The door slid open, hydrolic systems giving way as if it the door had been brand new. Nanobots for you. However, as the door opened, and the decently hieghted figure entered, key bieng replaced in his pockets, it was simple to see that the place was far from new. Feet stepped quietly down the hallway, moving in silence as he took a deep breath, and entered the living room of the small apartment. Sheets covered everything, those sheets having turned faintly grey from the volume of dust that had settled atop them. The paintings had been taken down and packed, the plants withered and dying, his caretaker obviously having given up on any maitenence to the poor things months ago. The nanomage frowned, lifting the wilted petals from the floor, had placing them back into the pots. They would have to be changed later.

Down the ramp, descending into his quarters, he saw the pictures, the paintings, the memories, all quietly kept, dusty and untouched for months on end. Yet one belonging caught his eye the most, the small device he had removed from his ear many months prior. He was a skilled technician in all fields, and was beyond capable in doing so, yet scars remained and he would have to devise a better alternative. But in due time. He lifted the small piece, no bigger than a few centimeters around, and by the warmth of his fingers, it blinked to life.

For the first time in over four months, Carl "Lurai" Shone's nano-communicator blinked alive, and showed activity. He smiled gently, gave a small heavy sigh, looked about and simply said aloud: "There's no place like home."