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Thread: when will the booster arrive

  1. #1

    when will the booster arrive

    To the wonderful guys at Funcom:

    If I preorder the booster pack, will it arrive before the day it goes online? Seems to me like most other games, if you want to play it first it's better just to go to Best Buy the day its available, as they already have it in stock and are waiting to put it on the shelves.

    Certainly easier to preorder from you, but will it arrive intime to play it on day 1?

  2. #2
    I'm sure we'll add a shipping day to the site as soon as we have the release date nailed down 100% certain.

  3. #3


    Thanks Cz..your the man.

  4. #4
    Love the new avatar Cz..
    Omni-Tek Master Assassin
    Omni-Tek NT (Testlive)

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