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Thread: "Weight of Guilt" is adding runspeed

  1. #1

    "Weight of Guilt" is adding runspeed

    ..instead of subtracting it. Saw a character go from 60 to 499 Running, and it wasn't a display bug in the Skills menu; there was a definite difference in speed with the program running, and dropping back to normal when it expired.

  2. #2

    Talking I've actually...

    Gone from 100 to 800... suffice it to say that this has been reported. Too bad though... the 800 run speed was like using a Yalmaha, after all i've seen how fast those go. This also worked with npc run speed debuff stackage.

  3. #3
    Weight of the guilty, getting debuffed in missions...

    I'd never had it happen to me till yesterday, I was debuffed left and right from mobs in a mission (also had weight of the guilty cast on me too at times) and I ended up with a run speed of 2134. Minor bug because it goes back to normal when you zone, but man was I fast! It was pretty amusing to my doc friend since I kept running into walls. It was kinda hard to control my direction since I moved so quickly.

    -Dezzie, 105 MA
    -Aikera, 89 soldier

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