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Thread: Sector 10 Raid/Team, Loot and Trade Skill Guide

  1. #1

    Sector 10 Raid/Team, Loot and Trade Skill Guide

    I have edited in all the details. Please note that this guide still may not be up to date though as a lot has changed since I wrote it i.e. sector 10 raids are a very rare occurrence now on RK 2 (at least when I log on).

    The loot table is still accurate though. So have fun.
    Last edited by Solostron; Sep 2nd, 2007 at 14:33:22.

  2. #2
    Sector 10 Raid/Team, Loot and Trade Skill Guide

    Note: This guide is aimed at both new and experienced players on RK2, I have provided general raid information as well to assist new players. Although I refer to all Sector 10 events as raids you can also do the sector in a good team, hence a lot of the information in the Specific Raid Information section applies to teams as well.

    Remember Sector 10 can be done in a team as well as a raid force!

    General Raid Information

    How do I join a raid?

    You can join a raid by commanding the raid bot the join you up the channel. The main raid bot on RK2 is called Thaphatz, so to join you would /tell thaphatz !join and accept the invite.

    Please avoid joining the bot if you are afk, not intending to raid or a long way away from Sector 10 as the current raid leader (see the raid leader section) will assemble the raid force using the online list. If you are on the online list then you will be added to the raid should the raid force be at the start, please do not spam the channel for team invites; wait patiently at the start and the raid force will return after they have finished some bosses or died.

    Both new and experienced players should monitor thaphatz chat at all times, people will post vital information on the channel.

    Where should I go to join a raid?

    In Andromeda there is a small patch of cement with a small landing beacon (high level BS is located nearby), it is labeled on the CSP map. Every few minutes a shuttle will land and create a blue aura around the bottom of the beacon. Walk into the aura and you are teleported to an area called the Unicorn Landing Station (where you can also enter LE missions and the other alien playfields).

    To enter Sector 10 run dead ahead and jump down off the landing. Keep running straight until you hit a wall with a device on it, apply the device to enter Sector 10 (you must be between levels 100 and 150). Once you are in Sector 10 run left until you see three spokes in the ground with Unicorns standing around them, raids start just in front of this (this place is known as the start).

    What is a raid leader?

    A raid leader is an experienced player that is currently in charge of organizing the raid. The leader will change from raid to raid depending on who is online and who wants to raid.

    A raid leader will make the teams, decide when and where the raid will raid, make sure everyone is doing their jobs and administer any punishment that may be necessary, along with many other jobs.

    Is there anything I should do before joining a raid?

    I recommend speaking to the quest NPCs (specifically a whitish Unicorn to the right of the Sector 10 entrance) around the start before entering. They will give you missions that give tokens, exp and money that you can fulfill while raiding, a little more of any of these things never hurt! One of the missions also gives you an item that will kills Alien Larvae when applied on them. You should always pick up this item when raiding or soloing as Alien Larvae hit really hard and are pain for the tank.
    Last edited by Solostron; Jul 5th, 2007 at 10:12:27.

  3. #3
    How do I join a team in the raid force?

    The raid leader will assemble the teams using the bot and allocate you to one, assuming that the raid has not already started. Do not spam the channel with lft, if you think the raid leader has missed you politely ask them to add you to a team.

    The teams are displayed when a raid leader (or any leader) does a !teams command. All currently in a team will be displayed along with the team leaders. A team leader’s job is to invite everyone in their bot allocated team to their team. Team leaders will also give the raid leader a report of the people left alive in their team to the raid leader when asked; although another member of the team can do this as well.

    What is a caller and what is their significance to me?

    A caller is someone who chooses which monsters will be attacked by the raid force. This prevents deaths by people getting aggro and makes it easy for tank to keep aggro. You should assist the caller at all times. Type /macro assist /assist <caller name> and drag the icon to your hot bar to create an assist macro. Pressing this macro will let you target the monster that the caller is currently fighting, hence allowing you to attack it also. Assist macros should also be made for your pets (see the forum for your respective professions).

    Heal assists should also be used at all times by support healers, no matter how gimp your healing ability (MP heal pets should be on the tank as well). See the Doctor forum for the best information on heal assists.

    If you do not use the assist macros then you endanger the whole raid force as well as your raid force. Not assisting may or may not result in punishment, depending on the raid leader’s opinion.

