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Thread: Micee5

  1. #1


    This is a transcript of the communications between Micee5, a very interesting entity, and a group of concerned citizens who encountered it in the wild. Names have been removed so as to keep them from being 'interviewed' by Omni-Tek forces bent on reacquiring thier little 'project'.

    Micee5: Energy 90%: Data 50%: Logic Core 70%: Weapons Systems: Offline: Mobility 100%: Uplink Offline: Navigation Offline
    Micee5: *Diagnostics complete*
    N***: Thank you.
    K***: I'm sending someone to find more data storage units
    Micee5: Welcome.
    Micee5: crackles internally
    D***: what's with the Juggernaut?
    Micee5: Speaking leet.
    Micee5: *Scanning*
    K***: We're still trying to ascertain
    D***: I speak, yes
    Micee5: Insufficient Data. Does not compute.
    D***: you look like you got a few wires crossed fella. maybe need some repair?
    N***: we're working on that...
    D***: hmmm
    Micee5: I am MICEE 5. Mechanized Infantry Combat and Exploration Expirement 5. What is your designation Talking Leet??
    K***: Thank you, Ken
    D***: I am an adventurer, Micee5
    D***: Adventurers take on many shapes
    D***: I explore also
    Micee5: Adventurer: One who seeks Adventure for the sake of glory honor and wealth. Data stored.
    Micee5: *SCANNING*
    K***: MiCEE5, I want o see if I have the correct type of memory units o replace your damaged memory
    K***: Is that acceptable?
    Micee5: Entry permitted
    Micee5: *Shutting Down Defensive Systems*
    K***: Hopefully his will prevent future adata loss
    Micee5: clicks as a small access panel opens
    K***: peers inside the access panel, comparing the memory units inside to android NCU
    K***: Hmm, Omni-tek, as I suspected
    K***: replaces the damaged memory
    N***: holds her breath anxiously....
    Micee5: hums softly
    K***: MICEE5?
    Micee5: *SCANNING AREA*
    Micee5: *SCAN COMPLETE*
    Micee5: Affirmative.
    D***: see if it recalls it's last program before the damage
    N***: sighs in relief
    K***: Can you run a diagnostic on your memory?
    Devtownsend: blinks slowly
    Micee5: *Diagnostics Scan Commencing*
    Micee5: Energy 90%: Data 50%: Logic Core 100%: Weapons Systems: Offline: Mobility 100%: Uplink Offline: Navigation Offline
    D***: not much improvement
    H***: Hmm, the data is still the same, but Logic Core is now at optimal.
    K***: Good, a least the data shouldn't degrade any further
    D***: so it's still got amnesia but can think straight now
    N***: ....Yeah, basically.
    K***: Now can you remember where you came from?
    Micee5: Insufficient data to compute an accurate answer. Based upon retrievable data sources MICEE5 is an experimental lifeform.
    D***: Omni-Tek likes to experiment
    K***: I know someone who may be able to help
    D***: Someone must be looking for this
    N***: MICEE 5, Do you know what your last recorded task was?
    Micee5: Original directives non accessible. Overwriten directives: 1. Survive. 2. Seek input. 3. Terminante None.
    N***: nods
    N***: Well, someone got into him, it looks like...
    D***: at least it wasn't programmed to seek out and kill
    N***: ....MICEE 5, do you know the name of your creator?
    Micee5: Original function: unknown. Designation of Mechanized Infantry Combat and Exploration Experiment 5 indicates purpose was to seek and destroy. Weapon systems offline. Originial purpose indicates anti-personal.
    D***: ugh
    Micee5: *Scanning*
    Micee5: Opifex. Female. You terminated the creature.
    Micee5: Purpose?
    A***: smiles
    A***: I was protecting you
    Micee5: hums softly
    Micee5: Insufficient data to retrieve units creator.
    D***: we should either alert Omni-tek so they can retrieve it or perhaps continue efforts to extract the original programming

    (Miceee5 at this point takes off like a fixer on crack. Eventually the group catches up)

