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Thread: Unrelated Twins

  1. #1

    Unrelated Twins

    **Ok so this is the first part of my story. Its not much, I had much more, but I ended up changing some of it. This part stayed the same so I thought I would post atleast this part. As soon as I am happy with the other part I will post it**

    Omni-Tek is a family company and one of the families within Omni-Tek is the Burkes. Mathew and Julia Burke two employees dedicated to Omni Tek but wanted a family of their own. Julia and her best friend Tresa became pregnant at the same time, which is ironic because they always do everything together. They were best friends. Julia and Tresa gave birth to two girls on February 2, 29479. Julia and Mathew named their daughter Alannah after Mathews’ grandmother. When the nurses moved Julia into recovery there were several doctors rushing to the next room where Tresa was. Julia being frightened stopped the nurses to see what was going on, but they wouldn’t let her.

    Once Julia got back to her room she sent Mat to find out what happen. Two hours later he was back. “There were complications Julia” he said Julia looking confused and scared ask “What happen where’s Tresa?” Mathew taking a big sigh sat next to Julia on the bed and broke the news “Something went wrong in the delivery and she didn’t make it”. “The baby is fine and healthy”. Julia just cried she just couldn’t believe that this had happened to her best friend. Julia asked where the baby was and Mathew explained that it was in a separate room for orphan newborns. This upset Julia even more because everyone knows that orphans are either put out or kept for experiments. “We can’t let them have her”. “We have to take her home with us” Julia cried. They argued a little about this because Mathew felt that since they have an infant of their own they didn’t anymore responsibilities especially but Tresa was Julia’s best friend and she just couldn’t let that happened to her. They decided to adopt her and the started the process right away. A week later they went home with two adorable little girls. They named Tresa’ baby after her, so they felt they still had Tresa with them in their lives.

    Alannah and Tresa were inseparable. They did everything together and were the most loving sisters. They gave each other nickname when they were 3 since they could pronounce their names. Alannah called Tresa “Cylie” and Tresa called Alannah “Kealy”. These names still stick with them today.

  2. #2
    ((Very nice little story there! ))
    220 Finalizer (FINALLY, after 3 years without a single ding!) Nulion, Squad Commander (And Council of Truth Clerical Staffer) of Alpha Omega

    Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly...Suddenly I awoke...Now, I do not know whether I was then
    a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming that I am a man. - Chuang Tzu

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