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Thread: [RK2] Freelance: Temple Turned Into Slaughterhouse

  1. #1
    Independent Reporters of Rubi-Ka Editor: IRRK's Avatar

    [RK2] Freelance: Temple Turned Into Slaughterhouse

    Temple Turned Into Slaughterhouse
    June 17, 29483 - [Rimor]

    IRRK Freelance - IRRK - One of Rubi-Ka’s largest and most popular religious sites, the Temple of the Three Winds has been subject to a large scale attack, leaving many slaughtered.

    It was shortly after nearby Clan city; Tir was placed on alert that the reports began to come in. It has been reported that the unknown group of citizens, last seen parading around various cities across Rubi-Ka, attacked the religious site and killed everyone present. It has been said that whilst the decimation of this holy place was taking place, the leader of the group could be he heard shouting:

    “We are your enemy! For too long has this site been left unhindered! You shall no longer be the religious majority on Rubi-Ka, praying to your false Gods! The Gods of Rubi-Ka have come back! Fear us, Omni, Clan, Neutral and all over life! Join us, and ascend to paradise with divination or be obliterated by the divine wind of war!”

    Many citizens fled in terror as the blood of innocent lives began to turn into large pools. This outrageous attack continued until a band of what appeared to be specially trained Clan citizens arrived from Tir; where then what we now know as “The Divine Ones” were dispersed after a lengthy shoot out.

    It would appear that the Divine Ones are following up on their threats previously given by their Supreme Being ‘Anoxu’ which were broadcast not long ago. As an Omni citizen I was unable to question Clan Authorities on the matter, but a Omni-Pol spokesman had the following to say in response to the Broadcast and this attack:

    “We are taking the threat seriously, as dictated by protocol, you know; plan for the worst, hope for the best. This way we can ensure public safety will remain at an all time high. I can confidently say that any and all necessary actions are being taken against this new threat, and that there is no need to panic. Just remember, Omni-Tek protects!”

    More on ‘The Divine’ as and when it develops.

  2. #2
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

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