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Thread: [ALL] OTPC: Who is Omni-Tek? #Omni-InternOps

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    [ALL] OTPC: Who is Omni-Tek? #Omni-InternOps

    Who is Omni-Tek? #Omni-InternOps
    February 23, 29483 - Eto Demercel [Global]

    OTPC - Omni-1 HQ - Eto Demercel interviews MAX

    The department I visited next is shrouded in a cloud of strange rumours and peculiar speculations.
    Despite having a strict schedule that does not allow for many breaks MAX was able to meet me in person. Not only did he explain to me what his work encompasses he was even able to correct some of my wrong views regarding his department.

    Seeing as most of the widespread rumors are not only about InternOps itself, but also deal with the person leading the department, MAX, you will surely understand that I was overjoyed when I was informed that I would be able to meet him face to face. He answered all my questions and did not back away from even the most direct ones.
    Sadly I was not allowed to visit his office as that is against the protocol and many rules prohibited this endeavor. MAX was able to explain to me with perfect precision which articles I would violate. I hope that you, the readers, will be pleased if I leave the specifics out this time.

    Precision is one of MAX´s formative and definitive traits. When asked about it he clearly states that finding someone who could work as flawlessly and precisely as he does is highly improbable, the only exceptions, he notes, are the Omni-Tek Directors.
    Prejudice, bad days and mistakes are things that he has excised from his department. In our line of work, those can prove fatal is his personal statement. An agenda that I do not question.

    What is it InternOps does exactly?
    Most of us may not be aware of the fact, even though it does concern us all and we have been affected by it, that this department is making sure that the new employees receive the best possible training and that everyone gets the job that he is most qualified for.
    Furthermore all internal bulletins and media have to pass through a regulation entity called InternOps.
    And last but not least all reports to Omni Prime are sent through this department.

    Definitely important tasks that they perform for our family, but it has nothing to do with all those fairy tales and horror stories about InternOps that are circulating. Far from it!
    It is common sense that grave errors and blunders have to be dealt with, but, as MAX states, every case is investigated extensively and the punishment is always adequate to the crime.
    Condemning someone flat out for what they did is unknown to the investigators.
    If someone does make a grave error then surely one has to be held accountable for that.
    InternOps does not see that as a punishment they rather see themselves in the role of a father who has to be a little more strict with his children. Children who in their naivety have bragged publicly about a family secret, for example.
    That is something that harms our whole family and so there has to be someone who deals with it flawlessly, just and without prejudice and thus prevents it from happening again. The basic premise is to educate instead of punishment. I am sure that every mother and every father will understand this.

    One of the most fascinating things about this parental and sage department is indubitably MAX himself, even though he does not like to hear that and would have preferred not be put onto the center stage for this article as his humility is only topped by his precision.
    Still MAX patiently answered all questions that were rummaging through my head in detail.

    The first thing I just had to ask was what MAX actually is as one can already see from a distance that he is not human thanks to his blue/purple skin color. Having been asked that he slowly tilted his head and I could hear the servos move in his neck before he answered in a friendly manner and perfectly in form. I have to admit the gesture and the sound was pretty alienating for the first time, but after a short while one just accepts it just as one would do with any other quirk.
    There is no real secret about his origin, it is just something that is told as an after thought as it is not really important. Omni-R&D planned and built MAX many years ago especially for the tasks he now performs.
    Thus the basis for all his actions, our family´s well-being, is programmed into him. A personal agenda is unknown to him, he does not need sleep, relaxation or recovery.
    This statement left me amazed and I just had to ask if he was always on duty, even if it may sound a bit childish and stupid by hindsight. He just nodded and stated calmly that he was on duty every hour of the day, every day of the week, every week of the year without any free time or days off.
    For him it is a matter of pure efficiency and effectiveness, he has the time and he uses it solely for our family´s well-being.
    Emotions and feelings is something else that he is free of, the only thing that drives him is the will to serve Omni-Tek with all his might.
    This is his only ambition, as I have already mentioned, he does not sleep nor does he relax, he does not eat or drink. As comforting as the superhuman devotion that our directors show for their work may be they all are outperformed by MAX´s dedication and he truly adds a new dimension to the term superhuman.

    He is completely devoid of any airs and graces that many people adapt once they feel that they are important or famous.
    He does not hold a title as his position does not really correspond with one. Should one of you faithful readers ever come face to face with MAX and be able to talk to him: The correct address is just MAX, not even mister MAX.
    He does not hold a director title as he is not the InternOps director. He calmly and friendly, but firmly, declined to disclose his director´s name. Security protocols and articles do not allow for that.
    Still he has enough authority and warrants as InternOps´ representative for the monthly Omni-Tek Affiliate Meetings.

    Hands down, he is one of most fascinating people I have had the honor of interviewing. There is no doubt that with him working for InternOps everything is in good and capable hands. I am sure that he is able to solve even the most complicated problems that the jobs presents.

    Eto Demercel for OTPC

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    Last edited by Editor: OTPC; Feb 23rd, 2009 at 22:23:19.

  2. #2
    That....thing crrreepsss me out...*snort* ...It'sss *too* polite. *Too* calm, and *too* prrrecissse. Not to mention it'sss purrrple....and yesss, people who know me know what I have to sssay about that one. He told me once it wasss sssome kind of notum messssh, but...well...whateverrrr, grrapehead. *snort*
    220 Finalizer (FINALLY, after 3 years without a single ding!) Nulion, Squad Commander (And Council of Truth Clerical Staffer) of Alpha Omega

    Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly...Suddenly I awoke...Now, I do not know whether I was then
    a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming that I am a man. - Chuang Tzu

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