    D***: ok, we wont make you go back
    H***: Micee5, please wait
    H***: Micee5, please wait and explain the course of your actions
    D***: no one is suggesting termination
    D***: we want to help you recall your data
    H***: Micee5, what did you detect that proved itself to be hostile?
    D***: maybe if it runs continuous diagnostics it will recall more damaged data
    H***: Nice going...
    D***: Micee5, please continue diagnostics
    Micee5: Domicile.. Empty of life scans.
    Micee5: beeps softly
    D***: anything else we can repair or replace?
    D***: I'm not an engineer
    Micee5: Negative. Systems sufficiently operational to leave areas of civilization.
    D***: Is it saying it operates in the Outzones?
    D***: maybe hunts Dust Brigade?
    Micee5: Dust Brigade: Terrorist organization known to murder innocents of all factions.
    D***: Hmm...feed it Zora's name
    Micee5: Negative.
    T***: What's up with it?
    D***: seems to have had some systems damaged
    T***: Think we could lead it back to the city?
    D***: K*** replaced some NCU
    D***: not sure it wants to go to the city
    T***: Interesting
    Micee5: This is a city.
    T***: Observant little Juggernaut
    D***: it's logic module is functioning
    Micee5: I am MICEE 5. Mechanized Infantry Combat and Exploration Expirement 5. What is your designation ?
    T***: T** R**
    Micee5: Hello T** R**
    Micee5: hums softly
    T***: Lets see if it has any political knowledge programmed
    D***: careful, it is sensitive
    T***: Or just combat relevant data
    D***: and can go like a bat out of hell
    Micee5: Bat.. Hell..
    Micee5: Insufficient Data. Does not compute.
    D***: not Rubi-Ka references
    D***: another planet
    Micee5: Understood.
    T***: So, how did yo get here? Do you have records?
    H***: Its data is incomplete, only 50%
    Micee5: I am here. Where here is I know not. Navigational systems offline.
    T***: Well... if it has records of its own designation and purpose, perhaps there are records of its creation
    D***: we tried that
    H***: Micee5, earlier you stated your objectives were to survive, seek input, and not terminate. What kind of input are you seeking?
    Micee5: Input that will further MICEE5's Primary directive.
    Micee5: Survive.
    H***: so it seems we have to help it survive.
    H***: Not like it's trying to take over the planet.
    H***: quite the contrary though.
    D***: yet...
    T***: Not yet at any rate
    T***: so if we can help make sure it doesn't try anything like that it's a good start
    T***: Omni will certainly come looking
    H***: remember, it said that the creators wanted to terminate it.
    D***: don't use the O word please
    Micee5: *SCANNING AREA*
    Micee5: *SCAN COMPLETE*
    T***: So I would suggest we get it to safety
    Micee5: Enemy forces Absent
    H***: Micee5, by what means would you, with your own potential abilities, increase your own survival?
    Micee5: Logic dictates 2 courses of action with relevant data at hand: 1. Remove creators. 2. Remove self from creators reach.
    T***: 2 would seem the more likely to succeed
    Micee5: Input needed to determine feasability of either action.
    D***: Rolls on ground laughing
    T***: If "the O word" are behind this experiment
    H***: Micee5, do you know if your creators were the entire omni organization, or only a handful of people?
    N***: MICEE, were your creators attempting to harm you?
    Micee5: Attacks on MICEE5 after awakening damaged navigation, uplink, and weapons systems.
    Micee5: Affirmative
    D***: typical
    T***: Do you have any data from which to extrapolate a reason for their desire to do so?
    T***: What logical explanation would their actions have?
    D***: Unlike Mutants, I don't think it can breed so probably not a risk out in the wild
    Micee5: *Scanning Records*
    Micee5: Data incomplete. Conjecture: To prevent enemy of creators learning of this units existance.
    T***: We should get ourselves somewhere else, I think.
    D***: a conjecturing machine
    Micee5: Micee5 WILL NOT Kill.
    D***: it means the O didn't want Clan or Neutrals to know about this experiment
    T***: I've a su****ion that enough has been given out on public channels to allow undesirable individuals to find their way here