    On thaphatz there is a caller command to automatically create normal assist macros (not heal assist macros) for you. When the Raid Leader (or a general leader) types !callers a hyperlink to a window containing the name/s of the current caller/s will appear. Click the name/s and drag the icon to your hot bar to create the assist macro.

    Note: When the raid force is very large there will sometimes be multiple callers so that everyone gains exp/axp and uses their damage efficiently. In this case listen out in the raid chat for which caller your team should assist. If you are not sure do not be afraid to ask.

    Is the axp any good?

    Yes, far better than alien missions or raids, even in a raid force.

    How is loot allocated?

    Loot from normal monsters is a free for all, you can loot as much as you like, however do not stay behind the blob (see the blob section) to loot as you endanger both the raid force and yourself (as monsters might spawn) and you are not contributing to the raid.

    Loot from bosses (with the exception of CRUs with count as normal loot) are flat rolled using the !loot command. The looter (now locked to the Raid Leader on Thaphatz will add the loot by typing !loot then posting the loot. The bot will then allocate the loot to a roll slot. To see the loot being rolled you use the !list command and follow the hyperlink that is then posted. !add <slot number> allocates you to the slot of your desired loot. You can only be allocated to one slot per roll. To gain the right to roll for loot you must have reached the boss and contributed to killing it.

    After a certain period of time the Raid Leader will then type !result and the result of the roll will be displayed, winners can then collect loot from the looter (some Raid Leaders will specify that they have to be the ones to loot the remains of bosses). Any loot that no one rolls for will be re-rolled, anyone (that contributed to killing the boss) can now add to this roll, even people who won in the past roll.
    Last edited by Solostron; Jun 28th, 2007 at 14:23:31.

  4. #4
    What is leaching and why should I not do it?

    Leaching is when someone enters a raid team without any intention of contributing to the raid. Leachers generally stay at the back of the raid force. Do not do this, Raid Leaders and other raid members know people do this and will be looking out for it. If you’re not going to contribute to the raid you have no right to gain any benefits from it. Leachers, if spotted, will almost certainly killed by a Raid Leader, if you get a reputation for leaching you may even be blacklisted (permanently banned) from the raid bot.

    What is blobbing and how do I do it?

    Blobbing is when a group of players keep in a tight knot, to avoid deaths and concentrate their abilities over a small number of monsters (since less will be pulled if players are taking up a smaller area). This also helps the tank keep aggro and means squishy support classes aren’t far away enough from the tank to encounter anything nasty. In general, you should always be directly behind the tank. When I am leading a raid I sometimes recommend that people /follow the tank as then walking is ones less thing to worry about.

    Everyone except the caller/s should be in a blob directly behind the tank. If you are not in a blob you will either be told to do so or punished for endangering the raid force.

    What is meeping?

    Meeping is when the raid teams are evacuated using grid nanos. If the raid leader instructs you to meep someone from the team should start using a grid nano. If no one team has a grid nano you should ask if there are any spare in the raid channel. If you have no meeper it is just best to terminate.

    Specific Raid Information

    From the Start to the Middle (Mid) area

    To get into the main part of Sector 10 you must first pass the first fence. The first fence, directly in front of where you start raids, should be gone through with care. The left and right posts are armed and will cause you to instantly die if you go too near them, keep close to the centre post and you will be fine.

    Once past the first fence you will start encountering aliens. The first type of alien you will probably encounter is your bog standard ensigns and generals. Sector 10 ensigns (the type IIs even more so) have quite high HP for their level; however they are honestly quite easy on their own, even solo. There might also be an alien larvae or two around here, so use the device you picked up on the mission on them, alien larvae are nasty little buggers and can hit upwards of 2k.

    Pushing on through the left branch of the ravine the next thing you will encounter is probably going to be a regeneration conduit. These do no damage however they must be killed as they cast AoE snares, they have little HP so rangers should fire from a distance at them to minimize the amount of people snared. If you get snared please use free movement stims as fast as possible, especially if you are a support healer as the AoE snare also lowers nano init.

    Passing the regeneration conduit you will probably encounter the first of the large AoE nuking type IIs. Callers should pick these out first as they are a pain for the raid force. Support healers should heal their team as much as they can provided the tank’s HP is not too low. If the tank’s HP is low support healers should avoid this and concentrate on the tank, should this happen team members who feel that their HP is too low should sit down and heal quickly. The AoE nukes are honestly not very strong and shouldn’t be the slightest bit of trouble for an experienced raid force.

