** You see standing before you a rather large Atrox.. this is nothing new in out world.. This Geneticaly Created Soldier from the vast Vat's of Omni-Core is as common on this world as leet's are.. many choose to ignore him.. he looks around and sees all the people here.. * smiles * and speaks... **

" Greetings I ask any and all to please listen to me for a few moments... I wish to talk of Clan Alliances with other Guilds or those who may be looking to JOin a Guild ...."

** Many Omni-Corp personal glare at the Atrox some make disparing remarks.. yet a few stop and listen... for the voice coming from this Tube Grown being is not what you would expect from an Atrox.. could this be a new breed being Tube Grown ? **

" I once worked for Omni Core and I lived for the Company and worked hard to be a valiant member of it's ideas.. I was a soldier.. who fought for them... but then I was shon the light.. I was shown that what I was really was not a soldier.. but nothing but a thug.. and " ENFORCER" of their will.. "

** At this time many people move on but a few can not help but be captivated by this Large Atrox's words.. **

" I left the Company and found myself alone in the world.. wandering and trying to make right wrongs I had did in my past.. It was then that I came upon a group attacking some creatures and though they appeared to be winning I saw that they were hurt and in time were just barely keeping them at bay.
I charged forward and dove to the attack... attempting to assist this group of Non- Omni personal the best I could... "

** The Atrox Smiles at this point and his grin is broad and cheerfull **

" Within a matter of moments.. I found myself unconcious and in a strange city.. an unknown reclaim booth was near me.. where I was able to get my items... a few minutes later one of the people I had been assiting showed up next to me.... I found out her name was Unitsi and she was a head of a new clan guild that was going to form.. she like my style but she saw my marking were Omni and asked if I ever thought of joing struggle.. "

" I was confused .... How cand I do this? ..." I asked

" Rising on week legs she made her way to a terminal and came back with a glowing pacth that she bade me apply to my heart... "

" Doing so I felt tendrils reach into me and electricity coursed thourgh my body.. the scars of Omni Core were ripped from my body and I felt a new sense of peace overwhelm me.. My internal comm unit ( that I had turned off for Omni Propgande ran rampent through it at time ) was back alive but now I heard cries of the Clan... and voices of a people who were being hunted and ridiculed... "

" Looking at me the Lady Unitsi spoke of the fight her House.. her Family ...* The House of the Rising Phoenix* was preparing to wage against Omni -Corp and that they needed more like me..

" But I worked for them.. I did terible things "

" Quiet she told me.. and like a mother she embraced me and told me .. ...... That was then this is now.. you are no longer a Pawn of Omni... your one of us.. "

" Thus I came to the House of the Rising Phoenix.. I helped to form the guild and in time my words inspired those who I know call family.. and the asked me to go forth and seek others to join us.. and seek alliances with other Clans other Houses..."

*** Pauses Smiles ****

Thus I am here in front of you today... who here will Join us? Come to our meeting house and be heard if you so wish...

** Bows & moves off **