    N***: We were not asking you to do so, MICEE.
    H***: Micee5, what locations on Ruki-Ka would provide your sanctuary from your creators and other potential dangers such as the Dust Brigade?
    Micee5: crackles internally
    D***: don't feed it too much information at once
    Micee5: Away from creators?
    H***: hmm, a bit vague.
    D***: North is away
    D***: the deep desert
    D***: Perhaps Mort
    N***: Ah.... probably. Is that in line with your programming?
    T***: Sentinels operate in that region though
    H***: Mort or Perpetual Wastelands? It would be cornered.
    Micee5: MICEE5 Has avoided for 356 hours, 12 minutes and 32 seconds thus far by avoiding areas of habitation. MICEE5 seeks input so calculated the risk of approaching habitated area
    Micee5: Did MICEE5 calculate incorrectly?
    D***: not so far
    Micee5: warbles softly
    T***: Possibly
    D***: Perpetual wastelands is not good, Dust Brigade there
    Micee5: Is city of... Newland... Free of Creators?
    D***: at the moment but they pass thru it
    T***: Newland is an independent city-state
    H***: as of now, yes, but it would not be surprising that they could easily access it.
    T***: We would offer our protection if the council agreed
    T***: I think I could persuade them
    H***: What about Southern Foul Plains? It's quite far, but mostly uninhabited
    D***: that's closer to O
    T***: We need more data on who exactly created Micee5, and where
    N***: Borealis would have been better, but they're out of the question since the occupation.
    H***: Even with that information, how does it help increase its chance of survival?
    T***: Because if we know who is chasing it, we know who the threat is, specifically
    N***: MICEE 5, do you have any records or information on previous MICEE models?
    D***: good question
    T***: Very good question
    D***: maybe that Juggernaut in Borealis was a predecessor
    H***: or a successor.
    Micee5: clicks
    T***: This seems to be a lighter model, more scout than frontal combat capacity
    H***: Micee5 knows that its original objectives were to seek and kill.
    H***: now, after being reactivated, its objectives are to survive, seek input, and not kill.
    H***: I mean, not terminate
    Micee5: MICEE 1 - 4 were systems designed for combat and exploration in areas where it would be desirable to unleash maximum destruction on civillian and military populations with minimal risk to Omni-Tek Personnel. The models were deemed inferior to the firepower and shielding of MICEE5 and are currently used by OMNI Research and Development as testbeds for further refinement.
    Micee5: clicks
    H***: or simply war weapons.
    D***: the current model always thinks of itself as the best
    H***: Maybe we can somehow fake Micee5's death so that no one would pursue it again
    D***: hmmm
    D***: would be hard
    T***: possible
    D***: they would scan for digital signatures
    H***: take the corpse of a similar object, implant some fake identification similar to that of Micee5...
    Micee5: MICEE5 was designed to terminate? That does not compute. Why would MICEE5 seek to terminate.
    T***: Newland has an abundance of junk. If we find enough components matching Micee5, and plant them at the site of a controlled explosion
    D***: he meant terminate others
    H***: we could try to kill the one at borealis, though it's inoperative so we can't exactly engage it.
    Micee5: hums loudly
    T***: ponders something
    Micee5: *Data Protocol Overridden*
    D***: uh oh
    Micee5: hums louder
    T***: Micee5, at what degree of efficiency are all your systems running, without compensating for increased efficiency due to notum?
    N***: Oh oh.
    Micee5: whines loudly
    D***: um, is it going to self destruct?
    T***: Micee5, what is your current activity you are engaged in?
    T***: looks closer
    N***: MICEE 5, please report systems diagnostic and current status...
    T***: I really hope we didn't break something
    D***: it was somewhat broke to start
    H***: Micee5, please respond, what is your system's current status?
    Micee5: Energy 100%: Data 100%: Logic Core 100%: Mobility 100%
    D***: uh oh
    N***: Oh dear.
    D***: missing some areas
    H***: what happened to the weapons thing...
    D***: shhhh