    At this point you will also probably encounter alien vectors, which look like extremely large versions of Zixx. Vectors are hard hitting monsters, however they have relatively low HP so like type AoE nuking type IIs vectors should be targeted first, possibly even before the AoE nukers.

    The raid force should then carry on following the same path until they reach a point where the area widens. There are no branches in the ravine until the wide space except for the first left. There will be no monsters other that the ones previously mentioned.
    Last edited by Solostron; Jun 28th, 2007 at 14:17:23.

  5. #5
    The Middle (Mid) area and boss

    When the raid force reaches a wide space it means that they have reached the middle area. To kill the middle boss the raid force should first clear parts of the middle area to prevent adds being pulled when the boss is attacked.

    The raid force should hug the East wall to prevent the boss from aggroing and the callers should pull all monsters from the East side up until a gap in the East wall.

    After the East wall is clear the raid force should then hug the South wall and move along it going west. There are monsters here as well, that callers should pull. The South wall should be cleared completely and the part of the West wall just above the South West gap should also be cleared.

    When everything is cleared the raid force should then blob at the blue crystal that you passed on the South wall and await instructions from the Raid Leader.

    The mid boss, to the North East of the crystal, has a nano that spawns Alien Defense systems, which nuke you for 20k if you get struck by them. Hence, when the tank has started attacking the boss you should watch out for green auras around the sides of the boss. If the auras are there it means that the Defense Systems have spawned (they look like green globes). To avoid getting nukes the whole raid force should kite (run in circles) West into the area that has already been cleared.

    Once the boss and all adds are dead the raid leader will add the loot to the bot and roll when everyone has assigned themselves to a slot (see the loot section for specifics).

    From the Mid area to the East and West areas

    The start of the East and the West areas are the two gaps that you saw previously. The raid leader will pick one to do and instruct the raid force to continue down it. The monsters are the process of killing them is exactly the same as it was from the start to the mid.

    On the way to the East the raid force should hug the North wall to prevent adds, on the way to the West the raid force should hug the South wall.

    On the ways to both the East and West the raid force should continue going straight until the second right. After the second right, on both the East and the West sides, you will encounter the second type of fence. The second type of fence requires you to press a green mushroom like item on the floor before entering. When you press the item a yellow shield that takes 10 NCU will be cast on you. Make sure you have the yellow shield in your NCU before crossing the fence. If you do not have the shield in your NCU the fence will kill you.

    After passing the fence continue straight on until you hit a second fence of the same type, repeat the fence process and you are in either the East or West areas.

    If you are at the East area you do not have to clear any adds, just stand near the fence and wait for the raid leader to save you can start the boss.

    If you are in the West area hug the West wall and clear the aliens around it until you reach a blue crystal relatively near the boss, you should stand here and wait for the raid leader to say you can start.

    East Boss

    The East is probably the easiest of all bosses since his special nano attack only summons adds. Push DD (damage dealing) and stay as close as possible to the tank and you will be fine; remember to clear up the adds when the boss is dead. You should then stand at the North wall and wait for the raid leader to distribute loot.

    West Boss

    The West boss’s special nano attack is a large AoE nano drain, making it a pain for the support healers. The main support healers should stand as far back as they possibly can to avoid getting their nano pool drained. The boss has relatively low HP so all raid members should push damage to make sure it dies fast. The raid force should then stand at the blue crystal and wait for the raid leader to distribute loot.

    From the Mid area to the North area

    Note: The North area is the only area where raid members should not be assisting the caller due to alien cocoons. If you see an alien cocoon start hitting it as soon as possible so that it dies quickly, if left alone it will wreak havoc on the tank and therefore effectively kill the entire raid force.

    The North area is the hardest of all areas. The reason it is so difficult is that the way to the North is tightly packed with aliens so they need to be pulled carefully to avoid agro. The North is best done in a small raid force of two to three full teams.

    To enter the way to the North area you should go back to where you killed the boss at the mid area then walk North into the gap. The raid force needs to be especially careful about blobbing behind the tank here since the raid force needs to minimize the amount of adds. The caller/s should also be careful to pull as few aliens as possible.

    The raid force should keep following the right branches and ignoring the left in order to proceed towards the North area.

