I read an articel at auno.org about "possible" bad codeing in AO. This article was written by a person calling himself Scary.

If anyone at FC reads this, I would be int. to hear if your codeing is as Scarydoll asumes!

(This article has been posted without asking "scary" first, hope you don't mind if you is reading this)

They're incompetent. Why is that so confusing to you? Almost every single technical aspect of AO demonstrates incomptence. The bad design shines through continually as you play. If you expect the game to do a certain action it will likely do "something", however not whatever you would think it did. Usually or most often, this come to expression through the numerous gameplay disrupting bugs that either result in tremendous lag or even crashes due to memory leaks. (Granted, this might be a result of the combination of incompetent driver developers at the producer of my graphics card and microsofts DX technology.) Well.. back to rant mode. I have not conducted any real scientific studies of the game protocol or anything else for that matter, but if you do examine the bahaviour of the user interface in AO ( mouse cursor and menus on the right ) you will notice that these components aparently havent been separated from the actual game environment ( the 3D objects beneath the UI ). This makes these components lag/stall whenever the game does, causing further frustration with the user. Further more the location of mouse cursor seems to be an integral part of the game protocol, since the mouse cursor lags badly even in optimal conditions. On the other hand I might be completely wrong about all my presumptions as I am basicly just guessing, my final point being: It does not work properly however you chose to see it.

Oh.. About Aunos statement: Does it really matter what particular situation or occurence he refers to ( or dont refer to ), when theres countless situations in AO that will demonstrate the incompetence of Funcom.

I still like alot of things in AO though, else I probably wouldnt play and thus wouldnt care about this forum.

Please excuse any typos and thanks for reading...

- Scarydoll, MA, RK1.