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Thread: OOC: A Different View of Large Player Plots

  1. #1

    OOC: A Different View of Large Player Plots

    Here is my contribution to the RP festival. This is some what of a living document, so I reserve the right to revise it and clarify parts when it needs it. This is also a reflection of my views and opinions on how to run larger plots that comes from lots of experiance with table top gaming, LARPing, and working on role-play based Mucks.


    While there are many varying opinions about the changing of the guard in ARK events, many people, including occasional role-players, would like to see more role-play events that they can take a part in. This comes as a slight problem as much of the more casual role-play is done either in private chat or small groups, and many times the ‘plots’ being run are very exclusive or personal to the characters involved. Some people would like the stage larger, and more complex plots but see the involvement of ARK events as the door that needs to open for them to do so.

    This essay proposes a method or a vision of plot structuring and organization that looks to circumvent the normal pre-conceptions about what ground level players can accomplish with role-play. The focus will be on player level role-play, as opposed to ARK or FC level, as the starting point, since that is what most of us have access to and ARK events and FC have not been openly responsive to player input of late. The method proposed is also semi-structured, which allows role-play to be flexible enough to adapt to events as they happen, but also enduring enough to be visible and available to a larger player base. The structure is based on the idea of a peer to peer network, a rhizome web that can organically connect with other members of the network and becoming something greater then the sum of its parts.

    The Levels of Plot

    When we talk about plot in role-play, we are talking about a series of structured events that follow some sort of course, usually following some sort of conflict and its resolution. This is a pretty wide definition and can cover ‘railroad’ plots where every last detail is scripted and players are herded through the events like a theme park side show, or it can cover more informal plots where people know a vague course of events that they would like to follow but the content of those events is left to circumstance. This is different than casual role-play where players simply express their character’s actions and reactions without an agenda, like going to sit down for coffee or visiting old friends. Plot is an important concept because it is what many people expect from role-play through many mediums like movies, video games, table top RPGs, and novels.

    In Anarchy Online, there are different levels of plotting that exist that deal with different levels of ability to create conflict or problems. The highest level is the level of canon plot, which is the exclusive domain of FunCom and its employees. Canon plot deals with what is real in the world and important story events that affect the overall climate of the game. Although players have influenced canon events, they rarely have an actual knowing or input into the course of those events simply because FunCom must make them agreeable enough for the entire game over three servers. Examples of canon events include the invasion of Borealis by Omni-Tek; and the capture and occupation of 4 Holes by the Unionists.

    The next level of plot is expansive plot that is overseen by ARK events, a division of the Advisors of Rubi-Ka that promote role-play and stage role-play events. All plot events staged by ARK events operate within the canon of the game plot but they have certain powers and resources that allow them to use the systems of the game more flexibly. They can use custom dungeons, different character meshes, spawn monsters, and even make NPCs unkillable. Expansive plot events are set as stories within the course of larger events and may represent more pressing problems as ARK can act as the leadership of any major faction. Expansive plots are usually staged on all the game servers, but this is not necessarily so. Examples of Expansive plots include the Bahariae Arc, the Nanomage Legion Arc, and the Newland Elections.

    The last plot level is the level of player plot that normal players have access to, and is the major focus of this method of organization. Player plot can be seen as extremely limited because it can only act within the canon of the game and can only result in resolutions of conflicts between players; additionally, meta-information about the wants, desires, and plans of the elements of the major faction cannot be assumed unless they are part of the canon. Player plot represents stories about events that happen to the ground level players in the conflict of Rubi-Ka, and (unless canonized) remain largely inconsequential to the larger events that happen in the game. This doesn’t mean that player plot cannot be interesting, exciting, or compelling; and as many historical examples have shown, they can be very unique and deal with issues that canon or expansive plot deals with because of the scope of the people they need to cater to. Examples of player plots include the formation of the Newland Guard Initiative, The spread of the drug White Trash, and the research into Neutral token boards done by RUR.

    The Requirements of Large Player Plot

    There are many types of player plots, but for our purposes we are going to discuss larger player plots that are mostly impersonal and/or are inclusive of lots of player involvement. This is the focus because this is what many players want to see when they think of a plot, an event they can get involved in and feel like they contributed. Plots that revolve around a single person make poor large plots because the ‘main character’ tends to hog the spot light and many of the major decisions revolved around their actions. To make a large plot successful, in that it has enough involvement and attention to run to its end (or where ever its going) there are some characteristics that need to be kept in mind.

