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Thread: Nerfing Low Light Targeting Scope

  1. #401
    Praise the almighty Monkey-god that my account dies on the 11th I can't take these pointless nerfs anymore.

    Har I pity the Foo(s) who play this game.. I PITY DA FOO(s).
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  2. #402
    Dumbest thing FC has ever done.

    It's commercial suicide.

    I'm simply stunned.

  3. #403
    given the direction the game is going . .

    just put a "not Martial Artist" tag on the equip reqs
    of all ranged and non-MA weapons.

    or a "not Martial Artist" tag on the scopes themselves.

    quick! the Devs are coming! everyone in their box!

  4. #404
    if FC think about nerf exsist item( or crazy drop/ not srop rare item ) is the way to balance , i have a better idea here ......

    make everyone's hp = their level and give the only weapon ( free in shop?) as something like

    nerf power of FC!
    damage 1-1(0)
    wear req none
    att skill none
    def skill none
    att speed 1 s
    rechage speed 1 s

    delete all the other thing from the game so supa balance....
    btw don't nerf mobs in the game plz

  5. #405
    here's a few replys:

    1) making them for ranged only solves nothing. it makes it easier for ranged people in PVP (not that i PVP, cause i am a gimp)... it's had enough being melee.. the best weapons are ranged.

    2) while 250M isn't alot to alot of the more elite people in the game, it is stil alot to the majority of the people that play.. the people with all the $$$ got there **** from all the other people exploiting.. now there is an abondance of money, and now you can charge more money for the items you blitz missions for... while i should suck it up, and get over it as someone said.. should i have my rare item taken from me? i didn;t buy it.. i got as a mission reward a long time ago.. that is why people are comparing the Pioneer Backpacks to it.. cause they seized their window of opportunity to get it.. the windows are closed, now you need to buy and trade to get your hand on one.

    3) while one person whines the the other person has a advantage.. this may be true. but the game is not about being or creatign your character to what the other person has. while some of you think it creates to classes of players.. that is just absurd.. cause if can say an item creates a new class of people, then what about all the smaller guilds out there than have never killed tar, don;t have their uber dragon armor or coats, globes, ect.. what are there chances of becoming equal without working hard or being oportunistic? The people have don't have the things they want have to work towards getting them, wether is be bltizing a million missions to sell NCU or belts.. or what ever so you can save up 200M to buy your own dam LLTS or whatever... lol... i am sticking up for an item i really don't use.. it's just the dam point and princable of it.. Stop catering to the people who want everything handed to them

    4) there was more.. but i forget it now.. to many posts have spawned in about 5 minutes to go back and read all this crap again

    5) when i see less people playing this game.. i think most of the other lold timers will follow... /me included.... AO is getting to dam boring.. was a great game.. badly run though IMO
    Last edited by Luxferro; Oct 2nd, 2002 at 00:14:17.

    "We will look into it"


  6. #406


    Well, how bout u make the old scopes so that there is NO init penalty on em, maybe even a 100-200 point boost, also make em boost min and max damage since we wont be crittin as much, maybe like 100 dmg for a qlvl 195? and make em scale down, so a qlvl 100 would boost it 30-50 and so could also put a random chance (like 15%) of casting a beneficial nano on the user, maybe something like the agent sureshot or whatever, that boosts your critical chance by like 5 or 6% for like 5-10 secs, enough to make em worth enuf but still not be overpowering

    erg, y they gotta be nerfed anyways???? i dont have a high level to pvp with but from what i saw, it wasnt overpowering at all. Once again, whiners win, it just makes me mad that you change and item that wasnt even overpowering caus of people that want everything handed to them on a plate, i mean jeeez, are we like little kids or something that are 5 years old and whine when the next door neighbor got a new bike or something?? (hehe i had some bad experiences)

    **edit**doh just noticed my post was alot like the one b4 me, i should read the threads more often**
    Last edited by Shairo; Oct 2nd, 2002 at 00:16:49.
    Shairo 146 Doc
    Alagorna 90 MP
    Midgetstowm 76 Rookie Enf
    Hateration 41 Rookie Adv
    Baryon 25 Enf, now Stygian powered

    Omg catchy song
    Beep Beep Little Satellite


  7. #407
    Well I personally think that added IPR's to balance the nerf is wrong as IPR's were introduced for this very reason. I don't want to argue with the fact that it's being nerfed or give reasons why it needs to stay. It's already a done deal I'm sure.

    So my say is maybe go with adding a +5-10% possitive agg-deff. Not only will that boost your chance of crits above the 8% but a tad but it also balances out the -int that are on it all the while haveing you more open for attack which would help level out PvP woooows that are out their. Also make this change a perminate one and not a timed special as with the flurry of blows.

