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Thread: Implants, clusters and base ability reqs...

  1. #1

    Question Implants, clusters and base ability reqs...

    Hi all!

    I don't know if this thread belongs here ... anyway - here goes.

    Implants have two requirements.
    One is treatment which is dictated by the ql of the implant and I belive, the location of the implant (correct me if I'm wrong here).
    The other is one of 6 base abilities (Str, Agi, Sta etc.) which seems to be dictated by the best (shining, bright, faded) cluster in the implant or does it ?

    A head implant with a shining Treatment cluster and nothing else, has agility as it's requirement.

    A head implant with a shining Treatment, bright Map Navigation and a faded Perception cluster has intelligence as it's requirement ?

    Being an agent I would prefer all agility implant, but how do I know what clusters to use to get implants with agility requirements ?

    Does anybody have a list or know a website with info on implants and their ability requirements ?

  2. #2


    I'll save my fingers a little and point you here. Its 99% accurate.

    Ability req == (QL * 2) + 4

    Treat req ~= QL * 4.8

    If you have an empty implant, QL * 5 = final treat req is safe way to estimate the gain in QLs from having 3 clusters installed.

    The new implants in 14.5 database are a lot different, I think a 200 nano doc would be lucky to get 230s in using head/eye/hand and every trick in the book.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  3. #3

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