    To keep involvement in the plot it needs to be Open, or have the ability for players to become involved at most or all points in the course of the story. This is important because it is inclusive of people who may develop interest in the plot after the start, not know about the start of the plot, or were not able to join in the events at the start. While this is an aspect of successful plots, it is not iron clad; there are certainly situations where it is not appropriate or possible for other characters to join in.

    To garner involvement in a plot, the simple fact that the plot is progressing or is going to start needs to be Public knowledge. This is not a dichotomy between keeping the details of a plot secret and making them public but the simple fact that in a game with a large player body you need to advertise to get involvement. Additionally, plots that are not known in the public sphere are generally not important to people and are easy to pass by. In conjunction with the last principle, plots that are open need to be made public knowledge as being open in some manner so that people will know that it is an on going story that people can join.

    One of the major letdowns of ARK and FC plots is that the outcome is set in stone and the player involvement is generally very incidental; there are good reasons for why this is the case, but in the realm of player plot, this doesn’t need to be the case. Player plots than need to be Adaptive, and the course or outcome of the story change based on the actions of the players involved. This quality makes a plot seem more interesting because players that are involved with it can see that their actions matter, and allows for personal investment in the events.

    In a slightly different light, player plots, like many large plots, need to be structured. That is that there needs to be a plan or guiding force to direct the actions toward the end of the story. This may seem antithetical to being adaptive, but that is a not true. In many situations where all the options possible in a truly adaptive plot, some times players will not know where to turn or what to do next to continue the story. Having a either a person or an outline of the plot provides structure to the infinity of possibilities, and depending on the degree of the structure, still allows for the plot to adapt to events.

    In the realm of player plots, another quality is desirable: enduringness. A plot that endures is one that leaves its traces in the minds of those who know about it, even after the plot may have played out to its end. This makes it part of the history of stories that are in the world and can be used as a starting point or tie in for latter plots, or even simultaneously run plots. In this case, the people or documents that provided the structure to the plot in the first place should, ideally, remain available in the public domain as a source of information about the plot and somebody to work with for any latter tie-in’s.
    Last edited by Berael; Apr 4th, 2007 at 19:02:40.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  2. #2
    Pulling it Together

    Using these qualities together in an example; lets say that a notice is posted on the forums by Omni-Pol that a new group of Clan brigands have moved south into the Eastern Foul Plains and have been assaulting an Omni-R&D facility there. The post also requests the help of able bodied OT employees to help in removing the mess. So with a group of ten other people who responded to the ad, they meet at the predetermined time to go out into EFP to look for the Clan insurgents. Once they get out to the drop point and look around, they find nothing, but not for lack of trying. When they finally get ready to call off the search the OP officer informs the teams that there has been an attack on the R&D facility and everybody runs there to find several Nano-Technitions nuking the area. From there a battle ensues as the search party tries to capture the NTs for questioning and is abruptly ended when they disappear. Not before one of the NTs was rooted by one of the fixers and debuffed by a doctor who came along and then questioned briefly revealing little, but the NT ‘drops’ a key before vanishing. Another member of the party notices that the NTs are still on /list so they must be in the area and the group scrambles to go find them. They eventually chase them down to their hide out, a small group of terminals for the old Omni-Trans subway system. After trekking through them for a while the group finds a lower room with some equipment and the NTs with an Engineer. Before they fight again, the engineer quickly uses the equipment and the Clansmen disappear. Upon further investigation by one of the OP technicians, at the request of one of the search party, it appears the equipment was a sort of transport beacon that the clanners used to get that far south quickly and strike the facility without being noticed on sensors. The equipment is disabled and the data core containing the transport codes confiscated and the party returns to Omni-1 triumphant.

    Latter the fixer from the group contacts the OP officer and asks to look at the codes to see if he could track down the clanners who attacked and return the favor. Seeing as how OP does have the budget for that, they release the information to the fixer for further investigation and a formal report.

