Omni-Trans robbed - Omni-Pol intervene
March 15, 29483 - [Atlantean]

OTPC - This Wednesday evening, the Omni-Trans headquarters in Omni-1 Trade district was robbed. Omni-Pol has yet to release any information on the identity of the individuals involved, however two were brought down by Omni-Pol officers whilst attempting to escape.

The robbery appears to have been well planned, with the perpetrators gaining entrance to the Trans building whilst using forged documents to appear as agents of a legitimate business hoping to contract Omni-Trans to handle their shipping needs. Once inside the building they are known to have breached security and made straight for a particular priority shipment being stored in a holding area. It is suspected that the operation was planned specifically to target this, however Omni-Trans will not violate confidentiality by revealing the specific nature of the stolen goods.

There followed a running gunfight through the district in which Omni-Pol officers attempted to apprehend the criminals, which resulted in some degree of injury to Omni personnel, and the deaths of two of the perpetrators, later found to have no insurance records. Only one of the robbers managed to escape, and the majority of the stolen goods have been recovered.

Omni-Trans have announced increased security measures in light of this incident.