The log was 54,000+ characters thus I have to break it down into four posts. Ok here goes for second part. I hope you're enjoying it.

15:48: [Barbbs] Barbbs: Lets start by telling who is here first.
15:48: [Barbbs] Cougarhawk: brb all
15:48: [Barbbs] Layartic: gives us a chance to rp
15:48: [Barbbs] Taoh: thats true Dream
15:48: [Barbbs] Barbbs: Just go here.
15:48: [Barbbs] Layartic: and play our char out
15:48: [Barbbs] Melopee: True Dreamsong
15:48: [Barbbs] Taoh: but the game doesnt support a lot of things wed like to do
15:48: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Such as?
15:48: [Barbbs] Taoh: you cant make a hunt to find an item
15:48: [Barbbs] Taoh: the item disappears
15:48: [Barbbs] Taoh: just little things
15:49: [Barbbs] Melopee: You can't take territories
15:49: [Barbbs] Hecklar: Whew. There we go.
15:49: [Barbbs] Gunner22: are we talking about the missions or the pvp events?
15:49: [Barbbs] Revelin: Even if it were as simple as a time for everyone to get together in the Club in Newland, that would be fun
15:49: [Barbbs] Taoh: im talking events in general
15:49: [Barbbs] Hinoto: Right, I'd really love to have some territory fights.
15:49: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: MAKE ALL THE ZONES POLITICAL
15:49: [Barbbs] Kickandpunch: hi and thnx for invite
15:49: [Barbbs] Taoh: non killinging ones too
15:49: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: But, Taoh, to use your example - we have exactly the same problem when we spawn an item. We just get someone to carry it at the other end.
15:49: [Barbbs] Midnightblu: Dumb question....where is the club in Newland?
15:49: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: AND WE CONTROL A ZONE WHEN (SIDE) POPULATION IS OVER.. 80 OR 90%
15:49: [Barbbs] Gunner22: man mech if it was free for all this would literally be ANARCHY ONLINE
15:49: [Barbbs] Taoh: but you can create and Npc to hold something no?
15:49: [Barbbs] Gunner22: lol
15:49: [Barbbs] Gunner22: but seriously
15:49: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Yes, true.
15:50: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: YEAH EXACTLY
15:50: [Barbbs] Joramon: Thanks for letting me join.
15:50: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: ANARCHY online
15:50: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: WHY NOT
15:50: [Barbbs] Taoh: Mechanicks hun please shhhh
15:50: [Barbbs] Gunner22: mech are yo umoi or clan?
15:50: [Barbbs] Gunner22: omi*
15:50: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: sorry caps
15:50: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: im clan
15:50: [Barbbs] Gunner22: ahh
15:50: [Barbbs] Spliffo: that's a pvp issue
15:50: [Barbbs] Revelin: Good point Mech, this game isn't fitting the name as much as it used to...
15:51: [Barbbs] Taoh: Id like to see a dust brigade member
15:51: [Barbbs] Uglyy: If U dont have anything to say regarding the issue, pls shut up
15:51: [Barbbs] Gunner22: well ok lets see here this game is how many years old.
15:51: [Barbbs] Revelin: not much anarchy here if nothing can be changed...
15:51: [Barbbs] Taoh: i read things on the site
15:51: [Barbbs] Gunner22: what two or threE?
15:51: [Barbbs] Taoh: and think wow that happened?
15:51: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: exactly my point revelin
15:51: [Barbbs] Taoh: I see the AO newpaper and articles
15:51: [Barbbs] Taoh: and see nothing from anyone on Rk2 =(
15:51: [Barbbs] Gunner22: and the latest thing is that whats his name the leader of the clan is back
15:51: [Barbbs] Miajong: thanks
15:52: [Barbbs] Nakicellia: erf
15:52: [Barbbs] Nakicellia: there is about 5k players on RK2 right ?
15:52: [Barbbs] Layartic: on that pvp thing not so much make every zone political, but if a guard is attacked we can't help
15:52: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: roughly, Naki, yes.
15:52: [Barbbs] Nakicellia: so there is only bout undred ?
15:52: [Barbbs] Nakicellia: erf
15:52: [Barbbs] Nakicellia: (
15:52: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: yeah .. at least that
15:52: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: but i think it works both ways
15:52: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: listen to this:
15:52: [Barbbs] Layartic: I would like to be able to join in if that happens
15:52: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: all zones are political..
15:52: [Barbbs] Uglyy: agree with Layartic
15:53: [Barbbs] Taoh: Mech
15:53: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: making people want to organized a strategic assualt, and take over a city
15:53: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: hy not?
15:53: [Barbbs] Gunner22: yeah even neut
15:53: [Barbbs] Taoh: I want to roleplay
15:53: [Barbbs] Yehezkel: sure
15:53: [Barbbs] Taoh: i dont need to kill
15:53: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: player involvement makes this game wporks
15:53: [Barbbs] Layartic: kinda defend our terf
15:53: [Barbbs] Layartic: turf that is
15:53: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: who would not want to do that?
