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Thread: Please do something about GA

  1. #21
    Yes, it is cool But you have to be about level 140 just to wear GA4. And GA4 does not make one a god-nanos and specials go right through it. Does it make Fixers poweful? Yes. Too powerful? Not really. A GA4 Fixer is like a Doc-he can take it, but dishing it is a real problem.

    But now we're getting into the Holy Trinity of PvP whines-heals, GA and debuffs

    I would like to see GA made more available. But I have to agree that it would be nerfed. I should have phrased my last post, "why *should* it be nerfed?". So, make GA hard to get.

  2. #22
    Exactly, you do not need Grid Armor. I use QL200 obtru with a MK body piece and a QL200 web cloak. I am very happy with this combination, and most of the time I can tank efficently.
    Rookie Reno Renegede Raines
    The Madquack
    Enshroud yourself in darkness to escape the fear.
    Various others 176 Enf, 160 Fixer, 150 MP, 140 Agent, 130 Soldier

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Shubalubdub
    A GA4 Fixer is like a Doc-he can take it, but dishing it is a real problem.

    I would like to see GA made more available. But I have to agree that it would be nerfed. I should have phrased my last post, "why *should* it be nerfed?". So, make GA hard to get.
    I agree, but what would FC do to it if they made it more commonly avail? Hopfully nothing... but we all know thats not on FC's track record.

    And Ive seen fixers dishing quite well, specially with the new buffs.

    <sigh> but youre also right, this starts falling back on PvP.
    You can do anything at Zombo

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Intrepid
    If GA was as common as a normal nano in the game then FC would be forced to nerf it because it would be hella overpowered. So be happy that its rare and if you find it you get to be uber.
    How can it be overpowered only if alot of people have it. It is either overpowered or not. The number of people having it would just effect the number of people with overpowered items not the power of the item itself.

    Hell I'm a fixer and I think its a bit overpowered. I even have it and I think its overpowered. Lets face it a ql ~90 armor that is uber until lvl 150+ is a bit overpowered.

    I rarely use GA because it just doesnt suit my char. Besides, I really like the look of Omni-Elite

  5. #25

    Twinking - lets talk truthfully

    This has never happened to me, nor do i condone this behavior. But I also have seen high level characters running off to find a specific item for a lower level member of their org. These killeriffic hackandslash times are often quite stress releiving for everyone involved.

    The teamwork that FC is trying to inspire is fulfilled by twinking. Rather than waiving that nerf stick, or suggesting that there be rules that... or that its an exploit that... why dont we just accept that it is a way to build friendships and fun.

    FC could stop it quite easily by making a flag on items to ensure they are never returned to a character who's alts are associated to the same account. They could stop it within guilds by establishing limits for trading items. That would stop the flow of full backpacks that hurt the economy. But if they did these things, it would screw up the present economy as everyone would have to compete fair and square for all items.

    I prefer the economy like it is. I enjoy having a regular group of people who ask me what I have found for them today, and to receive a tell from one of the higher level guild members saying they have my next suit of armour waiting for me.

    As for rare items, Yep, I have been looking for a PPPE for over a month now, because it is worth it. Think about it, IT IS WORTH IT. rather than the relentless leveling that marks typical play, the rare items make it worth it to level slowly through some ranges.

    I feel bad for those people who feel that an essential peice of equipment is being witheld from them. Especially armour. That could be adjusted. But on the other hand, the skills that go into wearing other armour are not wasted when GA finally does arrive. (the other example would be keeping up your fling shot and then finally getting a mausser)

    So, my conclusion is that:
    - Excessive twinking ruins gameplay experience
    - Twinking has changed the economy, but would radically change it if mechanisms were enforced to stop it (i might support it though)
    - The difference between knowing all the tricks and cheeting is always blurred
    - Twinking creates friendships
    - Twinking gives guilds life and purpose.
    - essential items should not be rare. (GA availablility could be changed)
    - The pursuit of rare items gives an alternative focus than endless leveling, and I would like to see rare items for every level that will reward you with uber cash or capabilites.
    - anyone buying a rare item is usually twinking
    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  6. #26
    Please no more speels about how twinking is bad or wrong or de****able. Good lord. This is a game, twinking is making a character more finely tuned (in most cases an alt). What game do you play that you try to NOT improve yourself? If I played Quake3 for 4 years, would i ignore my skill and play the same way as a newbie in a similar game like UT2003? Heck no. People spend time and energy on becoming good at games, and they deserve to reap the benifits. Don't say twinking isn't being good, because the only skill involved in MMORPGs is knowing the physics of the game and spending time camping and levelling, so twinking is completely acceptable and should be encouraged.

    Sure seeing a level 30 fixer with GA on when your lvl 120 fixer has nothing might piss you off (for example), but really if he could affoard GA and twink his character into it, then that means he has more game knowledge and has spent more time which means he SHOULD be better/get benifits.

    The only thing that is wrong with the "twinking" is how funcom adds uber uniques to the game only for 1 patch at a time then removes them, so if you aren't playing every day of your life you will miss out on some stupid loot you need to possibly compete.

