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Thread: Ranges of weapons

  1. #1

    Ranges of weapons

    Agents and NT's get the shaft here and MA's and Enforcers are blessed.

    A MA can punch you from 1/2 way across the arena.

    An Agent is capped for distance not because of his gun+scope range but becuase of an arbitrarily distance limit.

    Reduce melee range to 1/2 of its current range and remove the range cap on weapons.

  2. #2
    MA fist range is 3m

    they might get that up to 5m or 6m
    with scope/movement-predictor

    enforcers with melee weapon up to 5m
    might get to 8m or 9m

    that doesnt come close to the 40m cap

    range in this game looks/feel longer than it should be,
    but all things being equal the 40m cap still gives you
    about 4x the range of any meleer.

    that's enough of an advantage.
    (esp. since there isn't damage advantage to melee anymore)

    and 40m cap was put there
    1) due to an exploit
    2) due to bad coding

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