Time spent

My eyes are still sore and my soul aches from the incident earlier today. I'm still surprised that I did cry and have been thinking about it since then. Now though I feel silly for getting so emotional even though it was in the privacy of my own space.

There is so much more I could be crying about, yet I chose to waste it on myself. The hardships of the poor and disabled. The strip-mining of Rubi-Ka. The monstrous experiments that lead to the cyborgs. Heck anything in millions of things I COULD be crying about.

All of these are worthy causes for my breakdown, but It seems so wasted now. So selfish of me to spend that time on myself in such a selfish way.

That's a little too sugary and sweet though. I deserve that time. I deserve it just to keep my sanity in all of this madness. Just a little time for myself is acceptable, for now.