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Thread: IRRK: Omni, Clan, Clan, Omni, where is the frelling difference?!

  1. #1
    Independent Reporters of Rubi-Ka Editor: IRRK's Avatar

    IRRK: Omni, Clan, Clan, Omni, where is the frelling difference?!

    Omni, Clan, Clan, Omni, where is the frelling difference?!
    May 07, 29481 - Hephas Derringer [Global]

    IRRK - An easy question the uneducated mind might think.
    But let me help you understand what is really going on on this planet we call our home.

    On one side there is Omni-Tek, the megacorp. Owner of whole star systems. Employer of millions and millions of humans. Creator of countless genetically engineered species.

    Designer of technology and creatures that have only one raison d'être, to kill, to destroy, to enslave.
    Omni-Tek, the big bad bureaucratic Molokh responsible for so many atrocities that a single mind... that the combined minds of all the intelligent and semi intelligent species on a planet couldn't grasp its full horror. A company whose troops burned down a peaceful town on their way back home. For sheer fun they burned down Safe Haven Town, slaughtered every man, women and child. Leaving the smoking remains of stones and flesh laying in the woods to rot. A company who invades a flourishing city to occupy it, even though it had abandoned it ages ago.
    To suppress the rightful owners of the city.
    To take away everything we have built ourselves over the past decades!
    It is time we fight back!

    Fighting you ask? Yes I know there are some people that are all over fighting Omni-Tek. They call themselves freedom fighters. They fight for their rights, for a better way of life without the suppression of Omni-Tek. The Clans.

    The Clans, a group of terrorists, who bombs everyone and everything that is close to anything bearing an Omni-Tek sign. A group of fanatics, a gang of butchers, whose atrocities would fill a data disc the size of this very planet. A mob so splintered that its left hand will shoot us on sight while its right hand slaps us in the face. A bunch of murderous rats that know only one thing, to fight everything that moves.
    It is time we fight back!

    You might wonder why I write this?
    It is not the first time I write this!
    But just now the glorious publisher of IRRK was hit by the consequences of the ongoing war between Omni-Tek and the clans, when relatives of him suddenly disappeared.

    Just recently there was a lovely little neutral town called Drumdar, there were some old fishermen catching fish in the nearby lake to feed their families. Kids playing in the woods. They had had their problems with the war before. Two years ago some chemicals were flooded into the lake by Omni-Tek, the fish were poisoned, the animals in the woods turned aggressive. Mutants suddenly attacked the town covered in foul smelling fog. But they survived. They fought off the mutants.

    But one day, early in the morning, even before the fishermen went out to the lake, there was a knock on the city gate. And outside there was a huge platoon of heavily equipped Clanners, huge mechs, commandos in full bodyarmor, rifles the size of the fisherboats.
    Alright, I don't know about the time and the knocking, but everything else was what I saw when the publisher asked me to find out why his parents wouldn't answer his com messages anymore.

    So, what do we have on this planet?
    A corporation that annihilates whole species, that invades peaceful cities and tries to control everyone's mind. On the other side we have a group of warmongers that take out small peaceful town and make every single inhabitant disappear over night.

    I ask you, what should we do about it?
    Lay back, hide in cities we built up just to have them taken by Omni-Tek? Build up new town far away from the frontiers to be killed by the Clans? Live a quiet and short life until we are burned down by them?


    It is about bloody time that we do something else!
    At this point there are only two options left.
    Run, leave this planet, our home, our anchor, our soul, before those two psychopathic groups blows it up. Or?

  2. #2
    Just like any other struggle in the world, opinions are relevant to point of view of the person. Allow me to answer the quesion, as put forth in the title.

    From where I stand, not all clans are terrorists, and not all omni are power-hungry takers. In an effort to keep your own personal frustration to an all time minimum, I highly suggest not reinforcing the impressionable with overidramatized opinions on where you personally stand in terms of conflict, because we all have them. Why should we put yours over the next person?

    But, in the end, and the part that catches my eye, is exactly that: what is the difference?

    The difference is the value of people. The list of jackasses and cool people can be made on either side. If you have an issue with the Dreadloch Clan, go take em out! Same can be said anywhere. I have friends, aquaintances, business partners, and enemies on all sides of this cold war we have going on. Should I carpet flame entire factions, for the fault of one or two, or a group of individuals who suddenly have one affiliation or another?