    There are two gates of the second type that the raid force needs to get past, please read the section of getting to the East and West areas for more information on how to do this.

    Once the raid force gets past the second gate they need to be extremely careful to hug the West wall. Callers should avoid range pulling at all times as they might cause an alien patrol to be pulled, which means the whole raid force is likely to die. Everyone should be especially careful about assisting and heal assisting here as well.

    Continue on hugging the West wall until you reach a gap. Proceed through it until you reach another gate of the second type (see the sections on the East and West). Go through then stop. You’re at the North boss. Clear the adds in front of him then blob and get ready for the raid leader to say go.
    Last edited by Solostron; Sep 2nd, 2007 at 14:30:18.

  6. #6
    The North Boss

    The North boss is not really that hard, however he will cause a large area to be covered by alien napalm when he dies. Alien napalm does a large amount of damage so when the boss is about to die you should pull back as far as you possibly can in the time period. However, remember my warning about alien cocoons!


    Boss loot with general drop rates

    Name / general drop rate

    - Inactive Alien Tank Armor / Common, at least every other boss.

    - Inactive Empty Alien Augmentation Device / Uncommon, roughly every 4-5 bosses.

    - Inactive Alien Beacon / Common, at least every other boss, possibly more than one per boss.

    - Inactive Alien Reflex Modifier / Common, at least every other boss, possibly more than one per boss.

    - Inactive Alien Battery / Common, at least every other boss, possibly more than one per boss.

    - Inactive Alien Material Conversion Kit / Relatively common, one every few bosses.

    - Inactive Alien Translation Device / Relatively common, one every few bosses.

    - Viralbots, Strong Lead/Enduring Lead/Arithmetic Lead/Spiritual Lead/Supple Lead / relatively common, one every few bosses, I find enduring and spiritual tend to be more common than the others however. Roughly around ql 150.

    - CRUs around 25% (not rolled), practically every boss.

    Normal Loot

    - Alien Activation Crystal

    - All types of Kyr’ozch weapons. QLs 100-150.

    - Solid Clumps of Kyr’Ozch Bio-Material, various types and QLs

    - Alien Data Storage Crystals, Combat/Defense/Insight/Medical/Nano Technology/Protection/Technical, ignore the translated versions, they are created using trade skills and I couldn't remove them from the list. There is also an Alpha Crystal listed however I have not seen it drop and there appears to be no HUDs for it. Probably not in game, or it could possibly a rare item that is exchanged for something, like the Sector 42 plans. We'll wait and see.

    - Alien Armor Materials

    - Hacker ICE-Breaker Source (exchanged for a 100% CRU)

    Trade Skill Information

    Requirements: 450 Mechanical Engineering

    Note: Unless stated otherwise none of these items are no drop.

    Trade Skill Tools - these tools are non-consumable

    Inactive Alien Material Conversion Kit + Alien Activation Crystal = Alien Material Conversion Kit

    Inactive Alien Translation Device + Alien Activation Crystal = Alien Translation Device


    Inactive Alien Reflex Modifier + Alien Activation Crystal = Alien Reflex Modifier

    Inactive Alien Beacon + Alien Activation Crystal = Alien Beacon

    Inactive Alien Battery + Alien Activation Crystal = Alien Battery


    HUDs can be made for:

    Alien Data Storage Crystals, Combat/Defense/Insight/Medical/Nano Technology/Protection/Technical

    I will use Combat as an example.

    Alien Data Storage Crystal - Combat + Alien Translation Device = Translated Alien Data Storage Crystal - Combat

    Inactive Empty Alien Augmentation Device + Alien Activation Crystal = Empty Alien Augmentation Device

    Translated Alien Data Storage Crystal - Combat + Empty Alien Augmentation Device = Alien Augmentation Device - Combat
    Last edited by Solostron; Sep 2nd, 2007 at 14:31:24.

  7. #7
    Alien Tank Armor

    Inactive Alien Tank Armor + Alien Activation Crystal = Alien Tank Armor

    Improved and Perfect Alien Tank Armor

    Alien Material Conversion Kit + Alien Armor Materials = Processed Alien Armor Materials

    You need two Processed Alien Armor Materials for a Perfect Alien Tank Armor.

    Improved and Perfect Alien Tank Armors are no drop so this final step has to be completed by you.