    Let’s break this scenario down. Before anything happened, the group of NTs and the Engineer setting up the plot, and looking to advertise their new RP organization, asked for the help OP officers to help set the situation up, and than they rolled a mission in Eastern Foul Plans to use as the ‘Base’. The group explained the outline of how the plot was supposed to work and what role the officers would need to play in it, and to decide the other major elements of the structure of the plot. Since the group wanted to see what would happen they left the ending unwritten where, if not caught, the group could keep causing mayhem till they got bored or the plot was resolved. After deciding when the ‘investigation’ would take place the thread was placed on the forums telling what the situation was and who people needed to contact to get involved are. This gives a clear message that something is going on and that it is possible for people to become involved in it, fulfilling both the openness and publicity principles.

    When the investigation is taking place, the OP officers act as a guide to the group and explain the situation due to their more informed position ICly, showing them the general area to look. From here the officers do not know when the clans will strike, but agreed that they would tell the officers when they did because the R&D facility would likely send out a distress call on an official band. At this point the players could have caught the NTs sneaking from their base to the facility, but did not. During the battle the officers stress the desire to capture the NTs to get information from them, so while there is a heated battle going on some people figure out different ways of trying to capture them. It is possible that all the NTs would be killed or might escape, in that case Officers would report to the party that their sensors still were showing energy signatures that the NTs used in the area and that people should spread out and search for them. Since one of them did get pined down, he decided to spring the hook earlier and give the key to their base to the doctor who was questioning him and pretending he ‘dropped’ it.

    It is possible that the group might have not found the NTs and given up, but still kept the key. In that case more reports of mayhem and destruction would come in that narrow down the area. When confronted with the door the OP officers also have the key so even if the doctor had not gotten the key but the door was tracked down, the lock on the door could be ‘hacked’ by the officers or one of the party members and the key handed out. Once in the multi level dungeon when the group was tracked down, it was certain they were going to teleport away simply because a show down in the dungeon would be unfeasible in the system unless somebody had a 4 hour pvp flag. But the party might react in different ways in the moments before the group warped out or might react to what should be done with the equipment. Maybe they would decide to hack it and plant a bug in it so they would know when transport happened again?

    In the enduring aspect of the plot, the fixer decides he wants to look into this group more ICly so he asks for the codes they got so he can work on his own. From there the officers make up a story about why he should have them and direct him to talk with the clanners about how to set up the investigation. Alternately maybe the OP have a place where the clan group frequents that could be a place to go and an adventure in its own right.

    In the End

    This sort of organization is a method of structuring larger, player driven, plots on AO with the tools that we have at our disposal. This is, obviously, not the only way to do things but it does allow for many positive elements that people like in plots to be included. By being adaptive the setup allows for more creative players and coordinators to take a plot in a direction that is interesting without the threat of being stonewalled. A plot with structure gives a clear idea of what the plot is about to players and gives roles for more casual role-players to fill that do not require them to go out on a limb creatively, but still feel like they accomplished something. The structure also is a good guide to allow coordinators to curb some of the more erratic elements that might enter into the plot (Wouldn’t a psychic vampire die if it entered the intern-ops building due to the lack of conscious thought?). The principle of publicity gives a clear message that something is going on and the open format allows for many different people to approach the situation at different times. The enduring nature of the stories allows for continued inspiration and events to be generated from a single plot without the threat of misrepresenting the plot.

    Ultimately, this method is about re-generating interest in Role-play and RP related events on the game when there is a drought of large scale events. Certainly, these events do not address the big picture issues directly, which many new role-players crave, but it allows for a good introduction to the realm of role-play and what is possible with in our sphere of influence. It is also a way to generate interest in RP events for FunCom and ARK since the same principles that demand plot visibility for players will also make them visible to the ‘powers that be’ and the semi-organized structure of such events will allow those groups to hook into our plots without too much disruption, since the information and contacts will already be set up.

    Role-Play is about having fun playing characters and engaging in stories that range beyond the normal level grind of the game. To show ourselves and the rest of the game that we have the inspiration and drive to make plots that range beyond the normal range of personal vendettas, kidnappings, and romantic melodrama not only speaks highly of our ability but also says that everybody can have fun with role-play without having to be in the cliché, the in group, or give up other things that they love about the game.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  3. #3
    Reserved in case of mewmew invasion...
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  4. #4
    Nice read

    You mentioned advertising. This topic was discussed a few times, but argument that RP should mimic chaotic RL prevailed. basicly that you can't know (and thus advertise) what will happen in future.

