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Thread: New Forum Request

  1. #1

    New Forum Request

    Could we please have a (moderated) forum for issues that affect all professions and are making us miserable?

    Maybe a "Minor Fixes with Major Impact" forum that would include threads regarding issues such as the health bar bug or the fact that treatment/nano kits don't stack. There are several issues that are very frustrating and to have them organized and resolved would drastically improve our gaming experience.

    Cosmik/Cz/whoever could move applicable threads out of wherever they might be into this forum to separate them from new feature or balancing suggestions.

    I'm just tired of seeing stuff like this get a bunch of "yes, this is driving me crazy" and then end upon page 18 in a profession forum with no attention.

    A perfect example of this is:

    Request: Nano Rechargers post ql125 to shops!

    ... currently getting bumped and in a week it'll be forgotten and we'll still be sitting around complaining about it in-game.

    (edit: adjusted one word)
    Last edited by aaronb; Aug 25th, 2002 at 23:23:01.
    Kennan - President, Arcane Legacy
    Asmoran - Retired (Former President, Synergy Factor)

  2. #2

    great idea.

    I love it.

    Hopefully Cz/Cosmik could give it about as much attention as Cz has been giving the Community Answers threads in the Community Corner forum (kudos, Cz).

    Simple communication with the players about very valid issues/concerns is great. This would be a fantastic extension of what the FC Community people have started doing a good job of already.

    At this point, I don't feel Funcom gives enough attention to minor bugs which, if fixed, would be huge improvements. Maybe this type of forum would help a bit in getting coders to fix certain things faster. (How long have the health bar bugs (hardly minor) been here? Or the "tiny after yalming" bug (addressed once by Cosmik) existed?)

    The most important point of this idea, I think, is that it should not be for profession-specific issues, but more general issues such as the one aaronb linked to up above.

    Last edited by Sheffy; Aug 25th, 2002 at 23:27:00.

  3. #3
    Just out of curiosity, what do we have to do to get suggestions looked at by the forum moderators? I guess I could email feedback with this idea so I know someone's eyes will at least look over it.

    If they HAVE looked at this thread already, at least a "no" reply from Cz/Cosmik would be sufficient

    *bump 'n stuff*


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