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Thread: When is the emergency patch comming?

  1. #1

    When is the emergency patch comming?

    So this was supposed to be the quality patch huh?
    Why even use that word since you havent managed to release one patch to this day that deserves anything like quality in the name.. NO patch yet have been without new bugs, exploits or major screwup of gameplay.

    Moving Tir whompa could be a good idea, but why the hell did you have to put a quest npc at the missionterminals 90% of the players (clan) above lvl 75 use in Tir? Already lagged area + quest npc = more lag, how many braincells do you have to use to figure that out?

    Wont even comment on the rest of the patch, just get a emergencyfix out NOW and keep dreaming of that unobtainable word "Quality" in your patches

  2. #2
    Tomorrow at 10am for 8 hours

  3. #3
    I agree.. and it has also been mentioned by a number of people then test server forum.. people should check up and read whats going on so they can influence the decissions that FC makes... the more people that complain before it hits live may have a bigger implact on what they choose to change...

    "We will look into it"


  4. #4
    Originally posted by Luxferro
    more people that complain before it hits live may have a bigger implact on what they choose to change...
    But then we'll be flamed as whiners!!
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  5. #5
    I know i complained, as did a few other people.. they actually moved one of the NPC's that was near the grid term in tir to somewhere else... complaining or maybe a better word, suggestions, work sometimes i guess

    "We will look into it"


  6. #6

    If by patch full of high level content eliminating everything that could contain one single ounce of fun; the things we do for fun as large groups being completely messed up, broken, unable to be completed, or any other words you can place here to say that it completely sucks then FC you did a great job. And after teams were formed all 4 of the teams...not to mention the extra docs we had in tara room not in teams it took a total of 2.5 hours to kill 1 dragon. That has got to be the sickest thing FC has ever done in way of a it your way to end the conflict by brining in these peace keepers so that anything "worth" doing needs all clanners and all omni's to complete? Well until the emergency patch that fixers the broken state of AO, I will be testing out worthwhile games that actually make things fun for everyone like ac2.
    I love you all,
    Member of Apocalypse

  7. #7
    hey guys the lag in tir on rk2 is great now almost 0 except when exiting the grid there....more time to travel but i don;t mind at all plase bring our guards back and get omni scum out of our city!!!

  8. #8
    Yes, I'm thoroughly underwhelmed by 14.5. That would be what some would call an understatment. It frickin' sucks. To complete most any of these quests, you pretty much have to be in one of the huge frickin' guilds. Tell me, what percentage of the population on Rubi-Ka can summon the type of firepower needed to take down Jack... or outdamage other "uber" guilds that might be there? And even if you DO manage to do that, there is no guarantee of getting the item you need. Pure, undeluted, 100% grade A BS.

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