    Its the extremes that enforce the stereotypes. In the end, we are all people. Take away the weapons, and the armour, and the crappy attitudes, and what you got left is people just trying to make a way through life. If you wanna put weight behind something take a look at this canon, which comes immortal as time itself:


    It happens. Not always beautifully, or sadly, but it happens. Small animals are eaten by larger ones; victims and criminals; power, and those wanting to have it. This is natural. You can proclaim yourself king of the hill, and you should defend that, till someone pushes you off your hill. But, up until that time comes, you quite literally are 'king'.

    Maybe instead of crying about it, you should jump in and do something to help the weak, or support the strong. My advice? Do both. Its very satisfying.
    Last edited by Bubbacrush; May 7th, 2007 at 20:24:48.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

  3. #3
    I'm extremely sorry to hear about the editor's parents, and I'm sure Omni-Tek will track the people responsible for their disappearance down. You had a very accurate description of the clans, although I'm not too sure about the description of Omni-Tek.

  4. #4
    I was wondering when an article would come out on this, Drumdar was a peaceful little town when I went to talk to the people there. Now... no people, no ICC peacekeepers, just soldiers.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  5. #5
    Bubbacrush is right, dont judge everyone of a faction by the few extremists of said faction, heres a some examples,

    zora whats his name, extremist Omni Tek guy, who's in charge or OT on this planet!
    see's clanners as less than vermin which need to be expunged, BUT also see's Neutrals as the same as theyre not OT.

    Silverstone, leader of 1 and only 1 clan the sentinels, ok, he is in charge of Tir, and his guards shoot all neutrals who come near, he see's neutrals as waste of space fence sitters, and Omni Tek as vermin which need to be expunged.

    these are two of the extremists who get their entire factions labelled as bad, evil murders, yet on a daily, no minutely basis clanners and omni and neutrals work together, on the ground so some extent to carry out raids on the temple of three winds, the foremans or biomare research facilities, and to help explore the shadowlands as well as to fight off the kro'zoch alien invaders.

    And as for the disapperance of those neutrals i wish i could say i knew where they were and that they are safe, but i cant, i know nothing of their disapperance , but in this war we all lose family and friends so get over it, i lost my father, so i know where your coming from to an extent.

    ((if you want to remeber those lost bump my thread on a memorial! >> << should be put into game now ))

  6. #6
    ....I'm sorry to hear about your parents...And about Drumdar, too? *sigh* ....I'm entirely too familiar with what went on there two years ago.

    Seemed a lot worse than just a little toxic waste spill there to me, but...I'm glad your family survived that. But now?

    *deep breath* ....Ugh.
    220 Finalizer (FINALLY, after 3 years without a single ding!) Nulion, Squad Commander (And Council of Truth Clerical Staffer) of Alpha Omega

    Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly...Suddenly I awoke...Now, I do not know whether I was then
    a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming that I am a man. - Chuang Tzu

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Templar
    Bubbacrush is right, dont judge everyone of a faction by the few extremists of said faction, heres a some examples,
    Unfortunately, as much as I have argued the same point, people do and will consider the acts of one member of the 'faction' as a representative of the whole faction. This is the way things are and i'm not sure of any way to change that perception. I'm not saying its right, fair, or just; i'm saying its the way people think and that they are loathe to do differently. So it iss best to keep in mind that one rotten apple makes the whole barrel -seem- sour.

    Additionaly, while Zora can be pretty much discounted to the lunitic fringe of Omni-Tek, he controls the majority of the enlisted OT millitary forces on RK. So regardless of what the ground level employees do or say about the war he will follow his own agenda and the agenda of the plutocrats that grant him his power.

    Silverstone, while he no longer has power within the confines of the Council of Truth still has a hold on the hearts and minds of the average Clansman. I have observed Neutral hate from many clanners spouting the same tag lines as you see from the sentinels and silverstone himself. In this case, it doesn't matter if Silverstone is one man; this one man has become a living icon for the Clan way: Hate.

    This is not to say of course, that the Clans were founded on such heedless xenophobia and meglomanical hubris as is seen in Silverstone, but that is the rule of the day.

    The reason extremists are labeled as the representatives of their faction is because their bold and often flamboyant actions stick out above the ranks of the normal foot soldiers of their cause. In a world where power and prestiege are meat and drink for so many, it could be said that the best way to share in that is to emulate the people who gain that power.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  8. #8
    Drumdar used to be my favorite place to 'get away from it all'. Now it is just an armed camp. While I see the need for strong clan fortifications at strategic locations in the wilderness, taking over Drumdar was entirely unnecessary.