    Also I'd like to say that everyone saying that scops shoulnd't be allowed on Melee characters is BS. The scope attaches to your head and helps you target VITAL area's thus increasing your chance to crit. A Sword running through say your Splin will do far more dmg than through your gut. And of couse same applies to Guns or ranged weapons.

    So I would kept the -ints the same with the above addition. Some will say "well now I'm going to be critted on cause of this". To you I say good. Someone once said "You have to give in order to recieve" Well maybe it's recieveing time.

    I see the flames comeing in for my second post..

    Opifex - Enforcer
    Private - Division 3

  8. #408
    If you are wanting to compensate people for the values of these items, why not do this:

    Take a survey of the values that the scopes go for. Come up with a good number in value for the scopes on average. Make the value of the scope, when sold to a shop, reflect this amount. This way if you had a QL 200 scope and sold it to the shop the shop would give you oh...150mil for it?

    Then make the scopes have no effects at all. Make the scopes where they cannot be sold to the trader shop. So now the only thing people can do with the old scopes is get their money back out of it and get a new vision enhancer.

    Sucks to lose the crit for some, but at least you didn't lose much money if any.

  9. #409
    A few more points I forgot to make.

    I have heard many people say FC doesn't care, yadda yadda yadda...

    They look for the easy fix, blah blah blah.

    They're listening to the whiners, cry cry cry.

    Look, I don't have overwhelming love for FC myself. They did many things wrong and the game has many major issues that are well outside the scope of combat mechanics (lack of content ring a bell?). However, this was a smart move IF and I do mean IF, they follow this up with the next steps that need to be taken.

    I want you all to think of one issue here; people quitting the game. Why do people quit? You can list alot of reason, but I'm here to tell you they really all boil down to two things, which oddly enough are very closely related.

    1. People quit because there is "nothing to do". Lack of content. Content is out of the scope of this conversation, but the reason often ties in to this...

    2. They feel unhappy with the state of their character in combat situations (since combat is the only thing to do in AO).

    Every single bloody nerf complaint is really #2 at its root.

    "Agents were nerfed" = #2

    "Trader heals were nerfed" = #2

    "They nerfed Reflect bracers" = #2

    Now, like I said in my earlier post, unless you're one of those "desperate for acceptance" types that feels an overwhelming, misguided need to be "uber" and "win" at this game, your goal should be to have your character be able to compete equally with everyone elses. Sure, different professions should go about combat in different manners, but overall, class balance is what will make AO better.

    These "nerfs" FC has been implementing have been done with the purpose of balance. Where they have failed is that they haven't move quickly enough to remove all the unbalancing issues from the game so that they can really look at all the classes on a fundamental level and even them out.

    Nerfing the LLTS was a huge step towards FC being able to accurately guage and control player damage so they CAN even the classes. They couldn't do it without removing some of the non-uniform damage in the game at this point, so they removed a variable that will now let them do their job more easily.

    So, if they follow up and do their job, how will this pay off? People will not be leaving because they feel they cannot compete. There will be more people interacting which is good for the player, and they will retain customers which is, of course, good for business.

    If people quit in the short term because of this (or any nerf with a solid reason), then it is much better to lose that small seqment than it is for everyone to finally realize how imbalanced this game is and that there is really no amusement in it in its current form.
    Last edited by AnotherFixer; Oct 2nd, 2002 at 00:23:00.

  10. #410


    This is very sad news. Nerfing something that people have spent HOURS OF WORK and MONEY to get these RARE items. Nerfing this will upset MANY players. I dont see why you are doing this. I just want to know one thing, what made you want to nerf these scopes. Thats all i have to say

    I dont even have ipr points left so im stuck with ithaca.....
    *kisses his 13% scope away*
    Last edited by Nixxy; Oct 2nd, 2002 at 00:38:55.
    RK-1 Fixer
    /tell Nixxy449

  11. #411
    I dunno I'm tired i've posted once but since the nerf has been announced . Why oh why oh why do they have to nerf them? so what if they are overpowered I dont care if the guy in the team next to me crits like mad and draws aggro If this is a PVP issue, which it most likely is then why do we even bother?

    Totally lost my faith and I had a ton of it, thanks

    Bleep da de bleep da de bleepity bleep blepp.

    And no I don't want to suggest a way to make as good by adding other modifiers just leave them well alone.

    I'm so mad i'm just gonna end my post here before i say something i'll regret. Just be aware FC you have alienated a loyal customer thats played this game for almost a year now, almost every day (Aye i'm sad) as I am sure you have alienated hundreds of ohers. DO YOU REALLY NOT CARE I FEEL THIS WAY? yes that had to be in caps to get the point.

    ramble mode off
    Soletaken 170 ADV

    Proud member of Ancarim Iron Legion.

  12. #412

    If you change the rules, let us change our design!!!


    if not 6 more, so that we can pick a new weapon

    original author of Helpbot

  13. #413
    With a 14% scope do I care about it being nerfed? no...aslong as everyone gets an equal chance as I do.

