Not a single person here has mentioned MPs. :P

I love fighting both enfs, and fixers. I got my first title by killing 3 different enfs in a row at the arena, who of which had about 15 levels on me.

And fixers are fun, but annoying, cuz the second they're unarmored they run. Damn the 10 second recharge on my 5 second root.

As of now it seems like traders are by far the best class out there, cuz they really don't have much of a weakness.

From my experience: In a fight, I can shut down someone's nano capabilities for 1 minute... the casting time is about 6 seconds.

A trader can not only shut down my nano capability, but do it with an insta cast, and it lasts for 3 minutes... AND it uber-buffs the trader at the same time. Oh wait... it also OEs my gun... and sometimes even my pets (rare) which completely disables all forms of damage I can deal.

Traders seem to be the exception to the main PvP rule: every class is designed to fight some people well, and others poorly. Docs wup soldiers, I wup docs. Fixers waste MAs... MAs waste MPs... MPs waste fixers.

In my general observations the system seems fairly balanced, with the exception of the trader (who when played well, beats everybody) and the engie (who can definitely win fights... but doesn't feel very balanced).

I'd start a trader to be great against everyone in PvP, except I won't, because I don't wanna get caught in the warzone when funcom nerfs the hell out of them to balance the system.