    Alien Tank Armor+ Processed Alien Armor Materials = Improved Alien Tank Armor

    Improved Alien Tank Armor + Processed Alien Armor Materials = Perfect Alien Tank Armor (Auno lists the name as Perfected however in-game the name is actually Perfect)

    Nanomage Enhanced Alien Tank Armor

    Processed Alien Armor Materials (see previous section) + Alien Material Conversion Kit = Specialised Alien Armor Materials

    Nanomage Enhanced Alien Tank Armor is no drop so this final step has to be completed by you.

    Improved Alien Tank Armor + Specialised Alien Armor Materials = Nanomage Enhanced Alien Tank Armor
    Last edited by Solostron; Jun 28th, 2007 at 14:14:59.

  8. #8
    Great guide, deserves to be on the front page!

  9. #9


    Bump, before I go on holiday.
    Last edited by Solostron; Jun 28th, 2007 at 14:36:56.

  10. #10
    wtb sticky
    Enter the Information Age
    Proc Descriptions

    Hunt, and be hunted: The Hunting Grounds | Alien Tower Field :Aliens, that really invade!
    Pet argo management: Servants Protection | Expand the Notum Silo :Make it worthwhile

    Tesgri - 220|17|58 (Omni Agent)
    Leara - 220|25|62 (Omni Doctor)
    Ponygirl - 220|25|56 (Omni Bureaucrat)
    Means: "We have done way dumber things than this..."

  11. #11
    Yes a sticky would be nice please.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    /vote for sticky
    Make the battlestation a reality for all levels!
    FC, we need Noob Island fixed!
    Go go Godzilla! (Please)
    Amateur CoH Chest Detective
    Temporarily out of game due to XBL. I shall return.

    Breakdown: Achiever 53.33%, Explorer 46.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 40.00%.

  14. #14
    Good technical info, but I'd seperate that out from the generic bot-raid elements; s10 doesn't need more than a team, and it's good info for people attempting the sector as one. It'd be nice to actually encourage rather than lead people to believe they have to join some vastly overpowered raidforce.

    What happens after you kill all? nothing, so far. We killed mid + east + west, RK1 zerg killed north, nothing unusual happened. North boss has spawned some really deep red larvae at times ( 2-3k crits, can't cage them ), and there is also a train of aliens running around there that can swamp you unexpectedly.

  15. #15
    nicely done , good job

  16. #16
    Is the Alien Material Conversion Kit consumed after being used ?

  17. #17
    Bump, I have the same question as slipster

    Edit: Found out, it's not consumed
    Last edited by Mamman; Jul 2nd, 2007 at 17:48:22.
    Mamman-_ 220/28 Enforcer Pretty!!
    Fluortanten 220/30 Soldier
    Pebble__.i_ 220/27 Shade
    Dogfood_._ 220/23 Agent


    STATUS OF KYAI: Not breathing

  18. #18
    Nor the translator.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Kari View Post
    Good technical info, but I'd seperate that out from the generic bot-raid elements; s10 doesn't need more than a team, and it's good info for people attempting the sector as one. It'd be nice to actually encourage rather than lead people to believe they have to join some vastly overpowered raidforce.

    What happens after you kill all? nothing, so far. We killed mid + east + west, RK1 zerg killed north, nothing unusual happened. North boss has spawned some really deep red larvae at times ( 2-3k crits, can't cage them ), and there is also a train of aliens running around there that can swamp you unexpectedly.
    I managed to get a small amount of internet access while I am on holiday. It's true that you can do s10 in merely a team, however the information is exactly the same, a raid force is after all basically just a very large team; hence \i will keep the info the same as all changing it for teams would do is mean I would have to put raid force/team in instead of team. I will put a little more emphasis on the fact that it can be done in a team though.

    I'll also add the stuff in the second paragraph. Could you verify that the alien swarm is not the same as the alien patrol that I *think* I mention just after the second fence in the North part? That is a train of aliens which move around that area.

  20. #20
    Very well written and nice guide!

    I have to agree with Kari though, this zone is really intended as team content. I've been many times now and have been successful with as few as 4 people at killing the bosses and handling the groups of aliens with ease.

    I realize that its not your intent, but as a reader I'm left with the impression that this is a zone for a raidforce.

    It saddens me that a raid bot even exists for this zone in all honesty. Major overkill.

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