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Thread: OT/Clan war - "Constant event"

  1. #1

    OT/Clan war - "Constant event"

    A question many have asked themselves lately: Where is the war? Where is the fighting we see in the magnificent intro?

    Why not simply make a war like that? Impossible with the system we have now. The only PvP is in Ent, Tir and Newland Arenas. I've been to the political zones between OT and Clan many times, rarely see a single enemy there.

    So here's my suggestion: Two constant lines of NPCs constantly gunning at each other. They are precisely of similar strenght, same respawn rate, and the front does not move, neither forward or backward... until a Player starts to meddle with it....

    With the help of Players, one line would slowly beat the other line and push it backwards. The result is a constant war moving forward and backward across the zone, where you can join independently of events and such. Of course the hate list of NPCs have to be modified, so that you can attack them and survive, so that they won't target Players until those do enough damage independently of their own NPC allies.

    Behind the main "trenches", you can have guns attacking enemy Players who go too far into the other's territory without being hindered. Then you may have AA guns with superior range only attacking Players in Yalmahas.

    A little bit more: When I say NPCs, I do not only mean infantry, but also Armor, Howitzers, Mortars and hovering Gunships, equally shared, so that they keep the front unchanged unless Players arrive. Now who wouldn't agree on that to blast a Gunship with bullets and nukes for a while, then with satisfaction see it fall to the ground and explode into a billion pieces, would certainly add a new dimension to PvP and the War in general?

    Imagine this as being a "constant event", that would allow everybody to participate and affect the storyline, while the GM's get time off to prepare some more focused, delicate and detailed events, for special interested people.

  2. #2
    Hehe. Well I must say for starters Nice Idea. I'd love to see some war instead of all this "dueling" we get.

    As for this would give the GMs time to "prepare some more focused, delicate and detailed events, for special interested people. This sounds like a whole patch in and of itself. FC hasn't pushed a whole zone out as a patch yet and i'm afraid many of those in the 56K club would revolt if they did.

    Great idea however.

  3. #3
    mebbe not exactly what ur looking for.. a bit dependant on what level u are.. but there is almost constant war in 2ho ... atleast the hours im logged on... 10-15 clanners vs 10-15 omnis ... sometimes more or less on from the different factions.

  4. #4
    I'll say this is not level dependant. With this system, even a lvl 1 could push one team a bit towards victory, the concept is to try making one side do more damage than the other.

    Of course should hate lists be modified, so that NPCs don't start hitting players until the player-alone damage becomes critical to the NPC's survivability.

    When the front is pushed behind a certain limit, this could activate an alert within the losing side, a yellow-text message that can be seen by all within that side.

    As for new zones, who's talking about them? This could work perfectly in places like 4Holes, the Stret Banks or even Artery Vallies.

    Constant war in 2HO? Maybe, yes, but it has no effect, it's just random attacks where you cannot win anything. With the front system, you conquer all land and outposts behind your lines.

  5. #5
    We're not at war yet. The intro movie is most likely a clip from one of the previous wars between Omni-Tek and the Clans. Currently, we're on the downhill side of an attempted peace process. Once (if) the war goes official, it'll probably come with a lot of cool new features to add to the PvP combat system in AO. Until then, there are just skirmishes and duels.
    Clan fixer, Fourth Title

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    Analog Myth

  6. #6

  7. #7


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  8. #8

    Re: OT/Clan war - "Constant event"

    Originally posted by Thadlerian
    The only PvP is in Ent, Tir and Newland Arenas.
    Hmmmm Newland arena......dont think I've ever been there :-)
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  9. #9

    cool idea

    i think the best place to run this would be in the foremans office
    , somewhere that has a lot of open hallways and very large rooms.

    omni could enter only by a south entrance

    and clanners by the north.

    the mid point should be health regenerators a save term and
    buff machines

    just an idea

    Maxnano......214 NT
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    I dont want to be a Billionair Gimp Too late, NERF

  10. #10
    Newland Arena = Meetmedere

    Foreman office? Nah, I tought about this as something more large-scaled, like in Upper Stret East or 4Holes.

    Frost: Not even Caps Lock good enough for you?
    You're welcome

  11. #11
    I like the idea, but it would pose technical issues. None the less I still think it should be done.

  12. #12


    Ha, technical issues indeed, if some fool cannot afford a better comp or a good connection, offf to the gutters with him!!!! send them away!!!! MWUHAHAHAHAHA

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