    But this is a "play". As actors, we have at least some insight in larger picture, even if we choose to ignore it. But what if we choose to take advantage of that insight instead?

    Let's take the example of latest patch, Dreadloch camps. I'm sure at least 90% of players read previews, so they knew what's comming. But what they didn't know is where, when or how. So what would happen if a "job offer" from OT or CoT employee would appear on this section, where this employee would look for large party to scout some zone(s)?

    Quests usually have integrated a part of story. And yet, they appear out of nowhere. For most part, we take info for granted, after all, it is correct. But why not employ role-players to find out something fishy is happening in Pleasant Meadows or Longest Road? Or to go on 2 hours uneventful trek across Milky Way to confirm nothing is there?

    Of course such party can't stumble upon actuall thing, since that isn't even patched in. But they can intercept supply delivery or maybe get in fight with construction crew.

    Same thing could happen in Shadowlands, or at least similar. With added Scheol quests, party could be "hired" to escort supplies or equipment.

    Events that supliment changes to the game could be advertised. For obvius reasons such events should be set in stone, something on lines of "party goes from point A to B. At point C (which can also be point B) X event happens." So if party stumbles on opposing force (be that NPCs, Event team or players from different side), outcome shouldn't really matter, as long as it has proper finish.

    Let's take an example for both patches (Dreadloch - event A,Scheol - event B):
    - trip is uneventful....leader (Events) concludes that:
    A) zone investigated is empty, party will proceed to sweap some other zone next time;
    B) thanks party on helping, claiming that Jobe scientists will be so overwhelmed with work that they might need assistance in future
    - there's a fight, players win....leader (Events) concludes that:
    A) congratulates the party, saying that while they didn't really figure out what's happening, this confirms su****ius activity and he'll be able to employ more specific means to investigate what's going on
    B) same as with uneventful trip
    - there's a fight, players loose....leader (Events) concludes that:
    A) same as when players win, maybe a bit less emphasis on congratulating part
    B) while supplies and equipment is lost, it was an valiant effort. Fortunatly there's another shipment awaiting, but for obvius security reasons that one will be done in secret. But with the delay, Jobe scientists will be so overwhelmed with work that they might need assistance in future
    C) Invates party to local watering hole to celebrate/drink their sorrow

    I know such events are rather boring, but they are fit for masses and nothing can really go wrong. If some role-player gets to "creative", one can claim he/she is affected by some gas or simply lost control and has to be shiped to hospital/loony place/prison/reclaim, until he or she doesn't get better. But they (such events) will at least generate new interest for role-playing, as well add to progression of storyline.
    "War may be Hell....but it's good for business!"
    -The Association for Merchants,Manufacturers, and Morticians

    [Kintaii]: Dude, I *am* weird
    [Kintaii]: I came to accept this many years ago and am much happier for it. XD
    [Kintaii]: Besides - I work on *AO*. That right there is proof of my oddness.

  5. #5
    That's a great essay. I am very much in agreement with it all you have to say. I hope the length does not discourage people from reading it.

    One thing I would like to add is that these days, when I am working on what you might call a "large player plot", I find am not really thinking it in terms of 'plot' at all. That is to say I am not thinking in terms of a proper story with clearly defined protagonists and a climax at the end. What I find myself looking for is a 'issues', concepts or notions with a lot of roleplaying potential that might cause a little bit of a buzz in the roleplaying community. It that respect, the final product is more like a schoolyard fad than a plot.

    This might all become clearer if I work through a hypothetical example.

    Let's say I want to start a new "large player plot".
    The first step for me would be to coming up with strong central issue to play with, something significant or controversial enough that people will react to it without having to read 200 pages of background material. Let's say for this example, I want to start a alien worshiping cult and spread the word that the aliens are here to punish the wicked and save the chosen ones. It's not very original, but it is readily understood and just provocative enough to deserve a little attention.

