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Thread: Adventurer mobs over-powered!

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Adventurer mobs over-powered!

    Combine the following:

    1. BUG: AC of certain human mobs is waaaay too high. Funcom has acknnowledged this one.
    2. BUG: Certain human mobs (like adventurers) can stack nano programs such as damage shields which easily hit you for 25+ damage 3 to 4 times a second.
    3. BUG: First-Aid/Nano kits sometimes do not work at all!
    4. GAME MECHANIC: MDAs do nothing but melee damage.
    5. GAME MECHANIC: Dimach damage is pitifully low considering Flings and Bursts do as much or even more for other professions ... and they can do both with much less recharge time.
    6. GAME MECHANIC: Mobs have more health and nano pool at the same level.

    And you've got some unkillable human mobs!

    Funcom, please look into this problem. I'm begging you. Many 50% missions are unsolveable due to certain human mobs that break the rules become more powerful than they should be!

    I don't mind a challenge, but the word challenge implies that it is doable. This isn't a challenge. These are bugged human mobs.

  2. #2
    MA (martial artist) mobs are overpowered because they have high skill buffs and combined with very high evades (and their buffs) and their criticial buffs hit for very high amounts of damage very quickly and very often

    MA mobs must be made less powerfull

    (and yes this is a counteractive whine)

    Adventurer mobs CANNOT stack damage shiled but soldier mobs often cast a reflect shield on them which does stack

  3. #3
    MA mobs? You can't be serious. MA mobs don't have the AC bug and act accordingly (nano proggies don't stack, etc.).

    Adventurer mobs have the AC bug. Adventurer mobs DO stack damage shield nanos. No, it's not a soldier's nano because the two give different damages and it's noted differently in the chat window. This is solely the adventurer's stacked damage shield only.

  4. #4

    First aid and nano kits in missions

    Yes that is abug which has to be worked out... SOmetimes I can do everything in a mission then all of a sudden I can not heal, sit and heal, or loot mobs...I have to run out side then it works..... Ok now that I did that I lost my current map of where i was in the mission. So either fix the in mission heals of make the map readable even after you zone out then in.
    Ok so why?????How so??? Or maybe what? Stay tuned!

  5. #5

    That's a pretty old one. You look as though you're selected, but it's bugged... You need to press escape to deselect yourself and then F1 to reselect yourself and the packs should work okay. Not a great fix, but it does stop your having to go outside.


    "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?" - Robert Browning

    Leroy "Hossley" Prabel
    Lv 82 OT Fixer - RK1

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Hossley
    You need to press escape to deselect yourself and then F1 to reselect yourself and the packs should work okay.
    What stinks is that I find most of the time that work-around doesn't work anymore.

  7. #7
    Yup, they fixed that part of the bug. Using a nano on myself usually fixes it.

  8. #8

    Ok I will try

    I will try the esc thing but as an ADV I have no Nano but heals or polymorphs but I will give both a shot thanks
    Ok so why?????How so??? Or maybe what? Stay tuned!

  9. #9

    Talking MOBS guys obviously haven't been nuked yet for 8,500 damage by a Veteran Exterminator or Master I was 2 days ago.

  10. #10
    Suffice it to say the MOB ac bug is still there.
    "NT's can't over equip armor beyond implants and general buffs (no insane Intelligence or Psychic buffs) and can't overequip weapons since they use direct-damage, damage-over-time and nanoformula methods that require your actually stats and buffs to be active for you to use them. Don't complain about us being powerful when you obviously haven't even played one past level 100. NT's - the original red-headed stepchild of Anarchy Online." - Zaal

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