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Thread: Static Missions

  1. #21


    What these static missions are supposed to give? Great XP, great item, great money ? Plus, static missions are always available or they disappear when someone complete it with success? Thx for ur answer.

  2. #22

    this is somthing we need

    Pleas we have to find the truth in this NPC thing its somthing that must be in the game.

    Why is it so hard to get a mission from the NPC i really dont understand this is somthing that should be easy (hope you know what i mean).

    Im sick of powerlvl, Im sick of missions, im sick of finding no storry at all, when i do its US time. I need som quests/missions that are more puzzel minded (find that guy, bring this item to). Funcom has to put that in the game, its a shame that this nice game dont have this aspect, Bad, bad indeed.

    Its like you going to a bar but what are you doing at this bare Nothing at all. it would be fun if ther was som kind of non fighting missions ore minimum fighting missions/quest in thes areas.

    I have used like 10 houers finding locating thes NPC yes ther are manny ill tell what i found:


    Galway County (Pool)

    Andromeda ICC (HQ)

    Harrys (Near Grid)

    Lush Fields (SW mine)

    Clon**** (Millitary installment)

    Houses on Rubi-Ka

    Clon**** (millitary installment, the village by the river (Frisko somthing)).

    Andromeda ( the Star wars village (nice place), and a village up north).

    4Holes ( wow this place crawling with indor areas just try all buildings, ther is some kind of scool/HQ)

    20K (Treepine hut, The carstel (big indor place).

    Harrys (trailer park on the road down to grid).

    Boss Mobs

    Leg chopper (Varmint Woods)

    Thrash King (Athens Shire)

    Van Horn (Newland Desert)

    Sorry for my bad bad english

  3. #23


    Btw, I agree with you on that. Funcom has made totally nice adventure games with nice puzzles and all, but this game only gives nice views and not puzzles at all. monkey island puzzles like take item and bring it there is not maybe the best puzzle nowadays.

    we demand puzzles and little bit more where you can grab on in this game.

    and what these static missions give? I've heard that they got something to do with arul saba bracelets . Those are kinda nice. If I just could get 5 energy gems of arul saba to make 1200 nano increase bracelet for myself .

    just "*rumours*".
    Last edited by movi; Dec 26th, 2001 at 16:24:54.

  4. #24


    Mirri: hello eddie
    Eddie: Hello.
    Mirri: tell me about eddie
    Eddie: I no nothing about that know.
    Mirri: what do you know
    Eddie: You want about Rubi-Ka hear? I know a lot Rubi-Ka.
    Mirri: tell me about rubi-ka
    Eddie: Rubi-Ka be big place.
    Eddie: I walk it for years.
    Eddie: Got tired.
    Eddie: Walked here.
    Eddie: Know towns if you need where to go.
    Eddie: Just ask.
    Mirri: tell me about towns
    Eddie: I tell you of Athen and Omni-1 and Rome and Tir and Clon**** Omni-Mine can.
    Mirri: tell me about athen
    Eddie: Athen be right north of here.
    Mirri: tell me about omni-1
    Eddie: Omni-1 be far south.
    Eddie: Just follow the river.
    Mirri: tell me about rome
    Eddie: Rome be south and west.
    Eddie: On water edge.
    Mirri: tell me about tir
    Eddie: Tir be east and a little north.
    Mirri: tell me about clon****
    Eddie: Clon**** be east and little north of Rome.
    Mirri: tell me about missions
    Eddie: I no missions for you have.

  5. #25
    Mirri: hello red
    Red: Hello.
    Mirri: what do you know
    Red: I can tell you about the Eco Warriors, and how we are fighting for a better world!
    Mirri: tell me about the eco warriors
    Red: The Eco Warriors have a proud history.
    Red: For centuries we have been the conscience of this planet!
    Red: Whenever Omni-Tek, the evil of this planet, has committed some awful crime against any part of Rubi-Ka, we have been there to fight them, to keep them from doing harm when we can... and to clean up the mess when we can't.
    Mirri: tell me about missions
    Red: Mission?
    Red: I don't have any missions for you.