    Those who dont want this nerf are greedy selfish people.


    Me too, but... heh others dont and why should they suffer.
    ¤ Cloudeeeh “Cloudeh MKII” 120 Solitus 1HB Enforcer
    ¤ Cloudeh Dead : 176 Solitus 1HB Enforcer
    ¤ Blizzaga Dead : 96 Solitus Soldier Wannabe
    ¤ Firraga Dead : 64 Opifex “Not a Real Fixer” GA Honey
    ¤ Kjataa Dead : 53 Opifex Morphex Agent Wannabe :]
    I am a Tragic Figure
    Strenghtening, Shroud of night, Waiting weak for Taste of blood, Beneath a halo..Eternal light, I survive, Breathe on.
    Inhuman, Undying, Feast of blood now Pulse through me, Immortal..I'm undying, Eternal..Undead!

    [size=0.1]C.L.O.U.D.: Cybernetic Lifeform Optimized for Ultimate Destruction[/size]

  14. #414
    Should they nerf all items that people can't easily get? following the current wave.. that is what is happening.

    "Hey, where is my GA.... no fair. .everyone else got it.. nerf them funcom"

    what will be next? my bet is ya my 14% ELLTS

    "We will look into it"


  15. #415
    the next will be Edge of Tarasque. Lonax was so kind to start a nerf-thread about it already. lol

  16. #416

    Heres an idea

    Ok Cz heres an idea for people with oldscope to keep them on.
    Max crit chance 8%
    Add damage 3000-5000

    for a ql 200 old scope.
    And yes im totally serious, this isnt sarcastic. Some people worked their ass off to be able to buy one, some other had them from before. FC stated that old scope that were already ingame wouldnt be TOUCHED and will be treasures !!!
    CZ you guys stated this and know you changing your own rule, so make it fair and add ALOT of damage on the scope to make them keep their value, ALOT isnt 200 ALOT is > 1K dmg increasing with the ql to a max of XXXX-YYYY.
    Btw in two weeks you guys gonna nerf UVC so my MA becomes useless as my soldier and my NT already is ? If yes please gimme back all the 12.95$ i gave you each month i played and you can have my account ...
    Infamine 200 soljah

  17. #417

    Unhappy Re: Qustion to Cz

    Originally posted by Diophant

    If you remove the old ones, alot of oldtimers would get angry, but the game would be balanced and fair for newcommers.
    yes please screw over the guys that either purchased or owned the scopes so the newcommers can infact play the game without any knowledge or dedication to getting the best gear that is available, hell while your at it... just make us all quake3 clones and may the button mashers win

    seriously it looks like yet another nerf of what I would like to think is/was your origianal player base in an attempt to bottle feed the new ones.

    I vote no to this becuse you will not do anything but devalue this item which we all worked hard to get or purchase. you wanna nurf it ? cool I will trade you my scope for mkIV then you can delete the thing flame on !
    "You eat the Bronto Burger, I want a taco !"

    Guild Storm

    Formula44 Fixer
    Fishtaco Engineer NEW NAME is Craftwoman
    Americanpie Agent - Retired
    proctology Doctor
    formula Bureaucrat
    Account Created 2001-06-27 15:29:57

  18. #418

    Re: Heres an idea

    Originally posted by Infamine
    Ok Cz heres an idea for people with oldscope to keep them on.
    Max crit chance 8%
    Add damage 3000-5000

    for a ql 200 old scope.

    Are you aware that 3k damage is MORE than what I crit for now????????

    Some pepole play games at the easiest settings just to feel "uber", others want a challenge...
    RETIRED:Cassondra "Hotsy" Magistrale, Proud General of OPEC
    And a gazillion other chars

    Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch
    Bureaucrats, Broken as intended
    Chilled:The crat community.. bitter but entirely supportive, kind of like coffee.
    P.S. i didn't proof read this, or check for spelling, I wouldn't want to Nerf my post by actually Fixing the problems.

    This post is fucntioning "As Intended" that means i don't have to fix any problems with it. (Snipped from pooncrat).

  19. #419

    Re: Re: Heres an idea

    Originally posted by Hotsy
    Some pepole play games at the easiest settings just to feel "uber", others want a challenge...
    I don't get it...are you saying it is a challenge for you on the easiest settings?

  20. #420
    Uniform damage isn't the answer either. With crits, there was always a possibility that you'd get lucky and beat a vastly superior foe.

    With uniform damage without crits it would look like this:

    MA to Soldier:

    Hey do you want to duel?


    Hmm..with my gun I'll do an avg of 500*5 damage in 8 seconds add in two specials of 800 each.
    The MA will do an avg of 600 damage 7 times in 8 seconds plus 1 1000 heal.

    So I'll do 4100 damage, and he'll do 4200 damage and heal 1k of the damage I do to him.

    "no thanks"

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