
With all the talk of land control, I have read the chat logs and all, but one question comes to mind.

-Will territories held by a clan be able to be taken over by another clan? (you can replace clan by omni if you want)

So if for example Clan-A has control of Tir Outpost and Clan-B wants it. Would Clan-B have to wait till omnis take over it before making an attempt at it?

Or would the Controlled land become 0% and therefor anyone can have a crack at it?

The thing I like the most about AO pvp is the faction base of it, having clans fight over their OWN land is a bad idea.

Even if you need omnis to take over it, Clan-B could have friends in a omni dep and ask for a favor to get Clan-A out of there in return for the same favor on the omni side.