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Thread: what keeps you playing? an AO memory thead

  1. #1

    what keeps you playing? an AO memory thead

    Well, ive been playing for a bout a year+1 month, i dont have an uber high lvl char, although i prolly should, but what keeps me playing are the memories i have of my noob days. Whenever im in omni forest, running around on an alt, it will bring back the days of camp hunting, ill stand at the deserted barraks, remembering when that area used to be as popular if not more, than the bronto burger. I also loved the day steps of madness came out, the music, the gloomy days and nights, then uncle pumpkins, everything. Now that i have a new computer, all of these memories are intensified by a really nice graphics card =].

    I guess this is sort of a thread, only for those of you who enjoy this game, to share your memories about your favorite events in AO. I know the game isnt perfect, but ive sure had fun so far.

  2. #2
    One of my favourite memories is when I discovered Bliss. I was on a mission to The Longest Road - my first one there. I must have been somewhere in my thirties.

    It was a beautiful day and I was running happily along the road. I didn't really dare venture out into the desert, because there were nasty looking things crawling around there. After some time, suddenly, a large structure appeared some distance off into the desert. It looked really impressive. I decided to check it out and what looked like some sort of strange mountain from afar, turned out to be a very beautiful settlement.

    It was almost deserted, which only enhanced the sense of wonderment and exhilaration at walking around in this desert paradise.

    I still love going there every once in a while, even though it's much more crowded these days.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  3. #3

    Smile People

    A good memory of mine was when some lvl 67 adv and lvl 55 nt went out of there way to get me used to the controls, combat and nano system and even twincked me a lil.
    I still have a screen shot of us standing there infront of the Iron Leet.... The happy days :')
    And then I gave him a tell about... Hey, where are you going?
    (Why is it that when ever I post on a thread, it dies and no one ever posts again??)

  4. #4
    Do u guys take screenshots ??

    My bank of screenshots..... is a like a photo album that chronicles all the fun time I had on Rubika.

    If u guys are free and bored.. u can take a look at the AO-Screenshot section at this website:

    Remember to set the date range to hmm... "unlimited" ? So that u can find all the early screenshots too Lots of intereting stuff. From the days in Omni Forest,... to queueing up in a shop at Omni Barracks (those days.... NPC vendors can only handle one customer at a time), etc.

    Those pumkinheads were spooky. With the sky a total black... Omni Forest was a pretty scary place during the reign of Neleb.

  5. #5
    My best two memories were way back in the early days of Anarchy Online. AO had just gone public, and Inocybe and I would fight bulls together in Galway, or darn our swimsuits and head out for some ehalthy team manteze hunting!

    What fun!

    My favorite memomry of the beta days was the last night of beta we got to be level 75 and it was so nifty

  6. #6
    I remember the first leet I blasted... he went to pieces really nicely. Ever since then, whenever I get the chance I go out to use leets for target practice. >
    Former EQ Cleric lvl 26, no relation to Bugs Bunny
    90 337 $0|\/|3 l337: It's not just for dinner anymore

  7. #7

    my first charapter...

    My first charapter was adventurer.

    I love those first outside huntings at borealis forest.
    The nice atmosfire and the really nice looking forest.

    220 Dictator & Adept
    220 Field Marshal & Talented
    216 Eternalist & Adept
    204 Saint & Intermediate

    --Total Levels Gained--
    Rubi-Ka: 2000+ | Shadow: 50+ | Alien: 40+ | Very old Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch

  8. #8
    It's the addiction... can't you feel it, mon???

    Can't.....get.. .. enough.... must.... have... more!!
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

  9. #9
    Not really many memories of the 'old days', but I still had tried AO during the trial period back in COtboer last year... just end of OCtober, when the pumpkinheads were released...

    Though my Agent at that time was only level 10, I still keep good memories. Memories of Rome when it was a crowded city - you'd enter a basic shop and bump in 15 people at a time. It was a time when we could begin in Rome's backyards. And then I had news of my boyfriend, whose char was a little above mine, as he could exit Rome and not me... he was telling me "OMG when you'll get out, beware, lots of nasty beasts!", and it was the fun of discovering the first hunting ground I had ever seen - Rome Stretch and Galway Shire. Not much, but at level 6, it was a thrill. And the last night we had played... October 31st, everybody shouting "I'm looking for the pumpkinheads!" on the channels, news that some had been seen "in the mountains", us running to try to find some as well, just to 'see'...

    oh well I'm not *that* and old player, but I try to keep on... finding places/events to get those feelings again. Like the first time I could run through whole Clon**** without getting killed en route
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  10. #10
    3 RL friends that i suckered into playing AO keep me on. the people that i've met online as well.

  11. #11


    I got to thinking about this last night, and how the only thing that really kept me playing these days are the memories of when I used to have fun..

    A few of my favorites (in semi-chronological order):

    "Wow, this gun rocks!" -- On my level 4 soldier, using a GE Man Portable Laser - QL 3 or so.

    My brother and I getting our butts kicked by Oscar on the way to a mission in Omni Forest. For the record, I got vengeance on Oscar, but it took me zoning something like 12 times to pull it off.

    Going to the end of the Longest Road, on foot, allll the way from Omni Entertainment, with a level 20ish NT.