    The next stage, and this is the hard one, would be to publicise the idea and try to get a little momentum behind it. It is not easy to make yourself be heard in a game with tens of thousands of players. The forums are a good place to start, especially if you provide links to relevant screenshot or other visual aids in your posts. Ideally though, you want to do some stuff in game to support the story, and that is where you hit a lot of the physical limitations of the medium. It takes a lot of time, creativity and persistence to get your message across, and even then, there is no guarantee it will work out. Anyone thinking about getting involved in organising roleplaying events needs to be aware that it can often be frustrating and somewhat lonely, though of course there are compensations when things work out.

    If we look at the alien cult example, I would think finding a snappy name for the cult would be essential. A small website with some sort of logo and articles of faith which you can link to from your forum post would be a good start. You might even consider setting up a dummy org. In game you could do all sorts of thing from giving away kry'orch weapons to newbies or standing and preaching from a Borealis rooftop on a semi-regular basis. These are simple things, which don't require much planning but just serve to establish the concept.

    The third stage is where it all comes together and when you get to enjoy the rewards of your work. If all has gone well thus far, there now should be both an interest and an understanding inside the community about where you are going with this large player plot which makes it a lot easier to improvise freely on the theme or organise larger, more elaborate events. You might even find other groups of players getting involved in the story on their own steam, which is always very exciting, and you may find subplots developing almost of their own accord. My advice at this stage is just to go with the flow. Don't try to control or direct the course of events, it much more fun for everyone this way.

    If we look again at the alien cult example the sort of thing I might do at this stage is get other orgs involved. Maybe I'd talked to the leaders of a few roleplaying orgs ooc and ask if I could disrupt one of their alien raids. I might also try and stage a some big, public religious service featuring human sacrifice. The sacrifice could be willing (which might have been preceded by an amusing thread on the Buzz looking for willing human sacrifices, possibly with interviews of the candidates) or unwilling (which might fit in with a kidnapping scenario and possible rescue subplot).

    Closing: The story should end once it stops being fun or you just feel like your repeating yourself. I don't think large player plot necessarily need big endings. Sometimes, like with the Neutral Token Board, it worked out that way, but I don't it really adds that much. In fact the large player plot doesn't necessarily ever have to end, you take the focus off it and let it rest for a while. So for instance, in our example, once you've pretty much had your fill of alien cult events you could just let it rest for a six months before going back to it feeling fresh and by which time there is a whole new generation of players. Of course you ought to discuss this ooc with anyone you might have worked closely on the project with, but there is no need to make a dramatic exit or tell the public at large that its over for now.

    Anyway, that is sort of how it works for me, make what you will of it.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  6. #6
    moved to LoA for what reason?! This brilliant discussion of RP is going to end up bombarded with the LoA trolls...

    On topic, large player plots in less remote places promotes RP, but at the same time opens up the uncertainty with OOC players reactions to an RP event going on in a highly populated area. If people are willing to take that risk, then the rewards are far greater than the drawbacks.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Today at 18:32:45.. Reason: constantly mistyping someone else's name in an attempt to belittle them in harassment

  7. #7
    roleplaying events are great, especially when they're linked to the central storyline of Clan/Omni conflict

    would love to see a hundred people of both factions be called out to 4 holes to participate in a skirmish for the territory with Funcom events people in mechs leading the battle (of course some type of nodrop item or large chunk of aixp/sk would have to be offered to encourage mainstream players to come)

    or large scale protests and sit-ins by neutrals and pacifists on either side to call an end to the escalation of armed hostilities on Rubi-Ka, once again with some type of buffing-item or SK reward to encourage participation

  8. #8
    (( I agree. ))

    The Nanomage Liberation Front has been secretly stealing notum!
    Limefire, The Great White Hope

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Limefire View Post
    (( I agree. ))

    The Nanomage Liberation Front has been secretly stealing notum!
    They're in your threads, stealing your notumz.
    Ancestors could hear what is happening now
    They would turn in their graves
    they would all be ashamed - that the land of the free
    has been written in chains
    And I know what I want - when the timing is right
    then I'll take what is mine
    I am the clansman

  10. #10
    \o/ Its back. Yay! Everbody do cartwheels!

    _o/ \o/ \o/ \_/o \/ o\_/ |o|

    Wasn't that fun? I know I had fun.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  11. #11

  12. #12
    bumping because somebody asked about it and couldn't find it.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

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