after my previous encounter's with the hordes of brink creatures and many other threats. I came across some very dangerous groups of terrorists some that have never seen the light of day. Unfortunetly for us there is a group that has begun building a base of operations in Rubi-Ka. I have no idea if this is a connection to the problems that are occuring now with the kidnappings as for that....

I have no knowledge besides what I have read in the grid feeds. Sometimes I rarely read the grid feeds being in the shadowlands often keeps me busy so I just give info as it is and this is from a time when I encountered a very deadly group it was their acts that make me assume their nature and motives are not what they seem. be warned for this group will come to Rubi-Ka they have already done so after I have thrown monkey wrenches into their scheming here in the shadowlands. they must really want to create a solid base of operations somewhere and Rubi-Ka seems about the right place to start.

of their name I may not say it is still classified of this I will say:

"After awakening from my slumber in penumbra I headed to my secret cove there I found a man that looked quite odd." for my protection I will refer to myself as Mr. X as you have already seen there are groups outside shadowlands as well as inside that may want me dead many dont know me and I like to keep it that way.

"Greetings Mr. X I am so happy I found you. Word of your skills and abilities has reached us I am what you would call an emissary from my superiors I deliver the words from the book of chaos would you like to know more?"

I thought this was a joke a religion in the shadowlands? surely they were mistaken? but I wasnt too surprised I have seen my fair share of freaks and what not in the shadowlands but this was weird so I decided to find out more and here is what he said.

"We have found ye the mark of the chosen but yea for it is not truly the chosen that have found you but the lords..... fear not for the beginning of what is to come.... life is nothing but a mere illusion... power is nothing but an amoral greed to the masses..... purification will lead to the beginnings of true divinity.... mark thy words for it has already come and it will come to pass that the lords of chaos will rise... and with them a new age... a new beginning and so it shall be. so begin thy purification unbeliever for the time is near...."

some very weird stuff I foolishly took him up on his offer to join that was when "they" came after me....

"who are you?"

"your beginning, your end, and your fate......."

after several minutes of trying to determine what these strangers wanted with me I was ambushed. I nearly died were it not for my friend Shadow Vengeance (I wont complicate things lets just say that I call my friend SV and leave it at that)

anyways if it werent for him I would be sitting at a reclaim terminal or my body would be a frozen icicle in penumbra. but whatever the point of those killers intentions were it was soon discovered after me and SV disbatched of those..... things they werent human. in fact after I had killed them they began changing to some misshapen beast like form. I had many more encounters with them. It was then that I learned they were part of an organization that was completely and utterly devoted to the brink. that was when I knew that I had to put a stop to their activites.... If I hadnt there would be some serious threats (and I thought the redeemed and unredeemed were a constant threat to the daily life of living in shadowlands)

from then on I began devoting my time to finding out about this group however their name is still classified. I have no direct links to their name as its hard to find anything out here. Certain communication technologies go haywire here which makes that job of finding out about this group difficult I would implore everybody to keep an eye out for any su****ious activity in Rubi-Ka these psychos are highly dangerous.

as I already know much about them from my previous encounters I will post some of these encounters I have had with them when I have time and my investigations from others arent interrupted. If you wish to reach me please contact the staff at Newland News they are the only ones capable of reaching me.

In the mean time I will provide as much as I can on this new group and who they are if I can but I wont promise anything communications is terrible here....

as for my other side of the profession I also do investigations of any other odd occurances in the shadowlands that could possibly have an effect on Rubi-Ka the only reason why my name is kept secret is because there are many that would kill for such information.

((hope you like that will be more to come soon))