  6. #26
    Mirri: hello stolt
    Stolt Jensenberg: Hi. Have a look at my excellent merchandise!
    Mirri: tell me what you know
    Stolt Jensenberg: I'm no tourist information, am I?
    Stolt Jensenberg: Go fish. Or better yet, go hunt in Rhinoman Valley , then come back and sell the booty to me!
    Mirri: do you have any missions for me?
    Stolt Jensenberg: Yeah! I have a mission for you! Find a way for me to get a wiener, so I can get Heidi Grump back!
    Mirri: tell me about rhinoman valley
    Stolt Jensenberg: Rhinoman Valley is northeast of here. Well... a bit more east than north, really.
    Stolt Jensenberg: Anyway... It's a great place to hunt.

  7. #27
    Mirri: hello mr gibs
    Mr. Gibs: Hi.
    Mr. Gibs: Have you come to hear me play the banjo?
    Mirri: yes
    Mr. Gibs: Uhh...
    Mr. Gibs: I think I...
    Mr. Gibs: I wish I had some more mushrooms...
    Mirri: what else do you know
    Mr. Gibs: Mushrooms! I can tell you about mushrooms!
    Mirri: tell me about mushrooms
    Mr. Gibs: Mushrooms? Oh Yes! I love mushrooms!
    Mr. Gibs: I make my own mushroom-soup, you know. You can have the recipe if you want!
    Mr. Gibs: The best mushrooms in the world are here in this valley.
    Mr. Gibs: And I've been all over the world eating mushrooms!
    Mr. Gibs: That's why I live here.
    Mr. Gibs: Because of the mushrooms.
    Mr. Gibs: Now, if only MoOg would go away, I'd be perfectly happy!
    Mirri: tell me about this valley
    Mr. Gibs: If everybody went around asking questions like that, there would be no one left to answer them, would there?
    Mr. Gibs: Hmm?
    Mirri: tell me about moog
    Mr. Gibs: MoOg is the local whack-job. He's just plain crazy.
    Mr. Gibs: Like he's had his head bumped into a tree too many times.
    Mr. Gibs: Like his mother gave him too much milk. Or not enough mushrooms.
    Mirri: tell me about missions
    Mr. Gibs: Mission?
    Mr. Gibs: Think you could find a mushroom for me?
    Mirri: yes
    Mr. Gibs: What are you trying to say?
    Mr. Gibs: I am the master of the known galaxy!!
    Mr. Gibs: Sorry. Lost it there for a second...
    Mr. Gibs: If you're going to be unintelligible, so can I.
    Mr. Gibs: The nose of the universe is inside the nebula of the second coming!
    Mr. Gibs: We have to awaken the beast from under the mushrooms so that we can blunder-runder with my bludgeon! See if I don't!

    OK, I can't find MoOg anywhere, but I *do* know where there are some mushrooms in 'the valley'. The thing is, I can't harvest them (or even target them), so I can't bring them back. I guess I'm missing something. Any thoughts?

  8. #28
    moOG is in south artery valley (i read that in some notes taken by Moondragon) hope it helps ... (moving there, although dang area)

  9. #29

    Wow a fun challenge in the game!

    So from what I understand, I'm supposed to travel to every square foot of Rubi-Ka looking for any NPC with a regular name (not a "thug"). Since there are only a few NPCs with static missions, chance are that most NPCs I find do not have static missions, but there's no way to know for sure. I have to play a long guessing game looking for the right keywords to see if this one has a static mission. No problem, I'll just get a big fat dictionary and start with "a".

    Wow, this sounds like more fun than a person should be legally allowed to have.

  10. #30
    ... i died ...

    I dunno if MoOg has the key for this "mission", but (at lvl 75) i will have to wait 10 lvls more to reach moOg in Artery valley ... great ... if im lucky i will b able to do that mission next month ... or 2 months

    or i can go there in a Yalmaha ... but wait, i'm MA, air vehicle deep blue ... yeah ... 2 months