  9. #9
    This is it, Neutrals must understand that they won't take back what's taken from them without conflict.

    You must enter in conflict with Omni Tek to have Borealis back, you can't sit idly and let these things happens! You just can't! Will you wait until we lost everything but Newland to do something or you're going to sit on a fence until we're all exterminated?
    Server first !!! Neutral Solitus Male Soldier named Boltgun to wear a short with pink spots on RK1 !!!
    N E U T R A L I Z E R S

  10. #10
    It's about time someone did something good with Drumdar.

  11. #11
    Which is just the problem, nothing good is being done with Drumdar. The people who lived there have been subjected to OT plagues and now Clan millitary forces. The best thing would to just leave them alone so they may do as they wish.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  12. #12
    With military camps comes support crew and supplies. If I was hurt and lost in the Longest Road, and my only refuge was a military encampment, that would be the place I could take my ease. So it cant be all bad.

    Besides, that place needs more rangers. While certain not on the top of my list of dangerous places to be, it certainly does have its perils.

    People can rebuild. And the displaced are never without their recompense. So who's really being subjected to what?
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

  13. #13
    Shops are still open, vendors are selling items. I went there and put money into the economy yesterday as a matter of fact. I was really tired of the ICC so close to a major city like Bliss. We know that the ICC is good for nothing but giving in to Omni-Teks whims anyway, so were the people that protected? Use Borealis as an example to get your answer.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by bubbacrush
    With military camps comes support crew and supplies. If I was hurt and lost in the Longest Road, and my only refuge was a military encampment, that would be the place I could take my ease. So it cant be all bad.
    I don't care if they come with circus carnivals, the fact of the matter is that Drumdar has been all Neutral all the time; never has it been a spot of contention.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Berael View Post
    I don't care if they come with circus carnivals, the fact of the matter is that Drumdar has been all Neutral all the time; never has it been a spot of contention.
    I hate to bring this to your notice, but this entire planet is under contention.
    You'd think this was painfully obvious.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

  16. #16
    Yes, in theory it is, but there are these things called 'military targets' that are often talked about by people who do fighting. Nobody is fighting heatedly over the wind swept dust plains outside of the terraformed zone, outside of the aliens and Unicorns. In the same line of thought: Drumdar isn't a strategic millitary target or control point. It controls no major resources, it has no amazing fortifacations, and in terms of geography, if the Clans wanted a camp close to Borealis to head off any invasions, it would better to camp out in Holes in the Wall or Athens Shire.

    I fail to see how how taking over a small town of no millitary value is, in fact, of millitary value.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Editor: IRRK View Post
    Just recently there was a lovely little neutral town called Drumdar, there were some old fishermen catching fish in the nearby lake to feed their families. Kids playing in the woods. They had had their problems with the war before. Two years ago some chemicals were flooded into the lake by Omni-Tek, the fish were poisoned, the animals in the woods turned aggressive. Mutants suddenly attacked the town covered in foul smelling fog. But they survived. They fought off the mutants.
    Try the whole truth next time. One of your reporters, Miss Saar, went to the town following a pair of ICC toopers, after they received reports of the fog. Me and a few of my mates were already talking with her since she said she'd go public with the notum dust story. We heard of the fog through her and followed thinking it might be linked. When me and Mack "Stonyman" Bolan, got there we saw the mutants chasing the towns people. we had our doubts about it being the ND responsible. At this point we could have just left them, but instead we called in backup. about 15 members of Assembly answered (Yes Assembly, the *CLAN* Nuet-hating, bomb-dropping, murderous-butchers you so loving grouped us as) Forced the mutants back, with one of the ICC troopers while the other just curled up in the corner and wet himself.

    I'm sorry mechs rolled in, and there really is no reason that town should have been attacked. Those were innocents, not the typical back stabbing side-switching nuets that should be catching bullets with their foreheads. This is the first I've heard of it and to be honest I ain't to happy about it.

    Keep in mind, -Sir-, that sleeply little town would have been a mutant camp two years ago if it wasn't for the clans. Don't go flinging mud, and "forgetting" certain details to benifit your own personal goals 'cause people remember, People keep logs, and people take pictures.