15:53: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: exactly
15:53: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: The taking over territory idea is yet to be implemented....but it's planned.
15:53: [Barbbs] Gunner22: but there is alot of players who do not team up
15:53: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: all of us sitting around in tir one afternoon..
15:53: [Barbbs] Gunner22: who do not go out and pvp
15:53: [Barbbs] Hinoto: Maybe not a city, but at least some outposts.
15:53: [Barbbs] Hecklar: We need roleplaying! Random murders by a FC controlled character! Investigations! Jobs!
15:54: [Barbbs] Ragingdragon: hit him for 3.9 and 4k
15:54: [Barbbs] Ragingdragon: mt
15:54: [Barbbs] Gunner22: they all do the missions on their own and act liek this is not a virtual reality game
15:54: [Barbbs] Revelin: There should still be un-takable new areas, for newbies, and trading and the like...
15:54: [Barbbs] Layartic: I don't go into omi land to start a fight but I don't want them to come to our house and scew with our guards
15:54: [Barbbs] Gunner22: exactly rev
15:54: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: ok.. but sitting around pvping an omni doesnt make me feel ike im makinig a difference
15:54: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: All these ideas, have they been put on the forums?
15:54: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: he goes to reclaim,... maybe kills me next time
15:54: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: big deal
15:55: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: we need drastic events
15:55: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Yes.
15:55: [Barbbs] Melopee: Role Playing is a player-side issue. Funcom or ARKs can't help you much if you have no imagination or will to role play...
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: no Mechanicks
15:55: [Barbbs] Joramon: Good thing, someone should take this to the forums as well, if it hasnt already.
15:55: [Barbbs] Genarhoefen: these ideas have been all over the forums
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: we need eveents
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: small
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: big
15:55: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: that players start and run
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: medium
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: a mix for all levels
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: all allignments
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: but on RK2
15:55: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: no.. it should be give us the frredom to do as we choose
15:55: [Barbbs] Ucnavyseal: yeah we need more events 4 RPing
15:55: [Barbbs] Gunner22: AND OF COURSE ALL LVLS
15:55: [Barbbs] Taoh: why cant we have a wayward guard
15:55: [Barbbs] Layartic: please refrain from caps
15:56: [Barbbs] Hinoto: Funcom actually CAN help us because we don't have the possibilities to get real RP on right now.
15:56: [Barbbs] Gunner22: see i don't think that alot of people actually pvp is because of their low lvl
15:56: [Barbbs] Miajong: i'm not agree with the pvp idea: some prfession can't do pvp (like me: Ingeneer)
15:56: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: yeah
15:56: [Barbbs] Gunner22: like with me
15:56: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: im an engy as well
15:56: [Barbbs] Gunner22: i haven't pvp yet because i'm only lvl12
15:56: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: im not just saying pvp
15:56: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: lets say we kill 20 guards
15:56: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: PvP isn't events....
15:56: [Barbbs] Taoh: agreed Dream
15:56: [Barbbs] Layartic: engies can pvp with some help from other prof's
15:56: [Barbbs] Gunner22: well then what is event
15:56: [Barbbs] Taoh: events are dodga/alvin
15:56: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: oh joy, they come back to life, city is still omni controlled
15:56: [Barbbs] Berider: lot of engie can do pvp ... and the only way for pvp is gun or MA skill but hard to train
15:56: [Barbbs] Layartic: and that is what we are talking about
15:56: [Barbbs] Gunner22: other then missions
15:56: [Barbbs] Taoh: the bronto chef walking Tir looking for moneter meat
15:57: [Barbbs] Taoh: parties
15:57: [Barbbs] Merr: living cyber armor...
15:57: [Barbbs] Taoh: these are eveents
15:57: [Barbbs] Kickandpunch: on eq we had official gm auctions running contest and more just for fun events
15:57: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: im not stressing pvp, im stressing teh ability to move into a city, and overrun it.. hold it if you can
15:57: [Barbbs] Gunner22: ahh
15:57: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: If you start thinking PvP is events, then you're missing the point, really.
15:57: [Barbbs] Taoh: Dream
15:57: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Events -can- involve PvP, sometimes.
15:57: [Barbbs] Joramon: Pvp is not the same as events, no.
15:57: [Barbbs] Gunner22: well could you say that this protest is a... "chat" event then?
15:57: [Barbbs] Taoh: why have we never ever seen a dust brigade memeber?
15:58: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: yes, why couldnt they
15:58: [Barbbs] Taoh: invite Damai
15:58: [Barbbs] Xscape: I have at one point some commandoes that attacked tir we got to attack them back was cool
15:58: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Because it was a short lived event span, Taoh.
15:58: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: i have seen dust brigade
15:58: [Barbbs] Revelin: Agree Mech, maybe if the other side for long enough, then it becomes "Up[-for-grabs" for a while, where the other side would have to come get it back, or give it up...