  7. #27
    btw that last post wasn't directed at the poster above it. Just the topic got me flaming about some other whiner posts about twinking I've read this week @_@

  8. #28

    Hey, no worries

    This is addressed to the post above mine.

    Hey no worries,

    I think everyone goes through stages where they say
    - This is cool
    - how do i ...
    - I wish it would...
    - Why does it not ...
    - lets be realistic ...

    at this point there are two paths
    path one
    - if it doesnt change...

    path two
    (after path one person speaks)
    - can i have your stuff?

    Anyway, i think that was my last comment on the issue. Most people who have played this game alot understand the rules and feel mostly the same way about things.
    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  9. #29
    Originally posted by Shubalubdub
    Why would it be nerfed? At least half the 170+ fixers have GA3/4 anyway.
    So your saying that roughly 28 people have GA3 and/or GA4. See nice and rare so it can be rather overpowering.

    See now if GA became available to everyone easily and fixers became the new best prof then there would probably be 200+ players with GA3 and/or GA4 and now GA would have to be nerfed because a very large % of the high level player base is uber both in PvP and PvM.

    As long as something is uber rare it can be uber and the player population isn't going to complain about its power too much. Especially something like GA which has a fair drop instead of a group of level 200s with old school scopes no one can hope to outdamage camping a single mob.

    I don't mind that some fixer comes along in PvP and my bot and myself can't even hit him. He has put in the time and the effort either throgh doing missions or through blitzing stuff to be able to get GA he deserves it. However if they made it common drop and every fixer had it then what would i do after getting beatup by every fixer around?? Make a fixer myself.
    Last edited by Intrepid; Sep 26th, 2002 at 18:06:04.

  10. #30
    Originally posted by Intrepid
    If GA was as common as a normal nano in the game then FC would be forced to nerf it because it would be hella overpowered. So be happy that its rare and if you find it you get to be uber.
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    This has to be the funniest line of BS I've heard today.

    Would someone care to tell me how my Grid Armor that always seem to expire at the wrong moment, is uber (leaves me DEFENSELESS, and usually dead)?

    In my humble opinion Grid Armor is somewhat balanced in that most other professions have either healing (MA, Doc), a pet to tank for them (MP, Crat, Engineer), or calms (Trader, NT, Crat) which allow them to sit and heal or recharge nanos.

    Yes, a fixer can be useful if they do not have Grid Armor. They will generally be a 'support' profession, that is brought on missions mainly for thier HoTs and NCU buffs. But I certainly wouldn't suggest lengthy periods of soloing.

    In my opinion, the professions that do not have a good defense or healing ability (namely Enforcers) need to be brought up to the same playing field as everyone else. It's time to stop spreading rumors about how 'uber' fixers are because of thier stupidly-rare class-balancing nanos that never should have been so stupidly rare.

    Will Funcom ever fix this? I sure hope so, considering the market prices. Funcom needs to remove Grid Armor from random drop and either sell it in the stores or design a quest for the 4 nanos. Unfortunately, we'll likely never see that and Grid Armor will only be for the lucky, ninja-looters, exploiters and farmers.


  11. #31
    I wonder how many people will leave for SWG.
    I wonder how fun it's going to be when the entire world logs on to SWG on day one.. (you thought AO had a bad launch?)

    I wonder how fun it's going to be when all you see in SWG is uber Jedis and hairy Wookies running around.

    I wonder how fun it's going to be when SWG starts receiving massive amounts of politically correct criticism from Star Wars geeks around the world.

    I wonder how fun it's going to be when SWG's core economic system digs their own grave.

    (Not even going to start on the fact that SWG is done by Verant, whom I hate more than I ever could FC.)

    Of course, this is all pure speculation on my part.. and all the media hype that SWG has been getting is nothing more than that, pure hype. However, I do feel sorry for all of you that think SWG is going to be the holy grail of MMORPG's.. because it has the same potential of sucking as any other game that has ever been produced.

    *remembers what people said about DAoC before it was launched, and how many people ran right back to UO/AO/etc because DAoC did a horrible job of living up to its hype*

    SWG is not going to be a solution to all your gaming problems, kthnks.

  12. #32
    Originally posted by Nyderach

    I wonder how fun it's going to be when the entire world logs on to SWG on day one.. (you thought AO had a bad launch?)

    I wonder how fun it's going to be when all you see in SWG is uber Jedis and hairy Wookies running around.

    I wonder how fun it's going to be when SWG starts receiving massive amounts of politically correct criticism from Star Wars geeks around the world.

    I wonder how fun it's going to be when SWG's core economic system digs their own grave.

    (Not even going to start on the fact that SWG is done by Verant, whom I hate more than I ever could FC.)

    Of course, this is all pure speculation on my part.. and all the media hype that SWG has been getting is nothing more than that, pure hype. However, I do feel sorry for all of you that think SWG is going to be the holy grail of MMORPG's.. because it has the same potential of sucking as any other game that has ever been produced.