  11. #31

    Sam Chin

    Mirri: hello sam
    Sam Chin: Oh! Hello there. I didn't see you at first!
    Mirri: what do you know
    Sam Chin: I can tell you about Rubi-Ka...
    Sam Chin: ICC
    Sam Chin: and Omni-Tek.
    Sam Chin: Or maybe you would like to learn about the Temple of Three Winds?
    Mirri: tell me about rubi-ka
    Sam Chin: Rubi-Ka is being destroyed by Omni-Tek !
    Sam Chin: They drain all the natural resources from this planet, and create a hazardous environment for the people living here. Something must be done!
    Mirri: tell me about icc
    Sam Chin: ICC - The Intergalactic Council of Corporations.
    Sam Chin: The ICC was formed to the benefit of all corporations, as they could all share markets and peacefully agree on trade and resource allocation.
    Sam Chin: The ICC's main purposes are:
    Sam Chin: To oversee fair trade.
    Sam Chin: Uphold patent regulations.
    Sam Chin: Lease out solar systems.
    Sam Chin: And run the intergalactic police force.
    Mirri: tell me about omni-tek
    Sam Chin: Omni-Tek ? Hmmph.
    Sam Chin: The worst thing that has ever happened is Omni-Tek.
    Sam Chin: The day Omni-Tek is nothing but a bad memory, we shall all be free!
    Mirri: tell me about the temple
    Sam Chin: The Temple of Three Winds is a temple far up north.
    Sam Chin: It had something to do with time travel, if I remember correctly.
    Mirri: can i have a mission
    Sam Chin: Mission?
    Sam Chin: I'm afraid I don't have any missions for you.
    Mirri: tell me about time travel
    Sam Chin: Hmm...
    Sam Chin: I think you will have to go elsewhere to learn about that.

  12. #32

    Nodda Gregg

    Mirri: hello nodda
    Nodda Gregg: Hi.
    Mirri: what do you know
    Nodda Gregg: I'll tell you about Rubi-Ka...
    Nodda Gregg: ICC
    Nodda Gregg: and Omni-Tek.
    Nodda Gregg: I also know a bit about combat.
    Nodda Gregg: What do you want to know ?
    Mirri: tell me about combat
    Nodda Gregg: The secret isn't to sacrifice yourself, but to make the enemy sacrifice himself.
    Nodda Gregg: See?
    Mirri: tell me about rubi-ka
    Nodda Gregg: Rubi-Ka is being destroyed by Omni-Tek !
    Nodda Gregg: They drain all the natural resources from this planet, and create a hazardous environment for the people living here. Something must be done!
    Mirri: tell me about icc
    Nodda Gregg: ICC - The Intergalactic Council of Corporations.
    Nodda Gregg: The ICC was formed to the benefit of all corporations, as they could all share markets and peacefully agree on trade and resource allocation.
    Nodda Gregg: The ICC's main purposes are:
    Nodda Gregg: To oversee fair trade.
    Nodda Gregg: Uphold patent regulations.
    Nodda Gregg: Lease out solar systems.
    Nodda Gregg: And run the intergalactic police force.
    Mirri: tell me about omni-tek
    Nodda Gregg: Omni-Tek ? Hmmph.
    Nodda Gregg: The worst thing that has ever happened is Omni-Tek.
    Nodda Gregg: The day Omni-Tek is nothing but a bad memory, we shall all be free!
    Mirri: do you have a mission for me?
    Nodda Gregg: Huh? Mission?
    Nodda Gregg: I haven't been on a mission for months.
    Mirri: can i have a mission
    Nodda Gregg: Mission?
    Nodda Gregg: I don't have any missions for you.

  13. #33
    Trust me, raising the deep blue skill of air vehicle is worth it. There's no other way to travel then by jet.

  14. #34


    I know, but that will be to spend lots of IP due I got it at 40 or so until i reach 300 or around to use a Yalmaha
    Last edited by Azznonimous; Dec 24th, 2001 at 18:10:42.

  15. #35
    Bought a QL41 Yalmaha - Air vehicle 128. Got the points in one level without implants, and as a soldier its blue too. (We're supposed to drive buggys). More than worth not maxing some skill for a level - I've sen so much of the world since. Go hunting, do 5 levels at once, get the plane skill up and forget about it. You know you want to

  16. #36

    Talking Amusing fact

    Stolt Jensenberg seems to be one of the guys that give a quest. Seems the AO designers just shuffeled the last norwegian prime ministers name a bit. His name is Jens Stoltenberg by the way.

    As to the quests... i've tried locating them but without luck so far.

    - Khayne
    Bane 43 NT
    Othar 16 Enf

  17. #37
    cro - thats the funnies thing ive seen : )

    Save me the time of running around only to see
    "I know of Rubi-ka, ICC, and Omni-Tek"

    I gave up after the Haloween opening, which bombed in my book. All this 31st crap got me excited for what? A lousy teddy bear and over powered gray mobs! *Slaps forehead*

    I did run around that day talking to every NPC known to man, from Roam Green to the far depths of Rubi-ka. Only to get the message stated above. *Yawns*

  18. #38

    This isn't fun anymore

    been searching for one week now without success. Obviously there *are* static missions but whoever found them is very secretive about them and don't share.
    Been searching several named NPCs , asked them all kind of weird questions, no success. Maybe it's the wrong NPCs or else the wrong keywords - but this is really not fun anymore.
    I'm not expecting details, but some hints about *where* or *who* or *keywords* might help - I for sure *will* share if I find anything interesting - wish y'all would too!!!