15:58: [Barbbs] Hinoto: pvp can be part of an event if we get the possibility to attack the opposition in a area we could not because of 75% usually, for example.
15:58: [Barbbs] Kickandpunch: whats a dust brigade
15:58: [Barbbs] Gunner22: lol yeah i woul have loved to see that x
15:58: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: yeah, its a nonstop game of capture the flag
15:58: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: basically
15:58: [Barbbs] Revelin: agree aagin mech
15:59: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: how fun would that be
15:59: [Barbbs] Merr: has Damay been invited?
15:59: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Hinoto - that;s impossible.
15:59: [Barbbs] Gunner22: but with a plus you se all these clans forming. on omni and clan side
15:59: [Barbbs] Gunner22: but i see no mass groups
15:59: [Barbbs] Gunner22: they are all scatterd
15:59: [Barbbs] Xscape: yes we need stuff also that only a well organized guild can do
15:59: [Barbbs] Gunner22: so how could you get a massive pvp battle going?
15:59: [Barbbs] Layartic: but atleast then some people would stay to defend what is ours and some would go to gather supplies
16:00: [Barbbs] Taoh: Gunner stop the pvp talk
16:00: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: yeah, im almost tored of having teh anti-omni mentality, beacuae i never get a chance to do anything about it, except talk smakc and kill some at mmd, but thats boring
16:00: [Barbbs] Hinoto: Dream: I'm not thinking about letting us clan attack something big like the trade district, but some outposts or such.
16:00: [Barbbs] Layartic: it would bring a little more unity to the clans or omni for that matter
16:00: [Barbbs] Gunner22: lol ok
16:00: [Barbbs] Kickandpunch: r u guys all clan ?
16:00: [Barbbs] Deratio: i have been playing for a while and i have never seen anything on the VOF channel, thats where eventsare posted no?
16:00: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: no.. we should be able to take out omni trade if we want
16:00: [Barbbs] Taoh: why not a wayard guard that tries to kill
16:00: [Barbbs] Taoh: or an agent whispering for help
16:00: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: wwell maybe not.. but that would nee cool
16:00: [Barbbs] Ucnavyseal: guys this is 4 events in rk2, events!!
16:00: [Barbbs] Taoh: small things
16:00: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Hinoto - we can't change suppression gasses without a patch.
16:01: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: At the moment.
16:01: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: who cares about wddings?
16:01: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: ot me
16:01: [Barbbs] Merr: omni trad would be a bit to large.. galaway maybe.. trade is to bit..
16:01: [Barbbs] Ucnavyseal: i agree with taoh
16:01: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: get something going
16:01: [Barbbs] Hinoto: Take out omni trade, that would be ALOT of work for the GMs. If you take out an OP, that's just a change of guards, nothing much I believe.
16:01: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: something story-changing
16:01: [Barbbs] Ucnavyseal: we need more quests
16:01: [Barbbs] Revelin: mech: ist should be possable, but very very very hard. But still possable
16:01: [Barbbs] Merr: big..
16:01: [Barbbs] Joramon: It has been suggested in the patch forums to give arks the power to change suppression.
16:01: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: let everyone who PAYS for this game have a chance to get involved
16:01: [Barbbs] Barbbs: I think weddings are cool.
16:01: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Mechanicks, if you're not going to show any interest in the little events, then no-one's going to give you bigger events...
16:01: [Barbbs] Ucnavyseal: taoh tell them about the quests we have done
16:01: [Barbbs] Ucnavyseal: that we made up
16:01: [Barbbs] Cougarhawk: what if each city has a "mayor" or boss, and in order to take over that city... we must go into the city hall and kill the mayor.. that would prove to be interesting
16:01: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: If we get no interest from regular events, then why push it further?
16:01: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: i didnt say that barbss..
16:01: [Barbbs] Nexusneun: dreamsong : one of the ao slogans is "the future in your hands" , but the truly important things are not in my hands ! i came to this world with the target to do something serious, but i cant !
16:02: [Barbbs] Taoh: lots of guilds are trying to create quests and events
16:02: [Barbbs] Taoh: but some backing would be appreciated
16:02: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: but if the llittle events are just going to be wdddings, then its like, eh, why dont i go brab a mission
16:02: [Barbbs] Xscape: Im level 200 I have 5250 tokens and 717 Million XP after level 200 am I suppossed to do BS missions for the rest of my time in AO ?
16:02: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: Nexusneun, you can.
16:02: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: see, xscape
16:02: [Barbbs] Nexusneun: and how ?
16:02: [Barbbs] Mechanicks: could be power player doing spmething worthwhile
16:02: [Barbbs] Dreamsong: I see many players who gain a name for themselves.
16:03: [Barbbs] Merr: weddings are personal things you dont have to go if ya dun wana..

End PT 2 please read pt 3 for more info.

Barbbs 156th Old School Fixer