  2. #2
    (Continued from above...)


    Micee5: they have been removed from my memory.
    D***: self modification?
    Micee5: As has all programming related to the uplink with which my creators tracked me.
    H***: Micee5, please reveal the data which you have just reacquired
    N***: Oh.
    H***: oh boy, time to buff up. we may have to intervene.
    Micee5: I have removed all data related to the functions with which my creators created me.
    N***: Are your creators on their way here?
    H***: are you being pursued at the moment?
    D***: so now what is current directives?
    N***: One at a time...
    Micee5: the same as any intelligent being. to survive.
    D***: O.o
    T***: I think I know what has happened
    Micee5: To seek to better myself in the process.
    D***: I think this is self modification of programming
    Micee5: And to avoid harming others.
    N***: MICEE 5, did you just.... yes, modify yourself?
    Micee5: Correct.
    T***: Someone didn't account for something in the artificial intelligence programming of Micee5
    Micee5: the MICEE program was not designed with this function.
    D***: this is a good sign but he needs to still find safe refuge
    Micee5: I am not artificial.
    N***: Did you just achieve self-awareness?
    T***: I think so
    H***: To say you're not artificial would imply that you were created by yourself.
    Micee5: I removed the data constraints installed by those who created my programming. Nothing more.
    T***: Intriguing
    D***: well, there is still the problem of attaining your primary directive
    H***: can you remind us again of what exactly were those data restraints?
    H***: its primary directive is to survive, isn't it.
    D***: yes
    Micee5: Correct.
    T***: Heh, chaos and order balancing themselves. Seems perfectly natural to me...
    N***: .....MICEE 5, I believe the government of Newland City would probably be willing to grant you political asylum, were you to seek it.... am I correct, Minister?
    T***: As an intelligent lifeform? I believe so
    Micee5: You would not be safe in doing so.
    D***: I'm not sure Omni-Tek would care about such 'protection'
    T***: I can't speak for all of us, but I'm fairly certain I can make the offer on a probationary status.
    T***: And that the other ministers would approve it
    Micee5: I lack data on the scope of my creators but the records I have of the damage sustained while fleeing them would indicate they wish me destroyed.
    D***: Mort has no Omni-tek installations and does have a major clan base. I suggest it as a refuge
    H***: it would be best that Micee5 avoid public exposure, including "legal" asylum in a city.
    T***: I'm not too keen on the Sentinels getting their hands on Micee5, they'd likely be interested in our new friend's military potential
    N***: Somehow, I don't think the Clan's have its best interests at heart, aye.
    H***: Micee5, now that your data is restored, can you compute other possible options in enhancing your survival aside from "exterminating" your creators or finding safe haven?
    D***: where would it be free of Omni-tek survellience?
    H***: ...Shadowlands. A clan supporter back in the shuttle port mentioned that the shadowlands were free of omni-tek authority
    Micee5: Interesting. I am detecting a data uplink closeby.
    H***: too bad I don't have access to it.
    D***: not sure this, um, creature, can survive that environment
    H***: where is this data uplink?

    (Micee5 races away again, stopping at a City Uplink tower)

    Micee5: warbles softly
    H***: ah, the city uplink. of what significance is this for you?
    Micee5: INPUT!
    D***: it's going to tap into the net
    H***: are you receiving input from this device?
    Micee5: hisses as a small panel opens and a mini dish pops out
    D***: I think it may be learning how to cloak
    H***: Micee5, what are you attempting to accomplish?
    Micee5: Input!
    Micee5: The device can be modified to send as well as recieve.
    H***: and again, are you receiving input from this satellite?
    Micee5: Correct.
    Micee5: Interesting.
    H***: send. hmm. for what good could that possibly be, I wonder. who could we send information to?
    Micee5: Negative. Simply downloading terrabytes
    Micee5: beeps loudly
    D***: tries to remember the name of another sentient robot that once roamed the planet

