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  1. #1


    Lohem your not asking for a "fix" to our profession, your asking for the destruction of it. And I hate it when you list all these things we have like Health drains and nano drains, because NO traders use these in pvp. And rarely will you see a trader use an ac drain even though we do have a good one.

  2. #2
    Infamousduck is totally right

    What is asking Lohem ? to REMOVE ours drains from PVP !!!!!!!

    ROFL what can I do in PVP if my drains are removed ?
    I have about 870 atk rating at lvl 185 with of course maxed skills, all shotguns implants ql 200 ..
    Do you know another profession that has a so bad atk rating ? Those who have have a pet or something else, we have NOTHING else !!

    So what can I do if my drains are retired ? hmm .. I can heal me for 500 ..... not enough ... can't kill my opponent .... ho wait wOOt I can root him, run away and zone !!!!!!!

    why don't you simply ask FC to remove all traders from the game ? or make it impossible for us to grid in 2ho and mmd ? cuz what you're asking would have exactly the same effect
    neophyte Kromoz 200 gimp

    yes traders eat babies

  3. #3
    Hey it's me again

    This guy is so wrong I can't let it go .... said that even without our drains we have good nanos for pvp rofl

    Evades buffs ...... well go see a MA and ask him RI that is better that our buff, or just ask another trader

    Comp-litt buffs ... hmm sure I'm very happy to have 900 comp-litt when a soldier is alphaing me to death, wOOt

    AC drain and nano-drain are totally USELESS in pvp, and that's quite the same in pvm, if you can't admit it go play a trader ... you said you had one lol ... ho my bad how gimped he is for sure

    Now seriously .... you said MA, ENF; soldiers should be on top of the chain ..... poor guy, noone should be on top of the chain, every profession should have avantages against some and troubles against others ... answer me, who is selfish now ?

    soldiers got nerfed ? sure they were, so now ask improvements and not nerfs for others
    neophyte Kromoz 200 gimp

    yes traders eat babies

  4. #4


    we won't be hearing from Lohem for awhile, he has been banned from the fourms. Maybe because he lashed out to often when someone proved him wrong and when we tried to help come up with a solution.

    He was a troll that needed to cool off, since his judgement was clouded with the "I hate traders" to even talk out a work around without coming back with a nerf traders reply.

    At 1st I tried to reason with him, but the more it was discused he went from lets figure out how to fix this to, I use CHS and since I get OE from a drain, traders should get nerfed, instead he should have posted fix NR, lower Reqs on CHS, or rework drains.
    My small army on rbk2

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    I See you!

  5. #5
    Well, it's an endless discussion that has been brought up a million times already. But it needs to be reworked some way. Taking them out completely is a no go, since traders rely on the buff element from drains, but the debuff part really needs to be looked into.

    Right now, everyone becomes completely gimped when a drain lands on them, and everyone will run for the nearest zone border when they become completely gimped. The result is that no one gets a kill, and both parties waste their time. If the debuff element of drains were reworked you might actually have opponents who are willing to stay and fight, not run to the nearest zone like people do now.

  6. #6

    Talking lmao

    Originally posted by Coldstrike
    Well, it's an endless discussion that has been brought up a million times already. But it needs to be reworked some way. Taking them out completely is a no go, since traders rely on the buff element from drains, but the debuff part really needs to be looked into.

    Right now, everyone becomes completely gimped when a drain lands on them, and everyone will run for the nearest zone border when they become completely gimped. The result is that no one gets a kill, and both parties waste their time. If the debuff element of drains were reworked you might actually have opponents who are willing to stay and fight, not run to the nearest zone like people do now.
    So your saying no one runs for the zone unless they are fighting a trader, hahahahahaha. yeah right. I've watched so many title huging pvpers that will run the sec their hp's get to 25% when fighting any prof.

    p.s this is not meant as a flame, I just wanted to point out that its not who they are fighting that makes them run, they run because they don't want to die and lose their title.
    My small army on rbk2

    Got Nullity Sphere?


    <--flavor of the month

    I See you!

  7. #7

    Re: lmao

    Originally posted by xenomorph

    So your saying no one runs for the zone unless they are fighting a trader, hahahahahaha. yeah right. I've watched so many title huging pvpers that will run the sec their hp's get to 25% when fighting any prof.

    p.s this is not meant as a flame, I just wanted to point out that its not who they are fighting that makes them run, they run because they don't want to die and lose their title.
    Well, I can only speak for myself, but I *WILL* run if:

    - I'm drained
    - I'm fighting a doc that can CH without running out of nano
    - I'm fighting a unhittable GA IV fixer

    Why? Because there is *NO* point at all in me staying there to fight. I'm ok with being killed by a MP, enf, crat, doc without HE/jobe, fixer without GA IV, MA or whatever, because in those fights I always have a small chance. While I am using my resource (hp) they are also running out of their resource (hp or np depending on class). In the 3 situations I described I have absolutely no way to defend myself, and therefore I see no reason why I should just stand there as some free kill.

    It's all about having fun. I can be killed in PvP and still have fun, but that only applies if I feel that I'm fighting back in some way.

    Other situations like this that has been fixed and removed from PvP in the past:

    - NTs chain stunning
    - People insta killing themself on TMS
    - 1 shot AS kills
    - Unlimited range on nukes

    It's like when you play a beat 'em up game like Tekken with a bunch of friends, and one guy always has to use the same special move all the time, never giving anyone a chance to land a single blow before they are dead. Then you always make up some sort of house rule against doing this in order to make it a little fun for everyone involved.

