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Thread: Martial Artist skill skips refresh time on failure..

  1. #1

    Martial Artist skill skips refresh time on failure..

    Is this intentional or a bug?

    If a target resists the skill (I've -just- started one, made it to level 4 or so tonight; so only the beginning skill so far), I can immediately attempt to use it again; and again, and again, until it hits.

    Yet once it hits, it still takes a few seconds for it to come back. Is it supposed to do this?

    Granted, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. It does so little damage (usually two points, occasionally three) that the balance isn't an issue. I'm just sort of curious. If you can keep pressing the button until it hits, why bother making it resistable in the first place?

  2. #2

    Re: Martial Artist skill skips refresh time on failure..

    Originally posted by LRRH
    If a target resists the skill (I've -just- started one, made it to level 4 or so tonight; so only the beginning skill so far), I can immediately attempt to use it again; and again, and again, until it hits.
    It actually goes farther than that, I checks resistance before checking skill lock, period. I've sometimes jumped the gun (where I should've got "can do in 6 seconds") and gotten a 'resist'...and, like your note, it ignored that I tried and unlocked 6 seconds later...

    Personally, I've always wondered why nano resist works against a physical attack...

  3. #3
    It might be some sort of default; it uses nano points, so it counts as a nano attack doing melee damage. If that's the case, some sort of tweak would be nice. As I see it, the nanobots are augmenting the MA's physical body for a -very- brief period of time (something less than a second, probably) and then spending some time recharging, allowing the body to cope with the sudden stress.

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