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Thread: I have the perfect (almost) solution on how to nerf healing to 50% in PvP.

  1. #1

    I have the perfect (almost) solution on how to nerf healing to 50% in PvP.

    I have the perfect (almost) solution on how to nerf healing to 50% in PvP. Yes, its very easy really, FC just have to do the following in ALL 0% and 25% zones/areas:

    Players are already doing 50% damage to other players, from now on, the players should only do 50% dmg to mobs, and mobs do only 50% dmg to players, IN PVP AREAS, 0 and 25% zones/areas ONLY. At the same time the mobs should heal 50% effective in these areas, same should players, heal for 50% effectiveness in these zones/areas ONLY. CH should in these zones only be able to heal for 40% of targets max health (CH needs a nerf, getting back to that later in the post).

    But Doc needs a nerf in PvP too (along with Trader of course),

    1: Heals and damage needs the same effectiveness, which means both has 50% or 100%, 100% heals vs 50% dmg vs 100% heals is unacceptable, the game was designed for 100% vs 100%.

    Solution: Make dmg 100% again, but keep the cap on max dmg at 40%, or perhaps even lower it, and make the cap at 30%, so that no one can get instakilled in 3 specials. Or as suggested above.

    2. CH (Complete heal) is an extremely overpowered healing nano. To heal from 1 HP to 10000 instantly, with the press of a button with no delay, is way overpowered. With Izg Recompiler 28% + NCU Upgrade 15% + Hood 9% + Notum Harvester = the Doctor can chaincast (no delay between casting) CH for several minutes. A soldier gets 4x more HPs for 1min 20 secs with TMS MK X, The Doctor gets at least 20x more HPs with chaincasting CH.

    Solution: In EQ it was a similiar spell, which they realized was way to powerful and they nerfed it. In AO they need to increase the nano cost by ALOT, they need to increase the execution time with several seconds, it should not be instacast as it is now, its extrremely overpowered. In PvP it should have the same cap as dmg, 40% of targets max health.

    3: Init debuff is an extremely powerful debuff, this debuff combined with extremely powerful healing (100% effective vs 50% dmg), makes it almost an impossible task to even scratch the doctor for a few points of damage, unless of course you are a trader (Ive heard MA can do it too, but havent seen it yet) or an MP who are lucky enough to land a NS, but MPs Nano shutdown is not that powerful:

    a) it is not instacast (that means they have to stand still waiting for the execution bar to reach the top and then cast, and that their gun dont fire any bullets while they are casting),

    b) it lasts ONLY 20 secs, 20 secs is not that bad, it is survivable, and you still got your gun to fire bullets with that is totally unaffected by this debuff.

    c) It has 160% chance of resist. Which makes it more easy to resist than other offensive nanos.

    But docs init debuff (traders divest and in to a certain degree plunder) it is a very different and much more powerful story:

    a) Docs init debuff is instacast, just as traders divest and plunder, which means that the very first thing that happens in a fight against any of the two professions (even before you get to fire a regular bullet) is that you are debuffed, and greatly reduced in effectiveness.

    b) Docs init debuff lasts for 2 MINUTES, 2 minutes is a very long time in a fight, its not possible to stand around and fight a doctor who has debuffed you for -1500 to all inits for 2 minutes and at the same time the doctor is able to chain cast CH, which the doc dont have to cast, so instead he stacks 2 DoTs in between, making sure you die if you zone away (DoTs starts to do 100% dmg if either the target (victim) or the caster zones).

    c) It has 100% chance of resist, 100% chance. That is the same as regular NT nukes, which means it is meant to land almost everytime its cast. 100% resist = >90% chance of landing on the victim, assuming the victim has maxed NR that can be raised by 4 points pr lvl (when not title capped) and implanted with QL 200 bright and faded NR clusters, AND assuming the victim is at medium setting on the agg/def slider. If at max def then prolly about 20 % chance of resist, but if you are so lucky to resist 1st time, then its cast again just 5 secs later, then when you are debuffed with -1500 to all inits, and got your slider at max def.... you got a HUGE speed problem, no, not huge, cuase its huge even if at max agg, its GIGANTORIOUS (no word for it). You will fire off a bullet just about every 10 seconds if at max def with a normally fast gun.