    Wedge that fence post between your cheeks and spin, Warmonger.
    Last edited by Kotts; May 9th, 2007 at 06:53:01.
    Point Blank

  18. #18
    [QUOTE=Kotts;4718035]not the typical back stabbing side-switching nuets that should be catching bullets with their foreheads.[QUOTE]

    like berael?
    Never knock on death's door, always ring the bell and run. Death really hates that.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Berael View Post
    Yes, in theory it is
    Nope, the entire planet. No ifs ands or buts about it. All theories aside. The people on this planet, on all sides, have torn this planet asunder for a stupid lil mineral that powers all of our abilities to live, breed, and prosper. You can't theorize the truth; This is called fact! You can colour it and throw a huge amount of milk and honey around it all you like. The fact remains that hundreds of thousands of dead corpses lining the streets of our personal wars doesn't happen over something as small as a 'theory'. Or how quickly have we forgotten Borealis?

    Quote Originally Posted by Berael View Post
    I fail to see how how taking over a small town of no millitary value is, in fact, of millitary value.
    No military value that you see, perhaps. The officers in Dreadloch appear to differ in opinion.

    I'd just like to point out as well, that after asking a few questions about the inner working of Dreadloch, I have come to learn its just another arms company, that technically has no faction allegiance other than itself. So there it is for you. For those who wanna blame clans OR omni-tek, there is your word on it. Otherwise, these Dreadloch people have lands that both omni-tek and clan control, but show no allegiance to either side, other than whom they wont attack first without provocation. Anyone can go in there and get themselves attacked, and faction loyalty means nothing. The equipment that they leave behind shows no sign of faction loyalty as well. All of the Dreadloch 'camps' as they are known, can be equally raided and griefed and taken out by any faction should they decide to kick them off their hill. So then, where's your blame flame now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kotts View Post
    Keep in mind, -Sir-, that sleeply little town would have been a mutant camp two years ago if it wasn't for the clans. Don't go flinging mud, and "forgetting" certain details to benifit your own personal goals 'cause people remember, People keep logs, and people take pictures.
    I personally love the hate they get for actually cleaning up the countryside they intended to reside in. Hows that for gratitude?
    Last edited by Bubbacrush; May 9th, 2007 at 16:59:36.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

  20. #20
    Omni, Clan, Clan, Omni, where is the frelling difference?!
    May 07, 29481 - Hephas Derringer [Global]

    IRRK - An easy question the uneducated mind might think.
    But let me help you understand what is really going on on this planet we call our home.

    On one side there is Omni-Tek, the megacorp. Owner of whole star systems. Employer of millions and millions of humans. Creator of countless genetically engineered species.

    Designer of technology and creatures that have only one raison d'être, to kill, to destroy, to enslave.
    Omni-Tek, the big bad bureaucratic Molokh responsible for so many atrocities that a single mind... that the combined minds of all the intelligent and semi intelligent species on a planet couldn't grasp its full horror. A company whose troops burned down a peaceful town on their way back home. For sheer fun they burned down Safe Haven Town, slaughtered every man, women and child. Leaving the smoking remains of stones and flesh laying in the woods to rot. A company who invades a flourishing city to occupy it, even though it had abandoned it ages ago.
    To suppress the rightful owners of the city.
    To take away everything we have built ourselves over the past decades!
    It is time we fight back!

    Fighting you ask? Yes I know there are some people that are all over fighting Omni-Tek. They call themselves freedom fighters. They fight for their rights, for a better way of life without the suppression of Omni-Tek. The Clans.

    The Clans, a group of terrorists, who bombs everyone and everything that is close to anything bearing an Omni-Tek sign. A group of fanatics, a gang of butchers, whose atrocities would fill a data disc the size of this very planet. A mob so splintered that its left hand will shoot us on sight while its right hand slaps us in the face. A bunch of murderous rats that know only one thing, to fight everything that moves.
    It is time we fight back!

    maybe its time you get of your fence and start a new faction, as neutrality is not a faction, nor a fightin' force if ya wanna "fight".
    Im however sure you will loose allot of sympathy in Clan and Omni Tek for doing so, as this will escalate to a civil war with 3 factions fighting each other, instead of 2 with neutals sitting in between keeping up the diplomacy.
    Well, as yar already invaded in your main city, I guess fer sure, with such statements, we should all see Borre as a Omni Tek City.

    as of last, Clans fight for their survival, it is your selves who put clan guns in your face, attacking our Notum sites, and engaging us in the battle stations for fastest possible profits.

    Mona Creehan,
    CoT 1st rep of Forsaken
    Last edited by Vickie; May 9th, 2007 at 18:17:10.

    Sovieta, Seraph - Angel of the first order
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