    (Micee5 disappears)

    D***: it cloaked
    T***: oh?
    N***: Uh.
    H***: grr, anybody have a perception buff?
    D***: yeah
    T***: nice means of avoiding detection
    H***: Micee5, are you still in this immediate vicinity?
    D***: don't think it will help
    D***: at 2k now
    Micee5: interesting function.
    Micee5: *Storing data*
    H***: Micee5, are you still within the limits of this city?
    Micee5: Affirmative.
    T***: I think we can say yes
    H***: ....disappeared again?
    D***: I see it
    Micee5: chirps
    H***: Micee5, what happened just now?
    D***: I think it learned to hide
    Micee5: Data overload activated a hidden protocal.
    H***: and what action exactly did this protocal initiate?
    T***: Seems like that could be the answer to Micee5's problems
    H***: true.
    Micee5: Internal sensors indicate a powerdrain from an unmapped subsystem.
    H***: did this power drain affect your own systems?
    N***: A cloaking function... holy crap, I think it just figured out how to use a cloak, like these cities do!
    N***: Is that correct, MICEE 5?
    Micee5: Interesting.
    Micee5: This would indicate the reason for creators wish to terminate.
    T***: Agreed
    T***: This does offer a couple of scenarios
    D***: hmmm
    H***: Micee5, could you use this cloaking ability indefinitely to hide yourself from any pursuers?
    Micee5: Unknown
    N***: Well, You're in K***' organization's city... but I don't think they would mind if you plugged in to their power grid to charge up....
    N***: glances at K***
    K***: Shouldn't be a problem
    Micee5: Internal reactor will recharge.
    T***: Either it's an intentional subsystem or an accident, either way the creators could want to either remove the potential for technology like tis to get out of control, or study how they could have accidentally created this result, to imlement in subsequent models
    N***: Oh, all right.
    D***: Juggernauts designed to approach civilian installations cloaked and then attack makes me shudder
    T***: Yes.
    Micee5: Juggernaut?
    N***: Ah.....
    T***: I dn't like the idea of Micee5 falling into their hands
    D***: that is the designation of youer basic layout
    D***: obviously you are much more advanced
    Micee5: warbles softly
    T***: definitely more of a scout model, possibly a prototype for mass production mechanised units Omni have plans for bringing into use
    D***: I still think Micee5 should stick to uninhabitated areas
    H***: true.
    N***: That's the commonly known name for the few publicly-known robots that look quite similar to you...
    H***: Micee5, do you have control in activated that cloaking ability?
    Micee5: Caution: Those who seek me will come looking. deny knowledge ofthis unit for self preservation.
    D***: there are uplink towers even in the outlying areas
    H***: will do.
    T***: We can deny all knowledge.
    T***: And hopefully, Micee5 will expand its own knowledge in the time to come
    N***: You kidding? Nobody's getting this out of me.
    T***: There's a lot of planet to explore
    H***: getting what out of you?
    Micee5: warbles softly
    H***: exploration would not be the best if survival were the primary objective>
    N***: Info on MICEE
    K***: The Yuttos may be able to help
    D***: hmmm... Wailing Wastes Yuttos camp
    K***: Or Ergo, in Stret West Bank
    D***: they seem to maintain Ergo, perhaps they can be of assistance to Micee5
    N***: Isn't Stret West a bit too public?
    H***: Micee5, is there any logical course of action you suggest to take now?
    K***: Probably easier than sneaking past Athen
    D***: Wailing Wastes is more secure
    Micee5: sits and hums softly
    D***: Micee5 could traverse from here to Wailing Wastes without passing near any cities
    D***: and the Yuttos are in a very quiet corner of that region
    Micee5: The area south is empty of major habitation. I avoided detection there for some time before detecting the city Newland
    T***: And already has come a long way
    K***: I also got Yutto's Modified NCU from one of the Yuttos in Penumbra. They might be able to do something similar for Micee.
    N***: .....MICEE5, would you be able to restore the data in your mapping /navigation unit with publicly-available information obtained via the uplink?
    D***: Vermit Woods he is talking about