    Solution 1: Make the Init debuff MUCH easier to resist, as it is now (100% resist) it is meant to land easy, FC buildt it that way (an obvious mistake as they didnt predict its uberness). It should have at least 190% chance of resist, but since its so much more powerful than Nano Shutdown, it should have more like 280% chance of resist.

    Solution 2: Make it last 20 secs, and make the execution time several seconds longer, to make sure that it is not instacast and that at max agg and at lvl 200 with best possible nano init it would take the doc at least 5 secs to execute.

    Solution 3: Remove the debuff from the game.

    Most of us has felt the frustration of getting debuffed by -1500 to all inits, making us fire bullets slower than we did at level 1 with slider set at max def, MUCH slower. -1500 to nano init is insane, it makes me with 1200 nano init cast ALOT slower than a lvl 1 NT at max def... a lvl 193 NT at max agg, casting MUCH slower than a lvl 1 NT at max def!! Infact it can be compared to something like a lvl -100 NT (minus 100), thats slow, and when you are forced to be that slow for 2 minutes, its suicide, its no point, you cant win, no matter what dmg you do, the doc will easily heal it up.

    And since the doc has no problem healing up the dmg you do, The doc hits you with 2 VERY powerful DoTs (which BTW is NOT capped at 40% of max health, and the DoTs does 100% dmg if either the victim or caster leaves the zone), and you are dead, without even a small chance.

    Well, just as Traders, doctors needs a nerf in PvP. And since so many are against short duration fights (for me the fights are to long already, but lets make a poll about it: Are the PvP duels lasting to long or to short), it seems that it is best to introduce 50% healing. That means in ALL 0/25% zones, EVERYBODY including NPCs, monsters and Players should do 50% damage AND healing should be 50% effective, for EVERYBODY.
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  2. #2
    I agree that such critical debuffs shouldnt be that easy to land. But nerfing shouldnt be the way. NR at full def. should be looked over to be more effective I belive.
    Lion Strimple aka Sware

  3. #3
    Doubt you will see many shotgun doc killing you in pvp with there nerfed scopes. So I really would least like to have my heals so I can do something useful in pvp.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Drsweetie1
    Doubt you will see many shotgun doc killing you in pvp with there nerfed scopes. So I really would least like to have my heals so I can do something useful in pvp.

    scope buff effects all classes equally, doc's will still own in pvp, be pretty much unkillable.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  5. #5
    Why not increase all breeds HP, to the same lvl as NPC's (same lvl) and then increase NPC's dmg-output. And then go back to 100% dmg in PvP. That way, PvP and PvM will not be that different.
    I would really like that...

    Todays problem is that most changes (nerfs) is because the PvP community wants to. That oftenly effects the people who doesn't PvP. If PvP and PvM were similar in dmg and healing, every "fix" would affect both communities equaly.

    my 2 cents
    Master 10th Dan

  6. #6
    and while you are at it give 1-2 more hp per body dev to atrox

    200 atrox has about 200 more hp than soli

    200 soli has about 1000 more nano than atrox

    that just dont add up
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  7. #7
    Yea...and make gridarmor only 50% effective in these zones, make evac nano disabled in pvp....make nullity 50%, make MK-line 50%, make...... and so on....

  8. #8
    Well, with my suggestion (se above), nothing would ever never have to be "nerfed" to any %. 100% of everything, now and forever
    Master 10th Dan

  9. #9
    I was gonna say something but theres no point trying to change a nerf-callers mind
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  10. #10
    Originally posted by Garzu-perman
    2. CH (Complete heal) is an extremely overpowered healing nano. To heal from 1 HP to 10000 instantly, with the press of a button with no delay, is way overpowered. With Izg Recompiler 28% + NCU Upgrade 15% + Hood 9% + Notum Harvester = the Doctor can chaincast (no delay between casting) CH for several minutes. A soldier gets 4x more HPs for 1min 20 secs with TMS MK X, The Doctor gets at least 20x more HPs with chaincasting CH.

