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Thread: Jack,where art thou?

  1. #1

    Jack,where art thou?

    I know a lot of you guys have found him and is holding on this info!

    Where is he? C'mon let it out!

  2. #2
    You mean where ARE they?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    If im correct the Jack in Varment woods is not the right one, I need to comfirm this with Klngarthur who told me this. I think they are scattered around somewhere else. I will Edit with a update to get you guys for your stuff.
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  5. #5
    Just going on fuzzy memories, but wasn't there a Jack in Stret West Bank in the little bazaar below the reet retreat?
    "So shines a good deed in a weary world."

  6. #6
    There's a bunch of Jack's hanging around in Varmint Woods.

    Check out the Bureaucrat forum and the Quests topic, you'll find a link to all the spawn spots for Jack the Legchopper Clone.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by "No Evades" Diff
    If im correct the Jack in Varment woods is not the right one, I need to comfirm this with Klngarthur who told me this. I think they are scattered around somewhere else. I will Edit with a update to get you guys for your stuff.

    Varmint Woods...all the Legchoppers are there.

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