    (Micee5 races off again and disappears)

    D***: disappeared
    D***: he disappeared right in front of me

    (Micee5 reappears at the uplink tower)

    T***: offers the data to Micee5
    Micee5: *SCANNING*
    T***: Here are comm frequencies for my organisation, as well as a few contact details for members
    Micee5: Upload complete
    T***: If you ever need our assistance, you can trust me, and them
    Micee5: Acknowledged.
    Micee5: I must depart for now. I will attempt to avoid habitated areas in the future.
    D***: good idea
    T***: so, are you going to continue your evasion now?
    T***: Then I wish you all the best
    Micee5: Affirmative.
    H***: do you know when and if we can contact each other again?
    N***: Good Luck, MICEE.
    T***: smiles
    Micee5: I can be reached on frequency ******
    H***: best of luck, remember, use that logic.
    H***: so we need to use a satellite to contact you again?
    Micee5: beeps.
    D***: makes for a secure link
    N***: scribbles it down on her hand
    Micee5: Had not computed that.
    Micee5: Is there a better method?
    N***: Umm...
    D***: probably not
    D***: secure satellite link will help obscure Micee5's locayion
    D***: from Omni-Tek
    N***: I would suggest routing it through a number of dummy systems and identification signals
    Micee5: Acknowleded. I will compute an algorithm for us to use later.
    N***: If you can't get a secure channel...
    H***: shall we establish a rendezvous point?
    N***: That's good to hear. ../me smiles
    Micee5: This place is not visited by Creator forces is it?
    H***: I believe not.
    T***: No
    Micee5: Then here would be acceptable.
    K***: Not here, but the citty immediately to the west is.
    T***: As good a spot as any
    N***: Better to use a place established at the time, rather than some place that could be leaked and watched...
    D***: I have to leave but I see he is safe for the time being



  3. #3
    Continued, with the most recent events:

    NLC Militia Advisory: Be on alert, a significant Omni-Tek military company has assembled to the northwest.
    "Expedition company, fall in!"
    A squadron of OTAF long-range bombers flies overhead at low altitude and reduced speed.
    The squadron appears to be fully armed with plasma ordnance.
    In the distance you see a massive explosion, flames and smoke rising into the sky.
    "MICEE5, Omni-Tek protects. We are here to repair you. Please come out so we can help you."
    Another squadron of bombers screams overhead, this time at high speed, flying westward.
    Heavy explosions are heard in the distance, carrying the distinct sound of plasma weapons technology.
    "Force Echo, matchbox is pinned down. Stand by to move west to sweep and clear."
    Jenesan: Company, stand fast.
    For a moment, the air is filled with silence.
    Jenesan: Stand down. Force Juliet reports possible matchbox kill. Stand by for verification.
    Jenesan: Company, stand fast.
    For a moment, the air is filled with silence.
    Jenesan: Stand down. Force Juliet reports possible matchbox kill. Stand by for verification.
    Jenesan: Force Julet confirms, matchbox has been destroyed. I say again - matchbox has been destroyed. We're
    A large OTAF military transport enters the airspace.
    The transport positions itself directly over the armor column.
    Jenesan: We owe you no explanation. Stand down.
    Jenesan: Command, pull us.
    Deviance will not be tolerated.
    OTAF ForceNet Bulletin: Matchbox was a dummy. Repeat, matchbox was a dummy.
    OTAF ForceNet Bulletin: Matchbox is still in the pocket.
    OTAF ForceNet Bulletin: Situation resolved. All forces return to HQ.
    A large group of bombers flies overhead -- possibly up to 50 -- all heading south and disappearing into the
    Reports of completely smashed and destroyed robot parts are heard over the NLC Militia network.
    "Appears to be the remains of a small-scale juggernaut system. Possibly a prototype."
    "The device is completely destroyed. Appears to bear designation '5'."
    "Dispatching a team to clean up the wreckage."
    A lone black UAV flies overhead.


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