    Solution: In EQ it was a similiar spell, which they realized was way to powerful and they nerfed it. In AO they need to increase the nano cost by ALOT, they need to increase the execution time with several seconds, it should not be instacast as it is now, its extrremely overpowered. In PvP it should have the same cap as dmg, 40% of targets max health.
    "the Doctor can chaincast (no delay between casting) CH for several minutes"

    Doesn't CH have an eight second recharge time? I didn't think NanoC Init effected recharge time, or am I wrong?

  11. #11

    Garzu-perman im in a bad moon

    Garzu-perman you whine more then my three year old.
    My only wish is to kill you with my uber doc just to shut you up.

    I'n truth a doc can be killed in pvp you just have to be smart enough to do it . From what i have seen the last few weeks your missing a few points in Intelligence, i'd suggest an ipr.
    Yes, it can be hard killing a doc 30 - 60 levels bigger than you.

    The sad state of this game is:
    It is not bout how good you are after level 75 . It's bout your level. You must level your butt off or die in any 25% to 0% area. Also look round pvp is turning to crap anyway . Who cares??Funcom is nerfing the game to the point all the good players will leave anyway . So you can kill noobs if you remain.

    I have played this game alone time and you are the biggest whiner i have ever seen.

    Sorry, guys funcom has made me mad 1st thing this morning .

  12. #12

    Thumbs down For the nerf mongers

    I have the perfect game for you.

    You will always be uber.

    No one can kill you.

    You can get every item in the game (solo).

    Skills are no longer important.

    No need to think when playing.

    Here is your game
    My small army on rbk2

    Got Nullity Sphere?


    <--flavor of the month

    I See you!

  13. #13
    50% healing never made any sense to me, sorry

    find another way to get easy kills lol
    Guru - Averykins "Kylee6" Submissiv (15% River Series 6 Princess of 2002)
    Clan Eternal Fury

  14. #14
    Oh Garzu. I'm sorry you picked a NT on day one. I'm sorry FC screwed over NT's to such an extent. I'm sorry you in-game inadequacies are so distrubing you that you've undertaken a quest to lower everyone else to your level. Spend a little time thinking of what would make YOU better and less time jealously lusting after the things other professions get.

    Oh, and if you dont feel like growing up then go make a MA or enf... they'll be the only effective classes soon enough.
    The name's Bond, James Bond, No really, it is, shift T me next time you see me.

  15. #15
    What about fixer HoTs? Should they be halved in healing too?

  16. #16
    The original posters idea makes sense .. in 50% and 0% zones everything is halfed ..

    What is wrong with that?

    Mobs do half the dmg you do half the dmg heals do half the dmg ... so on and so on .. EVERY thing is halfed ... that way you still have no instant kills yet dmg comes back inline power wise with healing and debuffing.
    RHD Black Watch Regiment

    Remember how fun the first week of NW was?

    CC is teh devil!

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Sware
    I agree that such critical debuffs shouldnt be that easy to land. But nerfing shouldnt be the way. NR at full def. should be looked over to be more effective I belive.
    yes we could do this.. and nerf the NTs some more, becous that is what this is. if u fix NR so much that u can resist 100% about 50% (or even 75%-80%) of the time the NT prof would die.. and ther would be no point in playing a NT, becous this would be the ultimet NT nerf
    ok so the Doc hafto live for 8 secs. OMG!!! whit a -1500 init debuff that is like one bullet from you and u cant one shot kill now days.
    what is so god damn wrong whit 50% heals?.
    you are saying that we are then ones that want to be uber.
    "NEWS FLASH!" you are the one that wants a unfair pvp system that helps the healers like hell and makes it hard to play a damage dealer.
    Docs can heal 10k HP! in 1 sec.. no damage dealer can do that much damage in 9 secs
    yes HoTs would be nerft and that sux but somthing hafto be done, and we have 2 way to fix the pvp unbalance

    1, 100% damage and 100% heals (whit damage caps) (no 1 alpha kills)

    2, 50% damage and 50% heals (whit capt heals to 40%)

    this is the only to fair damage vs heal systems you can gett in pvp.