  8. #8
    the only thing i do not like about drains is that it will OE your weapon, which makes most profs useless in PvP. i can live with the hurt it my nano skills i just go to smaller heals and smaller init debuffes (BTW i am a doc) but the thing that hurts the most is the weapon OE, i think they should make it so Drains to not OE a person in PvP then it maybe a little more balanced. just a idea what do you traders think. you still have your drain but there is no OE for the people you are Draining.

    just my 2 cents.
    Proud member of TAG
    Zedtheknife - Keeper Equip
    Weapons I use on Zedtheknife
    Copy of the Excaliber
    Frost-bound Reaper
    Zed "Doczed" Dabucho Equip
    Zedthepimp MA
    Zedddd (120) Trader
    Zedthekiller (115) MP
    Zedtheone (105) Enf

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Zed Dabucho
    the only thing i do not like about drains is that it will OE your weapon, which makes most profs useless in PvP. i can live with the hurt it my nano skills i just go to smaller heals and smaller init debuffes (BTW i am a doc) but the thing that hurts the most is the weapon OE, i think they should make it so Drains to not OE a person in PvP then it maybe a little more balanced. just a idea what do you traders think. you still have your drain but there is no OE for the people you are Draining.

    just my 2 cents.
    So for instance a -200 drain is -200 AMS instead of -200 on all the actual skills? I guess that is an option as well.

  10. #10
    something like that yes, when i say it hurts my weapon it is easy to say in just a few words,

    when i am not OE my crit is about 600-800ish
    when i am OE for a drain my crit is about 123-200ish

    a trader can heal himself about 300ish to 400ish i think(not to sure about a trader)
    but i do know that a traders damage goes up alot when try do use a drain only because traders do about 700-800ish crit before drains and around 1000-1200ish crit after a drain.

    i am only basing this off of fight i have had with traders before. so it i am out of line i am sorry. as for nerfing a trader i do not fell they need to nerf there drains only the effect it has on who the drain, IE the OE of a weapon.
    Proud member of TAG
    Zedtheknife - Keeper Equip
    Weapons I use on Zedtheknife
    Copy of the Excaliber
    Frost-bound Reaper
    Zed "Doczed" Dabucho Equip
    Zedthepimp MA
    Zedddd (120) Trader
    Zedthekiller (115) MP
    Zedtheone (105) Enf

  11. #11
    nano-resist in increased in 14.5, wait to see how it will work
    neophyte Kromoz 200 gimp

    yes traders eat babies

  12. #12
    err Cold those nerf were bad for pvp imo (nesides the TMS one).
    Agent should be able to aimed kill one person, NT to nuke you from 20miles far and Soldiers to alpha u dead.
    As for traders, it really depends who and how is the guy playing his trader, i know i can almost alpha kill a trader if he hasnt hp buff and rrf/bracer, but to stand toe to toe with a trader and letting him debuff you is just plain stupid. Anyway the guy cant post anymore so its pointless

    edit: makes me think if the debuff is a divest its not a real big problem i can still switch guns, anyway i never use TMS in pvp since i hate being rooted without any solution to unroot myself.
    The problem begins when the plunder lands on you after the divest but then again its countered and usually they dont have time/dont fell like launching it in a mass pvp situation. The freaking palsy is more a problem for me
    Last edited by Infamine; Sep 13th, 2002 at 02:25:40.

  13. #13
    I'm back, will start thread again in a constuctive manner

  14. #14
    Originally posted by xenomorph
    we won't be hearing from Lohem for awhile, he has been banned from the fourms. Maybe because he lashed out to often when someone proved him wrong and when we tried to help come up with a solution.
    haha good whiner is banned whiner
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Kromoz

    soldiers got nerfed ? sure they were, so now ask improvements and not nerfs for others
    Haha cant agree more and yes trader wastes me and no i dont want them nerfed.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Infamine

    Agent should be able to aimed kill one person, NT to nuke you from 20miles far and Soldiers to alpha u dead.
    Is that should be this way becasue you pay your 12 dollars?
    Well i pay my 12 dollars and i want doctor to have chance in pvp not insta die becasue soliders alpha agent AS and NT nukes me form place i cant see him. Plus i alreay dead in fights with MP/Trader fights with fixer never ends and fights with MA are usualy also me dead unless i am lucky
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  17. #17

    Arrow bitter and tired

    I'm up for deleting traders if we get to keep our name (either in nickname or firstname) keep our tokens, keep our level, and be allowed to reroll as any breed+class we want. Also have some way that identifies us as 'former traders' in char info/webpage.

    I say this mainly because:
    -Players hate traders, literally
    -FC presently has no real clue about traders
    -Players wouldnt stand for anything except nerfing traders to hell and back
    -Most traders would rather have a useful and fun char than the lump of nerfbait left over when players are done whining about us

    Call it a freak cell-scanner nanobot virus or whatever

    Send EE/ME/QT/Weap to engys
    Send Pharm to docs
    Delete divest, plunder, wrangle
    Send nano drains to NTs
    Send 55 comp lit to engy/nt
    Delete 160/260 comp lit
    Delete AC drains/spreads

    They had no clue about OE anyways, wrangles gone would help put the game to a point FC can comprehend.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  18. #18
    I dont play trader trader is my worst oponent in pvp and NO i dont want them to be nerfed
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

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