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Thread: Dear Omni-Pol

  1. #1

    Dear Omni-Pol

    Dear Omni-Pol,

    News of your unreasonably harsh stance over parking tickets and assorted traffic violations has had a devastating effect on my company's, RUR, productivity. Many of our employees have refused to come into work saying that they were too depressed to even get out of bed.

    I mean really, us scientists and engineer have better things to worry about than parking tickets. If it wasn't us there wouldn't even be any vehicles to park, legally or otherwise. Heck, come to think of it, there wouldn't even be a Rubi-Ka without our machines and inventions, not one people could live on at any rate.

    All we are asking for is a little consideration. If you really have to fine someone over traffic violations fine the Shades - they are weird and should not have been allowed out of the Shadowlands in the first place. Or you can fine Meta-physicists, they can fly right so they don't even need cars.

    Best Regards,

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #2
    Well one other option is very simple.

    Give your employees a blueprint and have them build a parking garage on the top of your building, we cannot enter without probable cause and then they could stack there cars on top of each other and no one would have to be issued a ticket.

    You could also send them all back to traffic school and they could be taught to park a car the correct way.

    I personally feel for your employees and there concerns, however I think that with a little bit of encouragement from a group of great minds a better solution could be reached other then pointing fingers from the real problem...

    You need a bigger parking garage.
    Janis "Standdown" Kerans
    Captian Omni-Pol Administrations Department

  3. #3
    Unacceptable! Just laws should always reflect the values the society they apply to. I think it is time the citizens of Rubi-Ka showed the world they do not like and will not tolerated traffic tickets anymore.

    So, I formally requests everyone to... Honk if you hate traffic tickets!

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  4. #4
    (( Ah, Omni-Tek ))
    OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek

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