Like I said ... no offence so
****MY APPOLOGIES if I offened you.****
We definitly have different views of professional etiquette. (not so mention personal security...)
Last night I logged to have some FUN! in the game and since I have 1 char(enfo) and BS is FUN! I logged in got rapped by some solds & agents (pretty normal on BS when you against omni side) so I logged off and watched a movie reminding myself not to renew the subscription.
Seriously is there any solution to SYNC issue? FC avoids to give an answer to that even tho I noticed that the latest mellee weapons increased their range wich reduced the sync effect.
Can t that be done again ? (we don t need to become ranged... )
Autohead 220/30/70 Solitus Soldier - Synergy Factor
Auron 220/25 Keeper ::: Shadowslave 220/23 Shade ::: Radius 211/21 Nano-Technician
Sunza 207/21 Martial Artist ::: Voss 182/15 Engineer ::: Shadowhead 150/16 Agent
Its Friday today...where is the new "friday with Means"? Or you still reading LoTR & Silmarillion at fireplace?
Last edited by Vickie; Jan 23rd, 2009 at 18:15:16.
Sovieta, Seraph - Angel of the first order
Ihsahna,my Twinkie
" What on earth would our beloved, stinking, beautiful Europe have become without our dope fiends, drunkards, homosexuals, consumptives, madmen, syphilitics, bed-wetters, criminals, and epileptics? Our whole culture was created by invalids, lunatics, and felons."
—Moment of Freedom- Jens Bjørneboe 1966
Executing Nano Program: Gift of Assurance. Target has not enough nano controlling units (NCU) left. Swordbreaker: Not enough NCU. O_o Fixichong: FFS Fixichong: ive failed as a fixer Fixichong: i quit
One of the first of those people who put the Infused Dust Brigade Engineer Pistol (2,7k ME/EE making req) + Infused Master Engineer Pistol on the same Engineer before any updates that fixed anything (including the original sync issues inside the DB instance), lolz!11
Yeah, it's so predictable because your side did sploit when we hit 0% exp bonus (remember how a bunch of people got banned for sploiting?) and were sploiting this time around (again a number of people got banned for it as well).
Of course, you can choose to go "NAI FC JUST DUN UNDERSTAND THEIR SPESHUL FEATURE USING SKEELZ", but no matter. You're just going nostalgic over sploited stuff. Kinda sad really.
Executing Nano Program: Gift of Assurance. Target has not enough nano controlling units (NCU) left. Swordbreaker: Not enough NCU. O_o Fixichong: FFS Fixichong: ive failed as a fixer Fixichong: i quit
One of the first of those people who put the Infused Dust Brigade Engineer Pistol (2,7k ME/EE making req) + Infused Master Engineer Pistol on the same Engineer before any updates that fixed anything (including the original sync issues inside the DB instance), lolz!11
There is always people who sploit (on both sides), some get banned, some don't, some get banned for not sploiting. I didn't hear someone recently getting banned for sploiting in NW and your experience about "black sunday" is limited to rumors. I'm not nostalgic either, but if you search LoR, "omni sploits" will outnumber "clan sploits"
i R not spik engrish
with os nuke and omni sb. omni sb roots and does damage.
so if new os only does even 50% damage omni can still SB root and double SB trox or nm and the os nuke will finish alot of clans off.maybe change the os to aoe blind and some other nasty stuff including the snare.
i think the real issue is the mechanics in the tower sites itself. too many people entering causes servers to overload on that zone.
wonder is it possible to change tower wars so only a certain number of each side is able to an instanced battlestation.
infact we could have on each site a portal or door or building to/that is a notum control center.
where we have to go inside and take control that way.this would allow funcom to limit numbers of players and set any other parameters alot easier with an instance.
timers of site could stay the same and instance would be open during 25%/5%
this would also be a way to create all lvls of pvp with no osb.except from orgmates inside the control center.
OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek
Err, you know that Means is a human beeing like everyone else here, right ?
He's a only Game Director and not the president of a warmongering country or hollywood celebrity and I doubt that Means has to care about his personal secuirty... ( Who want's to go to Oslo on free will anyway...? -Not counting the one whos's abusing a voodoo doll at home)
I find it refreshing that we have a Game Director who's not arrogant.
It's funny tho that you talk about professional posting etiquette when my first thought on your posting was.. "Wow.. he must have forgotten to take his Ritaline"
Uh... I'm a week too late :\