    100% damage vs 50% heals isent fair. 50% damage vs 100% heals isent fair. so pleas fix damage or heals in pvp FC

    and if they wont fix the damage vs heals...pleas fix the Resist on the init debuff

    /PS why do xenomorph and Kylee want 100% heals.. is it beocus of the easy kills they can gett in this pvp system?
    w00p w00p!!

  18. #18
    Originally posted by Sware
    I agree that such critical debuffs shouldnt be that easy to land. But nerfing shouldnt be the way. NR at full def. should be looked over to be more effective I belive.
    Let's look shall we?

    Uncontrollable Body Tremors
    Duration: 2min 35sec
    NR: 100%
    Effect: -1452 to ALL inits (for ****'s sake...pick ONE)

    Duration: 2min 19sec
    NR: 100%
    Effect: -2569 to ALL inits (again..for ****'s sake...PICK ONE)

    Rapid Palsy
    Duration: 2min 8sec
    NR: 100%
    Effect: -1165 to ALL inits (for the third ****ing time...PICK ONE)

    Balance? No. Not when one dose of Decreptitude can completely halt all forms of offense out of ANYONE. I have both ranged init & nano init capped, item boosted, and implanted yet any of these debuffs can send ALL of my inits into the negative. And then consider that a Doc can complete heal and do as much gun damage as anyone. What kind of ****ing balance is that FunCom? We'd all like to know.
    .: Naraya :.

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Tolbat

    yes we could do this.. and nerf the NTs some more, becous that is what this is. if u fix NR so much that u can resist 100% about 50% (or even 75%-80%) of the time the NT prof would die.. and ther would be no point in playing a NT, becous this would be the ultimet NT nerf
    ok so the Doc hafto live for 8 secs. OMG!!! whit a -1500 init debuff that is like one bullet from you and u cant one shot kill now days.
    what is so god damn wrong whit 50% heals?.
    you are saying that we are then ones that want to be uber.
    "NEWS FLASH!" you are the one that wants a unfair pvp system that helps the healers like hell and makes it hard to play a damage dealer.
    Docs can heal 10k HP! in 1 sec.. no damage dealer can do that much damage in 9 secs
    yes HoTs would be nerft and that sux but somthing hafto be done, and we have 2 way to fix the pvp unbalance

    1, 100% damage and 100% heals (whit damage caps) (no 1 alpha kills)

    2, 50% damage and 50% heals (whit capt heals to 40%)

    this is the only to fair damage vs heal systems you can gett in pvp.

    100% damage vs 50% heals isent fair. 50% damage vs 100% heals isent fair. so pleas fix damage or heals in pvp FC

    and if they wont fix the damage vs heals...pleas fix the Resist on the init debuff

    /PS why do xenomorph and Kylee want 100% heals.. is it beocus of the easy kills they can gett in this pvp system?
    MA's Dont get help from 100% or 50% heals.. Not mas in special... Neither traders.. It's the docs mostly Fast Quick team heals aswell as CH
    RK1 - Hajk - Solitus - Lvl 217/DR 16 - Nanotech - Apocalypse
    Explorer 60% / Socializer 53% / Killer 46% / Achiever 40%

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Airty
    Oh Garzu. I'm sorry you picked a NT on day one. I'm sorry FC screwed over NT's to such an extent. I'm sorry you in-game inadequacies are so distrubing you that you've undertaken a quest to lower everyone else to your level. Spend a little time thinking of what would make YOU better and less time jealously lusting after the things other professions get.

    Oh, and if you dont feel like growing up then go make a MA or enf... they'll be the only effective classes soon enough.
    Give us an avenue to go down to prevent the debuffs. The heals don't bother me as I can churn nukes to counter that, but when I'm sitting there with all my bright red inits and a sign saying "I'm a {insert profession name here} on Decreptitude, please send to reclaim" unable to produce ANY sort of offense whatsoever, something is truly ****ing wrong. If you can consider it balanced with docs having the abilities of shutting someone's offense completely down in addition to being able to completely heal and use a weapon, then you are the one who needs to grow a brain capable of understanding the concept of balance once you come down from the clouds.
    .: Naraya :.

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