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Thread: You can't break roots during rights?

  1. #1

    You can't break roots during fights?

    Or not even roots... run debuffs too.

    I was in 2ho an hour ago, and cyborg2002 used an AoE slow nano... i /termed my pets after killing him since they can't break roots.

    I then tried to nuke the debuff off of myself... I got the message

    'Can not debuff root while in combat...'

    multiple times. Ok cool, so that means they've fixed root-breaking with selfnukes/debuffs? I'm game for that..... one problem though.

    I was aggrod by some phantom mob/guard. (All clanners know how this goes in 2ho) Normally this isn't a problem..... I'd just run to the bunker and zone... but with -800 runspeed that's difficult. I ran for a good minute or more and was nearly to the bunker when the fight music stopped and i nuked off the root... luckily no omnis came through during that little moment.

    So in cases like this, is it fair to make us permanently rooted while there is nothing in *sight* attacking us? I can see this happening in missions occasionally too.... but until it's fixed, i don't see myself being very effective in 2ho anymore. (I'll just hug the bunkers... )
    Last edited by Meurgen; Aug 31st, 2002 at 08:12:41.

  2. #2
    Are you sure the message you got wasn't

    "Can't break nanoprograms while in a fight" ?

    I get that one fairly often myself, and it's generally a result of slamming the key for a hostile program too many times in a row.


  3. #3

    I shoulda read over my post.

    *insert random pun here* two roots don't make a right.

    i edited it

  4. #4
    Can't break roots in PvM, only in PvP. If you were aggroed by one of the guards or NPCs in 2HO you fall under the PvM ruleset regarding root breaking, so it doesn't work.

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