    Gomezzzzz, back in the day he was a low level and horribly gimped soldier, calling me his 'blackmarket connection' and ooohing and ahhhing over the Novaflows I was selling him for insane prices. The the Flashpoint sales pitch I gave him.. haha. Fun stuff.

    Those runs to Foreman's office to get gammas for a friend, and then again for my brother. God that was a blast, despite the huge number of casualties. I'll never forget the line Ampex gave us.. "Bah, I can solo this. Let's go." (while we were outside buffing). He was the first to die

    Sooooooo many quotes and little things that still make me laugh to remember them...

    SMG doc. Hacked Bronto Burgers. The many gankings of Gomezzzzz. Especially that one in the Hope bar.. that was priceless. "Hey, I was just here for a drink..." Killing all of Narshu's alts, one by one. And of course..
    my all time favorite --

    Gomezzzzz: how do i take off my yalm?!
    Howlen: Type /terminate yalm operations.
    Gomezzzzz: wtf i died

    Those were the days..


    PS - Howlen, if you're reading this, get yer ass in game. AO sucks without you.
    Last edited by Karanya; Aug 15th, 2002 at 15:09:56.

  12. #12
    My guild by far, I would NOT be playing this game today if it weren't for them.

    Also always making new characters keeps some of the monotony away. But I think I have finally found a class that I want to level to 200 (in no rush obviously), so that will also keep me going hopefully.

    My favourite memory was hanging out at the Tir Country Outpost (the one just North Westish from Tir) just after launch, there was sooo many people there hanging out to hunt with each other (my soldier, DaSampla was level 30ish at that time). I do wish AO was a bit more like that today - more hunting less missions
    Last edited by DaSampla; Aug 16th, 2002 at 03:53:20.

  13. #13

    Unhappy Memories...

    Originally posted by Envane

    My favourite memory was hanging out at the Tir Country Outpost (the one just North Westish from Tir) just after launch, there was sooo many people there hanging out to hunt with each other (my soldier, DaSampla was level 30ish at that time). I do wish AO was a bit more like that today - more hunting less missions
    Many people will agree with you on this, I'm sure. I surely miss the days of NW Tir OP, and hunting at the "Temple" (Temple of the Three Winds).

    AO lost much with missions in the manner they were implemented...

    Trader: The trader is the most trade-skill oriented of all professions.

  14. #14


    - When my guild arranged a trip to visit the Painlord and I was so scared my hands were shaking on the keyboard

    - When I got my first million, all self saved, I felt incredibly rich. I could buy the world with that much money

    - When I got my first gridwarp. Couldn't stop doing it over and over again, even if it meant _a lot_ of waiting for the execution of the program to finish

    - The talks I've had, and still have, with guildmates and friends

    - One particular guildevent I coordinated. I was so happy, cause it went exceptionally well, I started crying

    - The wedding

    - The funny, way-over-the-tiredness-hill humour in the guild at certain times

    - Planning and making events happen for my guild

    - The panic when we went for a long run to The Longest Road, and a minibull calf chased us down one at a time and killed us all

    - The first time I saw a Babyface, hitting F11 madly, to prove that I was telling the truth when speaking about it later. Only to discover I was about the last person to see them

    But most of all, what keeps me playing is the fact that I love this game. I still have lots of fun, and I havent been all over the world, so I still got lots and lots to see and do. Roleplaying makes boring missions seem less...well, boring. And my guild...I have no words. You guys are fantastic! As long as I have my guild, I will never stop playing AO

    Last edited by Tussa; Aug 16th, 2002 at 09:20:10.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Lillemjau

    - The panic when we went for a long run to The Longest Road, and a minibull calf chased us down one at a time and killed us all

    LOL yes me and minibull calfs have had some err...great times, even now i shudder at them

  16. #16
    - when I hunted medusas

    - when I could chat with friends

    - my first 100million I felt almost as rich as I should be

    - the lack of things to do exept playing ao

  17. #17
    The first time i really went exploring. I was a lvl 11 neut at the time and decided to go looking around. I went north from NLC and just kept on going. I remember being so scared when I hit Meetmedere and saw that it was a pvp zone, but I escaped and went into Mort, then back down south, all the way until I hit Tir(also for the first time). I took screenshots the whole way, amazed at everything I saw and how far I was travelling. It was great and I didn't die the entire trip. That whole adventure was the thing that got me hooked into AO, and is probably why I still like missions to far-away places.

  18. #18
    The first time I made it to the Bronto Pits in New Land Desert, and saw these HUGE creatures, conning red, and people inviting me in to team with them.

  19. #19
    Ah memories...

    I remember buying AO shortly after it came out and being unable to play due to some unspecified error.

    When I finally got to play I had a mentor who helped me out, I remember thinking how amazingly high he was at level 40 ish.

    - I remember when everyone Omni hunted in Galway near the teeth, you simply had to turn up at the bridge to get a team.

    - I remember trying desperately to get to missions in places like andromeda and CD where I'd get toasted more often than I'd make it to the mission.

    - The music! the sheer scale of the thing, finding new cities like 4 holes and just being amazed how much there was to see.

    - Being so crap I didn't do mission because I'd been unable to find the item on the first one I tried.

    - Having no money to buy any rechargers or packs and taking on waste collectors in Galway one buy one looting each corpse to make enough money to fund some packs and a mission.

    Every now and then I'll be flying through somewhere like southern CD and the music just brings it all back to me.

  20. #20

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