A slight sigh, suppressed by a yawn could be heard in the Jobe apartment. Raav rolled out of her meager bed and flopped on the floor. What had it been, months? Years? Raav wondered. She had been on the KoS list from those damn clan-mates for a while now, and decided to lay low for a bit.

Her credit supply running short, she wandered over and examined her weapons. It had been a while since she had utilized them, she thought to herself as she blew the notum dust from the barrels. Carefully dissambling and cleaning the pistols, Raav seriously contemplated venturing out into the world once more. Would she still be remembered? She thought.

Stepping outside, she was greeted by a burst of light from the ever so close sun. Staying on Jobe, as she was, places one much closer to the atmosphere, thus sunlight isn't nearly as filtered much. Raav decided that a shopping spree was much needed, and bought a few essentials before embarking out to find lost comrades.

Her commlink piped up. Her old organization was still alive and well. She was greeted by many veterans of the organization, as well as a few new recruits. Warmly, she greeted everyone in her family.

Raav transported herself down to Rubi-ka and ventured around Borealis. It was still the hotbed of activity, packed with a bustling amount of people, running errands this way and that. She donned her medical gear and got to work, assisting all who needed their nanomachines configured for that extra boost of stregnth or power. Raav was back on the streets. And she was ready to start anew again.