  19. #39

    Drew Ospen

    Note: Drew Ospen is an Omni-Tek employee working on the docks at 2HO, whereas Mirri is a clan member - and it was only the Amnesty that allowed Mirri to speak with Drew. So what follows is what Drew, and Omni-Tek employee was willing to tell Mirri, a follower of the clans.

    Mirri: hello drew
    Drew Ospen: Hello. Fabulous to meet you!
    Mirri: what do you know
    Drew Ospen: Oh! I can tell you a lot of things!
    Drew Ospen: I can tell you about Rubi-Ka
    Drew Ospen: ICC
    Drew Ospen: and Omni-Tek.
    Drew Ospen: I can also tell you about 2HO and Clon****.
    Drew Ospen: And I love to talk about my friends and family.
    Mirri: tell me about rubi-ka
    Drew Ospen: I have nothing to tell you about that.
    Mirri: tell me about icc
    Drew Ospen: I have nothing to tell you about that.
    Mirri: tell me about omni-tek
    Drew Ospen: Omni-Tek is just great! It's the most successful hyper-corporation in the history of humankind.
    Drew Ospen: Currently leasing more than 10 million solar systems from the ICC, and having a staggering 282 billion employees at the last count!
    Mirri: tell me about your family
    Drew Ospen: My father is more or less the only family I have. He's a Bureaucrat like me.
    Drew Ospen: His name is Gavnur.
    Mirri: tell me about your friends
    Drew Ospen: I have some excellent friends!
    Drew Ospen: There's my father, of course, and Mikal Watts, and Ron McBain.And I know a guy in Upper East Bank called John McClane.
    Mirri: tell me about ron mcbain
    Drew Ospen: I must admit a certain ambivalence towards mister McBain.
    Drew Ospen: One cannot help admiring the results he gets, but I'm not sure I would have used the same methods.
    Drew Ospen: I have also noticed that he's given me some attention lately, but I don't know whether I should attribute this attention to my professional accomplishments or my physical appearance.
    Mirri: tell me about mikal watts
    Drew Ospen: He's one of the commanders in 2HO.
    Drew Ospen: I do not like saying this about people, but Mikal Watts is a real bastard. I don't think there is a good implant, much less a good bone, in his entire body. I think there's no act so horrid he would not do it for money.
    Drew Ospen: If you're looking for a hasty death, go tell him that you're extremely rich, always carry your money on you... and say you are unarmed.
    Mirri: tell me about john mclane
    Drew Ospen: John?
    Drew Ospen: He's an old man who lives in Upper East Bank.
    Drew Ospen: He sometimes relays information about rebel movements to us. John is highly intelligent and I've had use of both his intelligence and knowledge on numerous occasions.
    Drew Ospen: But he's fallen on hard times and doesn't enjoy the respect he used to get. As a consequence, he's taken to being more than a little liberal with the truth.
    Drew Ospen: Don't believe half of the stories he tells.

    Another note: John McLane is yet to be found.

    Oh, and why am I the only one willing to share? I'm certainly *not* the only person going around talking to NPC's.

  20. #40
    By the way all you people not willing to share - this is taking me forever. I cannot afford a Yalmaha - I believe the cheapest is around 4.5 million - well, I have managed to save a grand total of 90,000 credits through 35 levels (doing cash-only missions for the past 20), and I only ever buy healing and nano kits, and rarely the odd nano crystal.

    So I'm travelling on foot, Whompa and occasionally the Grid. I've made two trips to Upper Stret East Bank looking for John McLane, once being eaten by an Offal Larva that chomped me before it had appeared on my screen (no map - don't have a high enough navigation skill to use the Upper Stret East Bank map...) once by an enhanced shark (same thing).

    Although I *did* find the AO symbol on the hill...

    But didn't get a chance to take a screenshot because - well, you know the story.

    So all you people with Yalmaha's and the like, that can travel far and fast, how about you contribute something for a change.

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