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Thread: xXx is a good movie

  1. #1

    xXx is a good movie

    If you like pure action movies that require you to suspend disbelief, stop lvling for a few hours and go see the movie. It made me happy.

    (Blatant attempt at increasing our post count)
    "Self Proclaimed Fixer God since Jan 2002"

    Note: This account was stolen from me by someone I thought I could trust. I didn't realize what was going on untill someone from my guild contacted me and let me know what was happening. Funcom was gracious enough to give the account back to me, the original owner, but the account is deactivated for the time being and my main concern was just getting it out of the hands of an unsavory character. Sorry for the drama.


  2. #2

  3. #3
    I saw Road to Perdition last night, quite a good film, if you like a more subdued kind of action
    Auri Sacra Fames!

    Specialone Clan Fixer RK-2
    Spatialone Clan Bureaucrat RK-2

  4. #4
    Moved by moderator?
    "Self Proclaimed Fixer God since Jan 2002"

    Note: This account was stolen from me by someone I thought I could trust. I didn't realize what was going on untill someone from my guild contacted me and let me know what was happening. Funcom was gracious enough to give the account back to me, the original owner, but the account is deactivated for the time being and my main concern was just getting it out of the hands of an unsavory character. Sorry for the drama.


  5. #5

    Angry Nooooo.......

    I have to wait about 1 year 'till xXx comes out in the UK
    Mehar "Zxcs" Izgimmer
    President of Blood_Pack
    Against kiting hecks for credits from day 1. [Edit]: Thanks funcom
    RIP 28th October 2004: Teh one and only NT teddy bear owner of rk2 :P
    Expert Master "Bater" Ultimate level 1 PvP'er

  6. #6

    Angry Vin SuXxXor!!

    omg, how could you think XxX is a good movie!! Vin is a HORRIBLE actor!! Sounds like his throat is clogged with a rollerrat! I saw him in The Fast and the Furious... horrible!! it was just some pathetic attempt to get some bucks from explosions and crude sex scenes!! The movie had a horrible plot and the acting sucked!! When i saw the ad for XxX.. they said "Move over Bond" .... HOW DARE THEY COMPARE THAT HORRIBLE ACCUSE OF AN ACTOR TO SEAN CONNERY !THE! JAMES BOND. and then they said somthing about how people are looking up to him as the new Arnold.... ARG!! JUST because he's gettting older doesn't mean that he's washed up!! Classic movies like The Killer are never made anymore.. its just a bunch of action and sex with NO plot.

    "Oh no! Nazi aliens are going to take over the world, Vin!! You're alternitive lifestyle and bad boy attitude is way to cool for my un-hippness! make some joke about my "tigh-assness" and say you want all the gun in your car and storm the stronghold alone and save the one girl that can tame your wild heart with a lifestyle just as yours! Bust with 2 pistols and mimic the Matrix in slow-motion also trying to be like a John Woo film!

    Wow! your bad-boy style showed me! You killed all of them with not a scratch on you!! I hope you didn't run out of gold clips for your pistols! Did you jump away from a HUGE explosion thru a window and SURVIVE? You have the girl and a great life now! EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT IN THE END!"

    VIN is just like the Rock!! I hate them both and wish them horrible deaths!!!!! I HOPE THE CRASH IN A PRIVATE PLANE!

    oh man.. that got me pretty angry, so i spelled alot of stuff wrong and used poor grammar... but i don't care that much to edit it.......... ugh... i have a headache.....

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