle Prod
    Level 001:	Damage: -100..-600
    		Taunt: 225
    Level 001:	Damage: -400 - 1800
    		Taunt: 900
    Level 001:	Damage: -1600..-4800
    		Taunt: 3000
    Level 001:	Damage: -6400..-9600
    		Taunt: 6000
    Recharge: 150 seconds
    Energy Damage Modifier 400 @ level 200
    Radiation Damage Modifier 400 @ level 200
    Duration: 15 seconds
    On Terminate:	Melee Init: -5000
    		Set Damage Type To: Melee 
    Duration: 60 seconds
    Recharge : 420 seconds
    Obviously this perk line increases slightly more then standard perk lines at 300 instead of 200 due to the lack of melee energy support currently available.

    The damage mods total up to 385 energy and radiation damage which all melee energy weapons use currently in the database. This is to help prevent someone from perking this line exclusively for the +damage. This also helps to balance the lower attack rating a person using a melee energy weapon would have.

    The two direct damage perk actions have taunts associated with them making this a useful perk line for Enforcers though not being to over the top to prevent Meta-Physicist from using them with careful planning.

    The other two perk actions are additional +damage perks. The first giving a similar damage boost to the of Suppressive Hoard with a slightly longer duration and recharge. The final perk action being a massive +damage boost for a short duration with a massive melee initiative debuff and damage type change associated with it forcing the player to decide on hitting harder versus faster.
    Malcom Ciafardoni
    Circle-G Inc. - The Past. The Present. Your Future.

    I'm not a gimp, I'm a trade skill Trader.

  7. #7
    The damage buff is a bit hefty don't you think? Considering you could just perk into the line without actually using a Melee energy weapon. Keep it to a similiar scale as other weapon lines and add some interesting debuffing perks to fit the weapon style.

    Enforcers has plenty of options already, a melee energy perkline should be in group perks and be available to: Doctors, Meta-physicist, Enforcer and Keeper for the lols (and to give the poor keepers a chance to have something else than 2he :P)
    General of Horizon. Member of Unity. Frequent visitor of Free Spirits and The Last Element.

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    Also: Giant horde of alts.

  8. #8
    I'll say Enforcers, Doctors, Meta-Physicists, Keepers and at least one more, but who is up for grabs. At the very least it should be one of those 'support' profs, but at this point it looks like Advies, who are fine with weapon selection as it is. The other Energy weapon prof from way back when, NTs, are now cyberdeck users so that kinda flies out the window. Shades might benefit from access to the perkline, something different while levelling, though I suppose that'll hose them for their perks, wouldn't it?

    Though it would be nice if the enfo ME buffs up to Force of the Thunderclap could be cast on others to help a bit, keep it even with the amount Soldiers can buff (+70) other players with.

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