    *remembers what people said about DAoC before it was launched, and how many people ran right back to UO/AO/etc because DAoC did a horrible job of living up to its hype*

    SWG is not going to be a solution to all your gaming problems, kthnks.
    ROFLMAO Cause its soo true
    You can do anything at Zombo

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Hoops

    Would someone care to tell me how my Grid Armor that always seem to expire at the wrong moment, is uber (leaves me DEFENSELESS, and usually dead)?
    quite simple you fail to plan. duh. Now i could understand it expiring once in awhile if it were a 30 minute item but this thing last for 6!!@! hours how can you not remember to regresh it once in awhile.

    The only reason it would expire on you is due to your stupidity.

    Not to mention the fact you think that pets actually tank proves you are both a newb and a dumbass.

    you sound like one bitter fixer who hasn't been able to get his GA3/4 yet.

    Fixers with GA. I don't know many other classes which can blitz almost any ql mission and kill the boss at the end. In those situations HoTs are better then direct heals cause firstly your not taking much damage with GA and HoTs give way better healing per Nano then direct healing and you can't sit and heal.

    A fixer with GA4 and some nano stims is essentially invincible except against the highest level mobs. You honestly think every fixer level 170+ should be esentially invinciblein PvM???

    /me exucutes intelligence boost on Hoopspro

    MY ql200 slayerdroid AND me can't come close to soloing prof jones with me healing my pet none stop. helped a lvl 200 fixer out the other day and i think he got hit 3 times maybe. Uber yes.
    Last edited by Intrepid; Sep 27th, 2002 at 03:57:08.

  14. #34


    i'd wish all the whiners would stop asking for dam nerfs... it's so stupid and childish. Grow up, accept things.. life isn't fair and neither are games.

    i've got a fixer, and i don;t have GA.. wish i did, but i don't wish FC would nerf someone's stuff cause i am jeolous of what someone else has.. there are lots of classes that have advantages that none of my toons have.. i don't go around wishing FC to nerf their stuff.. grow up.. make a fixer.. level a charcter to 150+.... spend your life blitzing missions for $$ and buy yourself some GA .. or hope to find it.. stop being selfish.. or be selfish, just keep your nerfing desires to yourself
    Last edited by Luxferro; Sep 27th, 2002 at 04:19:56.

    "We will look into it"


  15. #35
    Originally posted by Hisaomaro

    ROFLMAO Cause its soo true
    Hey Hisaomaro.. i love your site.. am i supposed to be on acid so anything that is possible can happen? i guess i am

    "We will look into it"


  16. #36

    Re: Re: Re: Please do something about GA

    Originally posted by Kasimir

    um..GA MKI is a QL 60 nano, loses effectivness about level can solo mission in the 160 range with it.

    MKII is a QL 90 nano, good to 120ish, you can solo 180ish, maybe higher.

    So not sure where you're getting your numbers from.
    You are most definitly not what we call an uber char

    Lich × Finalizer × Dictator × Vanguard × Techno Arch-Wizard × Godfather × Eternalist × Saviour × Deity × Guru

    'People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use' - Kierkegaard

  17. #37
    Originally posted by Intrepid
    A fixer with GA4 and some nano stims is essentially invincible except against the highest level mobs. You honestly think every fixer level 170+ should be esentially invinciblein PvM???
    LOL... what profession ISN'T effectively invincible in PvM after level 170?

    MY ql200 slayerdroid AND me can't come close to soloing prof jones with me healing my pet none stop. helped a lvl 200 fixer out the other day and i think he got hit 3 times maybe. Uber yes.
    Sure, but he can't deal enough damage to take down Prof. Jones. I should know, I've tried. Didn't get hit much... but couldn't outdamage the healdelta either.

    Fixers, as a rule, are all about NOT GETTING HIT. They can't do enough damage to take things down quickly, so they have to be able to survive until they can eventually wear the enemy down.

    Get yer nerfing troll self back under your bridge.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  18. #38
    solo mission lol

    Ive done 126 solo missions for grid armor lol NOTA

  19. #39
    Originally posted by Kiryat-Dharin

    LOL... what profession ISN'T effectively invincible in PvM after level 170?

    Sure, but he can't deal enough damage to take down Prof. Jones. I should know, I've tried. Didn't get hit much... but couldn't outdamage the healdelta either.
    on the same level as fixers i'd say enfs and possibly soldiers are the only ones. My engie dies all the time if i try and solo stuff. Trader as well he's only 130 though.

    Secondly he sure as hell can take prof jones down by himself. He called for backup when a team of 4 level 150+ people showed up. He and my ql180ish wardroid managed to win loot over 4 other high level people and it wasn't because of the damage i was doing.

    Originally posted by Kiryat-Dharin

    Get yer nerfing troll self back under your bridge.
    I am not calling for a nerf here i am saying you shouldn't want it changed in drop because then everyone will realize how powerful it was and call for a nerf.

    and before calling me the troll ask yourself who flamed who first. nuf said. goodbye.

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