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Thread: Mausser Chem Streamers

  1. #1

    Mausser Chem Streamers

    Only recently returned to AO after about a 10 month hiatus and have been told I can convert my mausser to a chem streamer. Could someone offer some insight here plz?


  2. #2

    This is the guide on Anarchy Arcanum, it shows how to do it, what it improves and why to do it. Excellent weapons.
    Lovio - 140+ MA of the Mercury Dragons
    Maiu - Gamma Ejector wielding trader maniac - also loves to tradeskill and doesn't eat babies.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    You're welcome.

    Don't forget to bookmark that site, lots of excellent stuff there. Updated often, and just a joy to read.

    I wonder when they will run out of info to put there, heh.
    Lovio - 140+ MA of the Mercury Dragons
    Maiu - Gamma Ejector wielding trader maniac - also loves to tradeskill and doesn't eat babies.

  5. #5
    Wow, that is a nice site. Definately getting bookmarked.

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