Angellis swallowed in gulps, taking in the caustic like liquid as he would oxygen. He reached deep in his coat pocket and produced a small, black container that flipped open to reveal a single syringe and several rubber sealed vials of a perfectly clear fluid. It was what Nix (a.k.a. Testpattern) had given him to help with the pain. This has been the most familiar sight to him throughout the week. Anything else remained a blur...

"Why am I in these clothes.."
"...oh, ..there's the pain again..time for another dose..."
"...Did I really kiss Ferrex last night?"

The only time his mind had clarity was when it was time for another dose. He looked around noticing he was sitting in the Rompa Bar. At least it's not on a toilet in the ladies room like last time, he thought. His eyes looked terrible, aged and saggy. His fingers looked like fragile blades, trembling as he tried to work the syringe into the smooth glass vial. The syringe automatically withdrew the right amount. He blinked several times attempting to clear his vision. Made a secret curse to Reform, Eva Pourais, Aleksandr "Nadab" Harkonnen, Omni-Tek, and himself, before injecting the solution into his already heavily needle tracked forearm.

Angellis leaned into his seat, sinking down until he nearly dissapeared beneath the table.

The bartender was wiping out beer glasses with the same white towel he was using all night. Angellis's descending body caught his eyes. He watched as his arms slid down along with a half full bottle of sake. He followed the bottle as it hit the floor and tipped over, spilling it's contents to the bottleneck. The beverage met with the carpet like old friends.

The bartender exhaled an annoyed sigh and by the time he turned his back he gave no more thought to what he had witnessed.